Chapter 9. Into The Woods

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Oh boy.

It was Genevieve.

"Get off of me, you loser! What the hell! Watch where you are going!" She screeched at me, pushing me off of her.

"God, you're such a freak." She said while rolling her eyes as she stood up

I couldn't help but smirk.

"Do you think this is funny? What if that was mom, you idiot! You would have really hurt her!" She screamed at me. "You never think about anyone else. No wonder nobody wants to be around you."

"Whatever. Sorry. I have things to do." I said without any emotion, heading up the stairs.

"What could you possibly have to do? A date??" She cackled in laughter at her own joke. "That's a good one as if anyone would ever want you." She called after me. My only response was to give her the finger as I closed my door.

I exhaled deeply as the tranquil silence of my room overwhelmed me.

I should have asked what we were doing on this date! Or at least for his phone number! Now I have no idea how I should be dressing. Should I dress formal or casual? Indoors or outdoors? How could I have been so dumb not to ask?

I drudged my way over to the walk-in to look through the options. I decided to go more casual, if I needed to I put together a second backup outfit just in case. Once I was dressed, I ran over to the bathroom. I sprayed myself with my favorite cologne and tidied up my hair.

I hope I made the right choice in clothing. It'd be so embarrassing to be in the completely wrong type of outfit. From now on I need to make sure I ask what we will be doing so I can be prepared.

With a deep breath, I left the bathroom and sat down on my bed and waited for William. At exactly twelve, the doorbell rang. I zipped out of my room and to the door to answer it. I pulled the door open to find an ever-gorgeous William standing there with a grin on his face. From behind me, I could hear Genevieve coming towards the door on the phone with someone.

"Hi Will," I breathed out.

"Hello, handsome. Are you ready for our date?"

"I sure am."

He held out his hand for me to take, which I gladly did. As I was closing the door behind me, I saw Genevieve with her jaw practically on the floor with her cellphone to her ear. I let out a loud chuckle and when William heard he turned to me, smiling.

"What's funny?"

"Just my sister, Genevieve," I said flatly.

He raised an eyebrow, but didn't press further and walked me over to the passenger side of his car. He opened the door and shut it for me before showing off by sliding across the hood of the vehicle to the driver's side. I rolled my eyes at his eyebrows wiggling as he did it.

He is so cute.

Will opened his door and got into the car. After buckling his seatbelt, he turned to me eying me up and down with a lustful look in his eyes.

"Did I mention how beautiful you are? Because you look amazing. I really got lucky with you. "

My cheeks began to blush furiously.

He thinks he is the lucky one?

"I think I am the lucky one." I squeaked out. His hand grabbed mine as he smiled widely. He looked at me for a moment before starting up the car.

"Let's get going, shall we?"

"Yes. Let's go." I replied smiling at him. He put the car in drive and headed out of my driveway, turning east down my road. We turned down several roads before we came to a stop at a national forest. It had multiple sets of trails to follow along the rolling hills of the forest.

I bit my lip nervously, I wasn't the most athletic person and was nervous I would break an ankle or something.

"Wait here one second. I'll be right back, okay?" William said before quickly hopping out of the car. I watched him stride over to the park ranger's hut and knocking on the door. The door opened a crack and Will was quickly ushered in.

What the hell? Why did he just go in there? Why would I agree to go with him blindly to wherever he wanted? What if he's gonna murder me out here and chop my body up and spread it across the forest.

Oh my god.

Mate would never do that. You can trust him. Just take it easy, everything will be okay.

My wolf quickly helped me out of the potential panic attack that was impending. After what felt like a decade, the door reopened with Will coming out with a wide grin on his face. He jogged back to the car and opened my door.

"What was that about?"

"It's all part of our date darling. No need to worry." He said reassuringly taking my hand and helping me out of the car. "Come with me."

Part me of was very scared of being out here in the forest with him, but the majority of me was thrilled. He led us down a smaller path that didn't look like it was walked as frequently as the others. There was a park ranger waiting at the entrance to the trail that William talked to briefly before the man nodded and stepped aside allowing us through.

The voices of all the other hikers fell quiet behind us as we went further into the forest. Before long, the trail came to a fork.

"Left or right?" He asked while looking at me with a smirk poorly hidden on his lips.

I peered down both sides before making a decision. One went off to the right and climbed up a small incline. The other continued in almost the same direction we were already going in.

"Right." I finally decided. This way looked so much more intriguing than the other path.

"Great choice. Really, you are going to love it. Come on." He grabbed my hand and began jogging, clearly excited. My short legs could barely keep up with his giant ones as he dragged me up to the crest of the hill.

Looking from our point, we could see a whole expanse of the forest. below us was a small waterfall spewing out water from the rocky cliff side into a small pool of water amongst a grassy knoll. It was a very private little oasis and my mouth practically drooled at the thought of being there with Will.

I pointed over to the small pond and William smiled knowingly. "You want to go swimming?"

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