𝟬𝟮𝟭 without you ➝ d.grayson

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xxi. without you!!

❝ It felt weird not having you in my arms

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It felt weird not
having you in
my arms.

You couldn't get any sleep. Without Dick on your side, you couldn't do a lot of things. It had been like that since the two of you first started dating and were more at ease with each other.

When you'd first been playing for this trip, you'd assumed Dick and you would book an hotel room together. But Megan had wanted to share one with you, and you hadn't been able to say to no to her pleading look.

Which, lead you to your current situation. You couldn't sleep. You'd been tossing and turning for the past hour. Part of it was because you always struggled falling asleep in a new bed, in a new place in a foreign country.But even more so it was because you didn't have Dick by your side.

The bed felt empty without him, unable to turn on your side and comfortably lean your head on his chest. Instead, when you rolled over, all there was more empty bed.

So, after an hour of just laying there, wide awake, you'd made the decision to do something about it. It was clear you weren't going to fall asleep, and it's not like you could talk to Megan given that she'd practically passed out the moment her head hit the pillow so you were left on your own. And with only a moment of consideration before making your decision, you pushed your off of your bed and onto your own two feet.

You grabbed your pillow that you'd brought from home and your hotel card key before making your way to the door, slipping on some sandals before opening the door and quietly shutting it behind yourself.

Dick's hotel room, that he shared with Conner, was the next room down, so you didn't have to walk far before you found yourself stood in front of his door, lightly knocking.

Luckily, it was Dick who answered the door. And by the look on his face, it seemed he hadn't been able to get to sleep either.

Clutching your pillow to your chest, you pouted up at Dick like a child "I can't sleep."

The first thought that had crossed Dick's mind was that you looked adorable. You were in nothing but one of his old shirts and some shorts, with your pillow tucked protectively against your chest, with a small little pout on your lips.

Dick found himself falling further in love with you just at the prospect of you being unable to sleep without him, something he could easily relate to.

With soft, tired chuckle, Dick stepped back "come on." You followed with ease, slipping your sandals off as Dick shut the door behind him.

As he lead you over to his bed, you couldn't help but grin to yourself as Conner peacefully slept in the bed adjacent to you, snoring softly, without a care in the world. You set your hotel card key on the nightstand next to you, pulling back the sheets before crawling into the bed next to Dick.

With almost practiced ease, he slipped his arm over your waist, pulling you against his chest as you let your head fall into the crook of his neck. Instantly, you felt your body relax and your eyes suddenly grow heavy as your body sunk into the soft mattress.

"It felt weird not being in your arms," you mumbled after a moment of silence, leaning back to meet Dick's eyes. He returned your gaze, a soft smile playing on his lips as his hand moved to brush back strands of hair that had fallen into your eyes.

"It felt weird not having you in my arms," Dick responds.

"it's like you read my mind. I wished for you to be here, and you came knocking at my door."

"I love Megan but we should've just booked a room together," you laugh slightly, biting your lip in thought. Dick nods.

"In hindsight, it would've been the better option." Licking your lips, you let your head fall back against Dick's shoulder, sighing wistfully.

"I'm tired," you mumble a moment later, your voice muffled by your sleepiness.

"Go to sleep." Dick assures, his thumb still stroking your cheek. "I'll be here when you wake up."

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