𝟬𝟱𝟮 princess affairs pt3 ➝ b.markov

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lii. princess affairs!!

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KING [FATHERS NAME] ADMIRED himself in a long skinny mirror. Maids and servants huddled around him as y/n sat and fiddled with the lace on her sleeve.

"Are you sure you cleared your schedule for today?" y/n asked worriedly. "I don't want you running off again."

"Yes, dear," King [fathers name] responded to his daughter, "and what do you mean by 'running of again'?" he asked with a slight smile, one she hasn't seen for ages.

"Every time we ride to see mum you find a way to excuse yourself," y/n giggled softly as she made her way to her father's side, she flicked a stray piece of dust from his shoulder.

"Well you have awful traditions," her father groaned. y/n rolled her eyes at her father's avoidance issues. She and her father would ride out to the outskirts of the forest to visit her mother's grave. She died of an illness 4 long years ago and when she died her and King [father name] were, not on good terms.

"At least I have traditions," y/n spoke under her breath. y/n has tried to forgive her father for his misdeeds but she couldn't. She was having trouble keeping her father in check and now that brion was around it didn't help at all. "We should get going father before it gets too dark."

"Of course," [fathers name] exclaimed as he turned to rush out of the room, leaving y/n to rush behind him.

"Could you slow down," y/n called out as she attempted to catch up with him.

"You need to know that the horses wait for no one," [fathers name] yelled back to y/n, he can never let her be in front for once could he?

"I heard the doctor saw you yesterday," y/n spoke sadly, her father finally halted his pacing and waited for his daughter to come face to face with him.

"It's just a cough, It will pass by winter," [fathers name] told her softly but it didn't reassure her one bit. "Now we both need some fresh air!"

y/n giggled as her father linked their arms and strolled down the hall with her. She missed this. y/n remembers how her father would chase her around the castle and the absolute intrigue he tried to place in her when he was talking about the paintings. "It seems as if you and King brion knew each other before your gathering," King [fathers name] spoke up, y/n tensed up next to him. How does one tell their father that they slept with one of his most favourite people?

"Really because I have never seen him before that night," she lied, her heart beating abnormally fast. Her father looked at her with a raised eyebrow before he turned to smile at a passerby.

"Your Majesties," the familiar smooth voice came ringing into her ears, she turned to see briom standing at the bottom of the stairs with a wide smirk on his face. Jesus Christ, was he intending to make her life hard.

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