𝟬𝟮𝟮 the proposal ➝ g.logan

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xxii. the proposal!!

❝ I don't want to screw this up

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I don't want to
screw this up.


Garfield drank in your appearance, his heart pumping blood through his body even faster. A tiny silk dress hung on your body, revealing more skin than you had originally intended when you ordered it from the random internet boutique.

Oh well.

You bit your bottom lip as you walked up to Garfield, kissing his cheek and leaving a bright red stain right below his cheekbone. Your heels clicked as you walked across the tile floor in the ridiculously large penthouse you were staying at, and you fluffed your hair up in the mirror.

Garfield was behind you in an instant, his hands wandering your body gently while he peppered soft kisses to your neck and shoulders.

"Keep doing that and we won't make it to our dinner reservation," you sighed, pulling away from the Green skinned boy and walking out the door and into the hallway of the hotel.

You held the door open for Garfield, as he walked out and smacked you on the ass as he walked by. "You're going to be the death of me, woman."

You giggled as you interlocked your hands and entered the elevator. Tonight would be interesting.

- - -

Unbeknownst to you, due to Garfield's shenanigans in the hotel room, he was shitting his pants.

Tonight was the night he was going to be proposing to you.

The two of you had been dating for just shy of two years, but Garfield claims to all of your friends that he knew he was going to marry you the day you two met.

Gar was never a nervous person. He was calm, collected, cool-headed. But he's been a nervous wreck for the past three days.

Deep down, he knows you'll say yes, but there's still a few inklings of doubt left in his mind. Even after countless trips to the jewelry store with Gwilym and his fiancee to make sure the ring was perfect, and about three thousand hushed. Phone calls with Bart while hiding in the closet, Garfield still felt like he wasn't ready.

It was a little late for that now, though.

Now he was sitting across from the most beautiful girl he had ever laid eyes on who happened to be wearing the most beautiful red dress he had ever seen and he's starting to doubt what your answer would be.

He laughs at some comment you made about the couple a few tables down, but it was forced. He was so deep in thought he didn't even hear her call his name.

"Gar?" you asked, very nervous at Garfield stiff mood. You knew it was unrealistic, but you were very nervous Garfield was going to pull a Warner Legally Blonde and break up with you at this very expensive restaurant.

"Gar?" you asked again, hand shaking slightly as you put the glass of red wine down on the white table cloth. You caught his attention this time.

"Hm?" he hummed while spinning his pasta around his fork. "You okay? You're acting... weird," you spoke, biting the inside of your cheek in nervousness, one of your bad habits. Garfield noticed.

"Yes! Yeah, I'm great I just..."

"Oh no. You're breaking up with me. I knew it."

"No! No, hell no. Damnit, I don't want to screw this up." You bit your lip in nervousness, trying to command your eyes to block the production of any tears. Garfield took a deep breath and reached into his pocket, pulled out a black velvet box and stood up.

He knelt down next to you and opened the box to reveal the most beautiful diamond ring you had ever seen.

Before he could even say anything, your hands flew to your mouth and tears were streaming down your face. Everyone in the restaurant had turned to witness this, some were getting emotional themselves.

"[Y/N]. . ." Garfield swallowed thickly, "I knew from the day I met you that you were going to be the most special person in my life, and you've yet to prove me wrong. I've had the most fun I've ever had the past two years with you, and I was wondering if you'd like to seal the deal and have fun with me forever."

You were sobbing at this point, tears and mascara rolling down your cheeks.

"Yes, yes, yes!" you screamed, jumping up and launching yourself into Garfield arms. He laughed in relief, his gut bursting with so much joy he could melt.

He couldn't believe you were his.

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