𝟬𝟭𝟳 upon a star ➝ b.allen

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xvii. upon a star!!

❝ I wish you knew how much i've always loved you

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I wish you knew how
much i've always
loved you.

The first time you heard your soulmates voice, he was seriously hung up over a toy truck.

You must have been five or six, at the very most. Too little to be seven, for sure. You were sitting on the floor coloring in your book when you heard him - his voice tinged with sulkiness when he said, clear as a bell, "I wish I had a toy truck like Jaime's". You had been so frightened that you had broken your purple crayon and frantically looked all around the room for the boy who the sulky voice belonged to.

When you couldn't find him, you had ran to the nearest adult and, in a distressed frenzy, explained through stutters and sniffles that your house was haunted by a little boy ghost. Your concerns were met with knowing smiles and soft laughter before you were sat down at the kitchen table so that soulmates could be explained to you as easy as they possibly can be to a little child.

Later that night, you had sat by your bedroom window in your pajamas staring up at the sky with a new understanding of the stars up above. Stars could grant wishes, and they also tied you to someone somewhere beneath the sky who was made especially for you.

You found a star that you liked and clasped your little hands together, hyper-focusing as you said your wish out loud as slowly and as clearly as you could so that the stars would understand - "I wish my soulmate would have the toy truck that he wants."

You were a little too young to understand the way your own words flooded your body with warmth and left you a little breathless. You crawled into your bed and smiled into your pillow until you finally fell asleep, lost in magical dreams about the mysterious boy on the other side of the stars.

The world changed a little bit after that. Every now and then, you would hear his voice in your head making wishes here and there that found their way back to you each and every time. Children make a lot more wishes than they might realize - so your days were filled with "I wish it wasn't cold" and "I wish it was my birthday today" types of messages.

For him, it was the same. You wished for cake, for a puppy, for a new toy. Every time you made a wish, his voice would chime back with something like "I wish my soulmate would get some cake", and you would always do the same for him. You had no way of knowing that repeating his wishes as your own made his heart as warm as it did yours - it was one of those things that you just knew.

As you both grew older, your wishes changed slightly. Neither of you ever outgrew the idea of wishing upon a star, because the both of you knew for certain that someone, somewhere could hear it whenever you did - and maybe that was more important than the wish actually coming true.

You're not sure when the nature of your lives had changed slightly from carefree to a little bit heavier, a little more real - but you'd guess it was around the age of nine, when you heard your soulmate wish that the boys at school would stop picking on him.

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