𝟬𝟭𝟲 sick days ➝ t.drake

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xvi. sick days!!

❝ Thanks captain obvious

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Thanks captain

It came really quick, it had seemed like one minute you were in perfect and then the next you were puking your guts out. You hadn't been in the school for the last week or been able to let the team know, heck you hadn't been out of your bed.

You slept most of the day away and the times you weren't sleeping you were blowing your nose or vomiting. You could honestly say you wanted to go to cave, after spending much more than 120 hours alone in your room you would take any opportunity to get out of these four walls.

For what felt like the millionth time, you woke up to the queasy feeling in you stomach. You would give anything to stop that, out of all your symptoms the upset stomach was the worst. You held your hand to your mouth; eyes slamming closed as you tried to focus on anything but the sickness in your stomach.

Maybe a few moments later there was a knock on your door then your door slowly creaking open. "[Y/N]?" you heard a soft voice say. You could recognize it anywhere. It belong best friend and major crush, Tim Drake. You guys honestly hadn't been friends for all that long, just a few months at the most, but in that time you've become really close to each other.

"Is everything okay? You haven't been in school or the Cave and you aren't answering your phone...and it's really dark in here.." He said, basically stating everything in sight.

You barked a laugh, opening your eyes and looking over at him. "Thanks Captain Obvious. I thought you were some kind of detective, I'm sick." You mumbled, voice low and croaky. You could hear his bag slid to the ground and then him coming closer to the bed.

"You should have told me, I would have come over and helped you get better. I make a mean chicken noodle soup." He said, a pout on his lips. "Yeah, a soup I would just throw up." You replied back, slowly sitting up in your bed.

The Raven haired male hand's shot out to stop you, slowly making you lay back down. "No, you need your rest. Just wait right here, I'm going to make you some soup, just broth since you stomach is still finicky." Tim told you as he turned and ran to your kitchen.

Within an hour, Tim had made and hand fed you. "Okay, that did make me feel a little better." You mumbled lightly. "See, I know what I'm doing [Y/N]. I learned it from my mother." He said lightly as he moved to get up off your bed.

"No!" You blurted without thinking. The loner gave you a questionable look, setting the bowl on the nightstand to give you his full attention.

Blood rushed to the top layer of your skin and you began to feel thankful your room was a bit dark. "Could...Could you stay in the bed with me for a little? I...just really want to cuddle right now. I think it might make me feel better." You said softly, eyes anywhere but on him.

You could hear him laugh softly; obviously not at you at all though. "Of course; anything to make you feel better." Tim said lightly as he slipped off his jacket before moving in closer to you in the bed.

The two of you shifted around in the bed until your were laying on his chest, ear pressed into the soft cloth as you listened to his heart beat, his arms wrapped tightly around your waist. You allowed your eyes to close, feeling comfortable in his arms.

"I'm glad I came over, [Y/N]. You shouldn't have to be sick and alone." Tim said softly as he rubbed small circles into your back. You only hummed in response as you feel into a light slumber.

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