Chapter 6. Letter From Long Ago

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When I woke up for the second time, I could see light just starting to filter up through the horizon causing a yellow tinge to fall across my room. I couldn't fall back asleep so I begrudgingly got out of bed and went into my bathroom. I showered and then headed over to my closet to pick out my clothes.

I had some time to kill so I figured I would take out my camera and go outside and take some pictures. I quickly dressed in a green hoody with a pair of black skinny jeans. I put on a pair of boots and trudged out of the house.

The sky was a spectacular sight, the bright orange and pinks blurring together along the horizon, casting radiant shadows along the earth. I walked out towards the backyard before laying down in the grass. The morning dew absorbed into my clothes as I held my camera to my eyes.


I took the shot and smiled as I looked at the preview on the screen. It turned out to be a great shot. Determined to gather more photographs, I stood up stretching before heading out. I meandered my way over to the beginning of the wooded area behind our home.

There was a small trail that had been sort of neglected, so there were many obstacles that now lay in the path. I pondered if I wanted to follow it for a moment before deciding I would do it.

The trail twisted through the wide canopy of the forest, even more, trees had fallen since the last time that I came through. After I managed to go around all of the fallen logs, the trail came to a clearing. The sun had now risen, the sunshine now peeking through all of the leaves, casting small rays of light to be scattered around the woods.

In the distance, I could hear the rushing water of the brook running to the small pond on the other side of the clearing. I watched as a young rabbit scurried along hopping across the meadow. I bent down with the camera in hand and snapped the picture.

Click. Click. Click.

I couldn't get the shot, in each, the rabbit was too blurred or not in focus. I let out a frustrated sigh before deleting the pictures. I decided to move on from the bunny and walked along the brook before reaching the tranquil pond.

It really was peaceful here. I wondered why I didn't come down this way more to get away from everything. I sat down with my back leaning against the rough bark of the tree taking in nature. The morning birds were all chirping peacefully to one another. I liked to imagine that when the birds all woke up that was everyone's way of saying good morning to one another.

From very close nearby, I heard a snap of a twig. My heart began to instantly beat faster, as I froze in place, stuck to the tree in fear. I managed the courage to slowly and silently peer my head around to the other side of the tree.

I let out an exhale of relief when I saw it was only another bunny. When the rabbit saw me, it quickly rushed off into its nearby hole. I don't think it would be coming out anytime soon so I put my camera away.

Maybe I should just head back home now, I thought to myself. As I was thinking that, I gazed out onto the water of the pond. My legs practically walked me over to the edge of the pond by themselves. I peered down at my reflection and immediately jumped back, startled.

Where my face should have been was a wolf face. The fur was a bright white color and it had piercing blue eyes. I very cautiously looked back into the water. My reflection was fine. It was just normal me, no fur. I laughed to myself nervously.

I need to go back home and go back to bed. That's it, I'm just delusional from lack of sleep. Yep. I'm not crazy. Oh god, what if I am crazy?? What am I going to do? I can't just tell someone, "so I looked at my reflection and I was a wolf". They will think I'm nuts too! I am not telling a soul, another secret to add to the vault with being gay. Crazy and gay. What is wrong with me?

I ran practically like an Olympic athlete back home where I arrived panting hard. When I finally gathered my breath, I walked into the house making a beeline for the stairs. I quickly bounced up them and flew to my bedroom, locking the door behind me. I threw my hands over my face, crying into them messily.

You need to get ahold of yourself, Nathan.

I took my hands from my face and my gaze fell upon the letter I hastily threw on to my desk earlier. I snatched it off the desk and jumped into bed. I looked at the precise and elegant calligraphy marking my name on the front before opening the top of the envelope. I took a deep breath and pulled out a letter reading it with shaky hands.

To my beautiful firstborn son,

If you are reading this letter than something has happened to me. I am writing this letter to you on the day of your birth in case of this and have instructed for it to be only given to you on the day of your eighteenth birthday, not a moment sooner by your mother.

From the moment I first laid my eyes upon you, I truly knew what it means to love someone. You were part me and part your mother. That's so beautiful to me. My son. My boy. My pup.

"A PUP?" I exclaimed out loud in surprise. I muttered under my breath as I kept reading.

This is where things are about to get very serious. I hope you are sitting down for this. You are a werewolf, Nathan. I know this will sound crazy, but things are going to start happening to you now that you are eighteen if they haven't already started.

It is customary for werewolves in our pack to be unknowing in their heritage so that they will get to lead a fulfilling childhood. Your first turning will be happening, if not today or tomorrow, but very, very soon. And it will hurt, I promise you that. Your body will know what to do, just let it be in control. Everything will be okay Nathan, just remember that though.

You should quickly seek out your mate whomever they should be. They will help you.

I wish that I could help you through this transitional part of your life. I wish I could write down any tips for you, but there are none. You just have to experience it for yourself, don't fight it, my dear boy.

Oh, and above everything else have fun in life. Don't be afraid to be what you want to be. No matter what you are my perfect baby boy.

I love you always,


P. S. Like your new ride? That was another stipulation I had for you mom in the event of my passing. Enjoy.

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