𝟬𝟱𝟯 late again ➝ t.drake

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liii. late again!!

 late again!!

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I'm done.
we're done.

IN THE HEAT I can barely formulate a thought. There is no cooling breeze or cloud to block the high August sun. I curl my fingers around the thin fabric of my top, waving it in and out to create just a little air flow, but it's not enough, like an ice cube into hot soup.

He's late, Tim is late again.

Perhaps he's still working on his laptop or finishing up an assignment, ready to fill my head with information I never wanted to know.

But wherever Tim is we'll be locked in a tin box together all the way to Phoenix, and that road is longer than one of Grandpa's war tales. Just when I think I'll have to go inside an old Chevy pulls up, like that Mater out of the Cars movie.

It's blocking my view of the street and suddenly I can't sit, what if he drives right past? I'll never get there, never see Tim.

We never have time for nights like this, well mainly him. His always full of excuses "family emergency!" Or "stuck in traffic" I never wanted to think about it but . . no, would he? Could he? It would explain the late returns in the middle of the night and the hickeys I thought were once bruises. Theses thoughts make me want to crawl in a dark hole and never return to see the light again.

I pull up to a small cafe shop where me and Tim first meet. Where we were exposed to meet for our date night. I rarely get to see Tim without his head stuck in that stupid screen so I planned a date night which he promised he'd be here.

A gentle smile graced my lips replaying the memory replayed in my mind.

"Hello, my na-"

"I'd like some black coffee to go," the man interrupts. He goes straight back to the conversation on his laptop, completely ignoring me. Well then. I place his order in the machine and ask for his name. He glares at me and I stare right back, waiting.

"Tim," he annoyedly replies.

Once I get his name, I scribble it on the cup, purposefully writing down 'Tom' instead of his actual name. The dude deserves it for his foul attitude. I make his coffee relatively quickly and hand it to him.

I'm about to tell him the price, but he just drops a ten dollar bill on the counter and walks off.

"Was he rude, or what?" The other staff member sighs, watching as I place the money in the register.

"Yeah," I scoff. He was really attractive, though.

The next day, the same man from yesterday comes in. He's working on his laptop once again and his face holds a sour look.

[ co worker ] glares at him from her stool and doesn't even try to get up to take his order.

I don't even try to greet him as he immediately tells me the same order as yesterday. He must be crazy. I heard something about people who enjoy black coffee are crazy.

it's probably just some stupid conspiracy theory someone came up with to get some hype. I wrote his name as Tim today. He laid down ten dollars and left, this time taking the slightest glance at the name I wrote down.

"Thank you for getting my name correct this time,"

That day was something special and surprisingly that's would their relationship started to bloom. Before we started dating I had no idea it would be so hard being with him. All the canceled dates and the amount of times I have to tell him to take a break from his work. everyone warned me it was a bad idea to date the playboy's son but I didn't wanna hear it.

My smile soon fades. I was painfully disappointed, he didn't have the courtesy to call or even text that he wasn't able to make it. Hopefully he didn't forget about me. I couldn't dare to wait any longer so I decided to go back to out apartment

I make it to our apartment placing a hand on the door loudly knocking and throw an angry glance at the man getting out of the heap. "Y/N?" I stop and force my face into something more pleasant. "Where were you? I was getting worry" Tim says in a concerned tone, opening the door inviting me in. He obviously forgot our plans.

I stepped into our apartment ignoring his question.

Y/N ran her hand through her H/C hair three times in quick succession. She snarled more than spoke. "Where was I? You wanna know where I was? I was waiting Your you. Again!" Tim's dropped his gaze to the floor and hooked his thumbs into his worn jeans.

"I'm so sorry- I most of forgotten" Tim spoke at his girlfriend and she didn't have the chops for it anymore

"I was working on-" Y/N interrupted by putting her hand up.

"I'm sick of hearing your excuses!" Y/N was now shouting, balling her fists together.

Y/N immediately headed for the closet, pulling out a suitcase and opening it after laying it down on the bed. Y/N then set out for the dresser, grabbing a handful of clothes and piling them in. Not care if they would get wrinkled, you just needed to get out of here. A very confused Tim stopped at the door frame of the bedroom. seeing you packing, he set into full-on-panic-mode while striding over to where you were.

"Y/N, what are you doing? Why are you packing?" You said nothing as you walked out the door, suitcase in hand. It wasn't until you made it to the front door did he realize what you were doing.

"Y/N please, I love you. I'm sorry I forgot about our date night." Y/N took a step towards Tim, her fists tightly clenched. The young forgetful boy stayed right where he was. "Forgot my ass. Who is she?" Y/N took another step forwards, now almost nose to nose.

"God, Y/N. I'm not cheating on you!" He glanced to the side, trying not to break though His our lie. Tim was of course not cheating on Y/N he was only hiding the biggest secret. Tim would have told Y/N in a split second but no the scary bat glance gets him 'Bruce's orders'

Y/N wanted to believe him but all the evidence, he couldn't make anymore excuses for this now.

Y/N stayed in her position, trying to find some forgiveness in her...but she couldn't.

"Until you can man up and tell me the truth," Y/N stuttered, squeezing her eyes shut trying not to blind out a tear. "I'm done, we're done"

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