𝟬𝟬𝟯 married couple ➝ t.drake

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iii. married couple!!

❝ Do you think we'd ever get married? ❞

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Do you think we'd
ever get married?

          "Take that off," Tim said, giggling as he clutched the hat he'd taken off you and held it to his head to taunt you even more. You mumbled to yourself as you sat next to him at the lunch table, desperately groping for the article of clothing.

Tim taunted, smiling down at you, "Come here and get it then." You positioned both your hands in front of you, pushing yourself up as you bent over Tim, snatching the hat off his head and holding it close to your chest, completely oblivious to the eyes that were watching you. You sat back down, frowning, with a pout.

Tim poked you on the face with a grin and said, "I was just teasing you." You smacked his hand away, frowning at him half-heartedly as you replaced the hat on your own head.

"I don't care," you grumbled, "you're annoying."

Tim simply laughed at your insult because he knew you weren't serious. He returned to his lunch with a big grin, pausing when he noticed the several pairs of eyes on him. You both seemed to realize at the same time, and you grimaced slowly as you exchanged glances. "What?" Tim inquired, his brow furrowed.

"You two are like a married couple," Jason rolled his eyes.

Flushing, you're lips parted in bafflement. "We- We are not!"

"Uh, yes, you are," Dick grinned, mimicking Jason and rolling his eyes. Taking a bite of his sandwich, he shook his head. "Deny it all you want, but we all know it's true. You two act like a married couple."

"Damian?" You questioned, turning to the him. He glanced at both you and Tim, before shrugging apologetically.

"The two of you share a disgusting affection towards each other, I already assumed you were. Especially by that sight."

Blushing madly, you glanced over at Tim, panicked. "Tim?" You called, pulling his gaze on you. "Do you hear this?"

He nodded, "that actually reminds me." He begun, puzzling you. "Do you think we'd ever get married?"

Sputtering, you reared back, genuine shock flooding you. "Wh- What?" You exclaimed, feeling your cheeks grow even hotter, if that was possible. You didn't glare glance in the direction of the rest of the pack, afraid of what they'd say if you did. Instead, you kept your eyes on Tim, promptly baffled. "Tim- "

"How many dogs would we have?" He asked, as if you hadn't reacted the way you had. "Or would we have cats? How many? What about kids?" Pausing, he turned to you, meeting your eyes. "Are we having kids?"

"Tim," you mumbled, horrified and extremely embarrassed. "We aren't even dating."

Finally Tim stopped, pausing. His eyes trailed from your own, downwards and then he frowned. "I assumed we were."

"What?" Dick asked, eyes bulging. "You two are dating and you didn't tell us!"

"No!" You bellowed, "woah, no! I... I didn't even know we were dating." Narrowing your eyes, you turned to Tim. "What the hell are you even going on about, Tim? When did we start dating?"

Tim narrowed his eyes, as if in thought and then he shrugged. "We are so close, I just sort of assumed we were."

"He has a point," Jason shrugged, to which you glared at him.

"Tim, normally... if people are dating, both members of the party have to be aware. Which I was not." You pointed at yourself, cheeks still flushed.

"Is that my shirt?" Tim suddenly asked, baffling you further. Glancing down at yourself, you pulled at the hem of your shirt, glancing down at yourself. Sure enough, you were wearing Tim's shirt. "That is my shirt. See? You wear my clothes, we bicker like a married couple, that means we're dating."

Huffing, you crossed your arms over your chest. "We're not dating. Not if you can't even properly ask me out."

"Okay," Tim shrugged, "will you go out with me?"

Your mouth literally dropped open. The others seemed as astonished as you were by Tim's sudden audacity, but you couldn't help but smile as you just stared at him.

"Sure," you muttered as you backed away from him. Tim guffawed, clearly amused by your embarrassment. Slowly, he returned to his own food, but not before putting his hand beneath the table into yours.

"See?" Jason spoke, "married couple."

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