Chapter 17. Secrets

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William had dropped me off to my dismay, and I was now back home, working on my homework. When I had gotten home, Eleanor began pestering me with endless questions about where I was. I answered her with grunts and groans before I retreated to my bedroom. I was in the solitude of my bed, typing up my lab report for chemistry when I began thinking about my partner, Aubrie.

She had put her number into my phone, but I had never got in touch with her since. She told that she was going to Canada with her friends, but maybe she was back already. I sent her a text, typing and retyping before settling on:

Hey, it's Nathan from Chemistry.

After sending the message I threw my phone to the side and finished up the report, saving and printing it out. Luckily for me, I had my own printer right in my room so I didn't have to leave. I put the pages together and filed them away in my bag, ready for school tomorrow.

After I had zipped up my backpack, I crossed my bedroom over to where I had thrown my phone. No new messages. I sighed and tossed it back down on the bed haphazardly. As it landed, I heard a buzzing sound. My eyes darted back over to the screen seeing the incoming message. I eagerly picked it up and swiped open the screen to read the message.

Aubrie: Heyyyy what's up?

Me: I just finished my lab report and was thinking of you. How did your trip go?

Aubrie: Ugh it didn't happen. My friends found better plans I guess. Stuck home all weekend. Lameeee.

Me: How about you and I hang out next weekend then? Screw those friends.

Just then my door smashed open causing me to jump and toss my phone, startled. With a glare, I whipped my eyes over to my door to see who dared to come in without knocking. It was my sister Eleanor, her eyes looking wild as she spoke to me.

"We need to talk."

She shut the door behind her and sat next to me on my bed exhaling a heavy huff of air. She had a frown on her face, looking as if something was bothering her tremendously. Looking at her I felt guilty that I blew her off this whole weekend.

"Let's go out for a drive," I stated simply, giving her a small smile in hopes she would agree. She looked me in the eyes for a moment then. And at that moment I saw the innocence in them that I knew I could not under any circumstances tell her she would be a werewolf in a few years. I could understand why my parents didn't tell me now.

"Okay." Eleanor finally mumbled, running her hands through her hair. She didn't look as visibly upset as we headed to my Jeep, but once we left the driveway she was the first to speak.

"I know about William Harper." She calmly stated, not looking at me and out the window instead. I felt my hands tighten on the steering wheel and my jaw to tense in response to her question. After I didn't answer, I could feel her eyes on me.

"I'm right. I know it."

This was when I turned my attention to her for a moment, looking into her eyes. She looked pretty confident in what she thinks she knows. She raised her eyes brows at me expectantly, I turned my down in response.

"What do you think you know?" I hissed through gritted teeth turning my attention back to the road.

She laughed lightly before shaking her head. "You two are secretly dating."

I could feel my heart instantly started to race, and my eyes grow wide. My mouth fell open for a moment before I slammed it shut. My eyes turned to slits as I took in her answer.

"It's okay Nathan. I won't tell."

I couldn't begin to form thoughts as she was talking to me, I focused all of my energy on driving as she talked. I was silent for a few minutes before I answered her. I stepped harder on the gas pedal, accelerating down the country road.

"How-why...." I started before shaking my head, clearing my thoughts. "What brought you to this conclusion?" I finished trying to put a little bit of anger into my words.

"Nathan it's okay to be gay," Eleanor said quietly and in a calm voice.

"I don't want to talk about this," I said through my clenched jaw. I turned the radio up to drown out anything more that she could say, focusing solely on the road. I could feel the scowl that was on my face and I didn't even bother trying to hide it.

I could feel the anger building inside of me as I drove my way back to our house. I did not even look over to Eleanor the whole ride. My emotions since becoming a werewolf were impossible to control. Everything I felt normally before was heightened and I felt everything in a much greater magnitude. Once home, I rushed Eleanor out of the car, before quickly jumping out of the Jeep myself.

I marched my way into the woods until I wasn't able to be seen. I stripped from my clothes hurriedly, focusing all of my attention on becoming my wolf. I needed to feel something other than what I'm feeling now. Within a minute, after the familiar cracking of my bones was through, I could feel the warm dirt underneath my paws. I dug my nails into the dirt, loving the feeling of the warmth under my nails.

I bounded off in a southerly direction, feeling the wind flying through my milky white fur. I ran for what felt like miles, until I stopped, letting out a loud howl. It felt so nice to run off all of my anger and problems, but now I was starving. My stomach growled causing me to bring my nose to the ground searching for some prey.

The area seemed to have been well-populated with wildlife, I could smell a multitude of animals that had crossed over this very spot. I lifted my head to the sky, sniffing in the aroma of my selected meal and letting out a small growl.

I smelled the blood of a deer that had recently been through.

I followed the scent around, the deer couldn't hide from me forever. I knew it was around here somewhere.

You can't hide from a nose this good.

The hunt is on.

Just as I was thinking that the deer appeared in the distance, limping across the landscape in efforts to escape me. I took off after it, gaining speed and trailing behind it, taking it down in no time. The deer put up an effort I wasn't expecting since it was injured and had caught a swift kick to my snout.

I happily dug into the flesh of the deer savoring the taste of victory from my kill. Once I had eaten my fill, I rolled over on my side licking off the redness of blood from my snow-white paws and snout. I snoozed lazily in the sun before venturing back towards home feeling refreshed.

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