Chapter 8. First Encounters

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Of course, it would be William Harper's bug pulling in beside me.

Not now. Why now? I've dealt with enough today! I can't see his stupidly handsome face on top of everything.

He immediately beamed his pearly whites when he saw me. He rolled his window down quickly and gestured for me to do the same. The immediate rush of cinnamon and apples hit my nose when my window cracked open.


The wolf voice in my head screamed at me.

No way. What?!? Is he a werewolf too? I thought back to it.


Oh. My. God. I don't believe this. We are two males. Aren't mates supposed to be well....straight?

Our mate is a much more complex concept than that. When we are created, the Moon Goddess selects the perfect match so that between our two souls we are unstoppable. She has chosen this boy, it's as if he is tailor-made just for you. Now quit talking to me. Talk to him. Now!

"Well imagine running into you here!" He called from his car, cutting his engine. I turned the dial down on my radio in a swift motion to hear him better.

"Hey Will," I called back quietly. He began to get out of his car and walked towards my passenger door.

"Mind if I hop in?" He said leaning in the open window, his green eyes sparkling.

"S-sure." I stuttered out, unlocking the doors with the button on my door quickly. He opened the door and sat in the car, closing the door behind him. The smell of cinnamon and apples now overwhelming me in the closed space of the car. He turned to me with an expression I hadn't seen on him before.

"I've waited for this day for so long." He quietly said to me. "I've had a feeling that it was you yesterday when we were partnered up. I couldn't stop thinking about you." He looked at me then with frightened eyes scanning my face, judging my reaction.

My face felt immediately on fire by his words. "I really need to take this slow. I just found out I'm a werewolf and now I have a 'mate'. This is all going too fast."

He looked sad for a moment before his brow furrowed.

"You're not going to reject me?"

"I'm not saying I'm accepting this, but no. I am not rejecting you by any means. Will, I have had an extreme attraction to you for as long as I can remember. I was always too afraid to even think about asking you out. I am so relieved that you of all people is my...' Mate'." My face was now a deep crimson admitting all of this to him.

"You are so adorable." He said grinning hard. "I'm so happy you are my mate, I can't wait to meet your wolf too."

He reached his hand over the center console grabbing my hand in his.

"I vow as your mate I will always protect you and be loyal to you. You will feel like a king with me. I have waited for my whole life just for you." He said gazing into my eyes before bringing my hand to his lips, kissing it softly. I shivered slightly from his kiss and cheeks felt very warm. I took a moment to gather my thoughts.

Now that I'm thinking about it, he never has had any significant other. I had always assumed it was because he was too picky or something. I mean just look at him. He's gorgeous. And he is mine? What kind of sick "Moon Goddess" is this? Is this some crazy extravagant birthday joke?

I finally brought my attention back to Will, our hands still intertwined lightly. I pulled my hand away suddenly, and his expression immediately went sad.

"I told you I want to go slow with this. I just want to know each other better before any more of this mate talk. Okay?" I hurried out nervously to which he nodded before grinning.

"Then I'm going to take you on a date. That's what people do while they are trying to get to know each other so you can't say no."

"I can't say no?" I questioned, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Well. I mean. You can." He stuttered out nervously to which I smirked. "Please Nathan?" He said with a pleading look in his eyes.

"Please what?" I said toying with him.

"Will you please go out on a date with me?" He pleaded me, almost begging.

"Okay, but you're buying," I said after a long pause causing him to squirm in his seat waiting for my answer. When he heard my acceptance he let out a low triumphant howl and smiled brightly.

"I'll pick you up in one hour at your house." He said excitedly and snuck a kiss on my cheek before zipping out of my car and into his own. My hand automatically raised to my cheek where his lips had just been. With a smile plastered on my face, I headed back home to get prepared for our date.

My very first date! And it's with Will!! I'm so nervous and excited all at the same time. What am I going to wear? Oh my god and he kissed my cheek!

I smiled contently and held my hand up to the cheek again. I let out a happy sigh before parking my car. I checked the time and it was still early, 11:10 AM. Will wouldn't be by to pick me up until around noon so I had a while before I had to get ready.

Wolf me? Are you there?


Can you explain more about mates, please?

Certainly. What do you want to know?

Well...everything. I don't understand it all completely yet.

If he had eyes I'm sure he would have been rolling them judging by his tone when he answered.

You are soulmates with William Harper. He was specially made for you. Just as you are for him. The Moon Goddess has written a destiny specifically for the two of you. She has watched over the two of you with help from William's wolf and myself. He and I have made sure to keep good care of our human selves.

Why are you talking like you already know him?

I do.

You're not making any sense. How do you know him?

As wolves, we can communicate with one another telepathically. Now you, on the other hand as a human can only do so in a few different ways. One from your pack and the other your mate.

With your situation, it's more complicated. Typically as done in your father's home-pack, you are not told about your heritage until your eighteen and thusly entering the pack formally.

William's pack, however, runs its laws differently. From birth, they are taught of their lupine halves and are members of their pack. They train their pups from a young age to be able to turn. Most of them first turn around ages 10 to 13 years old.

So the issue that we lie with is that we are without a pack up here in Pittsburg. Which brings me to my next way of telepathy.

Once you have completed the mating ritual, you can communicate with each other.

Easier than the first option by far.

So you say that we are pack-less here...

Yes. As of now, you are considered a rogue. There is hope, however. I believe with us being mated to William will help. Our future depends on it.

I am tired now.

Please get ready for mate.

I looked over to the clock on my dash and I know only had 25 minutes until William would be at my house. I scrambled out of my car and raced up the porch stairs two at a time, before going into the house. Without looking up, I barreled towards the stairs leading to my room. I made contact with someone, hard.

I heard them yelp as I crashed into them, sending us both to the floor. I landed on top with a thud before I looked seeing who I took down.

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