𝟬𝟯𝟳 smiles ➝ b.allen

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xxxvii. smiles!!

❝ Not until you smile

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Not until you smile.

"SMILE!" BART SAID, grinning as he held up the camera, peering into the viewfinder. I rolled my eyes, but couldn't stop the smile that spread across my face anyway.

We were in our garden, where we had laid out a picnic lunch on the grass. Unfortunately, the flowers blooming along the edge of the wall in the height of summer attracted a multitude of terrifying, buzzing insects, so our romantic picnic became less eating and kissing, and more flapping and shrieking.

My smile dropped suddenly as a large bumblebee flew directly towards my face. I screamed, ducking violently to prevent it from getting caught in my hair, and waited for it to fly by before lifting up my head again, only to find my boyfriend cackling on the floor, clutching the camera to his chest.

"You.. have to see the photo I just got." He giggled, sitting back up and showing me the screen. I blocked the light with my hand to see it better and was greeted with an unattractive shot of me mid scream, the top of my head blurry as I began my panicked descent away from the massive insect.

I began to hit bart on the shoulder as he chuckled loudly, but couldn't stop my own laughter from bubbling out at the ridiculous photo. "Don't be so rude!" I exclaimed, hitting him again as we both continued to laugh. He began to zoom in on the photo, still laughing. Dodging a collision with another bee, I managed to snatch the camera out of his hands, ignoring his whines of protest. "My turn."

I lifted the camera to my eye and focused on the pouty expression he was making at his camera being taken away. I snapped a photo of him, and smiled at the colourful flowers in the background of the photo.

"Come on baby, smile." I teased, and he shook his head, his acting skills coming out as he pretended to be angry.

"I will not. Not for people who steal my camera." He said stubbornly, crossing his arms.

"I know you want to, bart." I teased, my grin widening. He narrowed his eyes at the nickname, but I could see he was trying not to smile, the corners of his lips wavering. My determination to capture a photo of him smiling increased as his face remained straight. "Okay then, I'll just have to make you smile." His eyes widened.

"Oh no, Y/N, please no jokes." He begged, but I already had one lined up.

"What time did the man go to the dentist?" I asked, ignoring his pleas. He leant back on his arms warily. A laugh was already leaving my lips as I said the answer. "Tooth-hurty." I laughed, clapping my hands together, but frowning as his mouth did not even twitch.

"Did you hear about the fire at the circus?" I asked, smiling, and he gave me a bored look. He sighed, shaking his head as he waved away a fly buzzing around his head.


"I heard it was in tents." I said, laughing, and I saw his lips purse and his eyes crease as he attempted not to laugh, my camera ready. However, he composed himself before I could get a photo, much to my irritation. "Come on, that was good." I whined, lowering it to look at him.

"Can I have my camera back now?" He asked, reaching for it and frowning as I lifted it out of his reach. He leant forward, his head resting on my arm as he strained to reach it. "Y/N pleaaassee." He whined and peered up at me, his green eyes wide and innocent, but I knew better than to fall for them.

"Not until you smile." I replied, grinning, and he sighed, moving back into a sitting position.

"Okay, I will." He gave in, and I lifted up the camera hopefully. But it was lowered immediately as he pulled a stupid face, his mouth stretching into a hilariously comical smile and his eyes widening. I gave him a blank look and he shrugged. "You told me to smile."

"I meant a real smile." I whined, pouting down at the camera for a moment before an idea came to me. I continued to scroll through photos, waiting for the right moment before taking advantage of his gullible nature and widening my eyes, pointing behind him.

"Wow, look how big that bee is!" I exclaimed, and to my joy he turned his head. I leaned my head closer to his, the camera ready in my other hand.

"What, where?" He asked, searching behind him. "There isn't a bee th-"

As he turned his head back I caught his mouth in my own, pressing my lips against his firmly. He made a noise of surprise and stayed still for a moment before leaning in and returning the kiss. As soon as I pulled away I lifted the camera and took several photos. Sure enough, he had a shy smile on his face as he giggled, and a grin spread across my own face at how cute he was.

"Y/N!" He exclaimed, smiling wide and reaching over to playfully hit me on the leg. "Not fair!"

I ignored him, focused on the photo I had just taken. My smile widened as I took it in; it was perfect. bart's pale blue shirt made his tanned skin stand out and his brown hair fell perfectly ruffled by the soft breeze in the garden. The flowers created a colourful background and the portion of sky visible was a bright blue. The photo was colourful and well framed but what I couldn't take my eyes off was him. His mouth was wide in a boxy smile, his teeth visible and his cheeks pulled upwards, his eyes in two crescents as they looked at me from behind the camera. He looked absolutely radiant. I looked up at him to find him watching me with a softer smile on his face.

I put the camera down and shuffled towards him, leaning forward to press my lips against his again, this time gently and slowly. His hands came to rest on my waist and I smiled against his lips.

"You're beautiful." I whispered, opening my eyes to take him in, our noses brushing. The smile that overtook his face at my words was just as bright as the one in the photo, and I marvelled at the sight. He laughed and brought his hands to skim my cheeks.

"Not as beautiful as you." He said, and I blushed, smiling widely and giggling at the pair of us.

"You can have your camera back now," I said happily, picking it up and passing it back to him, "but I'll need you to send me one of the photos."

And that's the photo that I clutched in my hands a month later as I watched him board his flight for tour, tears slipping down my cheeks. Of course, the photo that he insisted on taking with him was the one of me escaping the bee, claiming it made him happy and made him laugh, and so he would need it on tour when he was sad or when he missed me.

He gave me one final wave before disappearing into security, and I looked down at the photo. It was slightly bent but still just as radiant and bright as the day we took it. The colours in the picture stood out against the grey of the airport floor. His smile shone out at me and I couldn't help but to smile back, his grin infectious even when on paper.

The photo remained with me always, even when he was back home. It stayed in my purse or my pocket or my bag; wherever I could keep it closest to me. On the days where I missed bart, or when we were fighting, I would take it out and look at it. Through whatever argument or distance, it was kept as a constant reminder of how lucky I was to have him, and to love him.

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