Chapter 33. Motorcycle

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"He what?!?" I exploded when my ears registered the news. Eleanor isn't even sixteen years old yet and Ryder is trying to lay claim to her?

"Babe, I need you to try and be calm for right now. Please? For me?" William said quietly as he approached me and pulled me into his arms. I nodded my head into his chest in response before he continued at a whisper. "Nothing has even happened yet. And won't until Eleanor is ready. Now, I want you to just watch them interact before you form your opinion."

I sighed, consenting to his wish. My main concern was that Eleanor would get hurt. He was right, I shouldn't be so judgmental. It was something I've always done, my first instincts with most people were usually right. Ryder didn't seem all that bad when I had first encountered him. Despite seeing me half-naked, he was sweet and kinda cute.

From beside me, I heard a low growl leave William's lips. I looked over to him, seeing his eyes in an expression of anger. My eyes widened when I realized what I had unintentionally had told him. I instinctively moved my neck so that his mark was visible to him.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that." I mumbled out softly. "You are all I have eyes for."

"I know baby. Let's go." He replied, swatting my butt lightly with a laugh. As we were about to leave the room, William suddenly turned me around and pushed me against the door. His lips rushed to mine before he pulled back to whisper in my ear.

"Tonight I'll make you remember why you only have eyes for me."

Without another word, his body left mine and he guided me out of the room and into the living room where Eleanor and Ryder awaited us. As we entered the room, Ryder was whispering something in Eleanor's ear and when she turned and saw William and me, she burst out laughing. After exchanging a look with William, I raised an eyebrow at her quizzically. Instantly her laughter ceased, but a smirk was still on her face.

"Morning," I said cheerfully, looking between the both of them.

"Hello," Ryder's deep voice chimed in unison with Eleanor, which only seemed to bring back her fit of giggles. I exchanged another glance with William who just shrugged his shoulders and wrapped an arm around me.

"Well, we have to get going to school," I stated dryly, looking to my sister. She frowned, her eyes trailing over to Ryder.

"I can drive you to school." He said to her, smiling brightly.

Hell no! She is not riding on the back of his motorcycle!

Ryder is a great guy. I trust him.

I let out a sigh as she enthusiastically agreed to his offer. William gave my shoulder a light squeeze, whispering into my ear.

"Everything will be okay, baby."

I nodded my head slowly, not really accepting the situation, but knowing I really didn't have any authority over my sister. She could do what she wanted, irregardless of what my opinion was. I saw in my sister's eyes that she was crushing hard on Ryder. Who am I to tell her who to like? I had to keep reminding myself to give Ryder a chance.

As we all shuffled out of the living and out of the house, I turned to my sister and Ryder who were enthralled in a conversation about his motorcycle. I rolled my eyes at the attempt my sister was trying to act like she knew what Ryder was talking about.

"William and I were thinking about going to the diner tonight. Maybe you guys would want to come with?" I asked both of them. "I'd love to get to know some of William's friends finally."

I heard William chuckle from beside me as I looked at my sister. Eleanor smiled brightly before glancing over to judge Ryder's reaction. His eyes were locked on her, and he smiled like a buffoon when he saw how happy she was with my offer.

"I'd really like that," Ryder answered me, still looking into Eleanor's eyes. A blush flooded her cheeks as she looked away from him and back to me with a small smile on her face. Ryder turned toward his bike, pulling out two helmets and handed one over to Eleanor. Whilst he had turned, Eleanor mouthed a very energetic thank you to me and I chuckled in response as William and I headed towards his bug.

"I'll see you at school!" I called to Eleanor over the deafening sound of the motorcycle's engine. I climbed into William's car as Eleanor took a seat behind Ryder and wrapped her arms around him. I watched as he sped out of the driveway and towards the high school.

"That was very sweet of you," William said, grabbing ahold of my hand with his as he reversed down the driveway.

"It wasn't sweetness. It was more out of necessity. I just need to know more about him." I replied in a monotone voice.

"Well, in either case, I'm glad that you did. He really is a good guy once you get to know him."

"I'll be the judge of that."

"You sure will, baby."

The rest of the ride to school was quiet, my mind mulling over the idea that I so brightly came up with. Once we had parked in a spot, I glanced around the parking lot searching for my sister. From beside me, I heard a knock on my window causing me to jump a foot in the air, followed by the familiar cackle of Eleanor mixed with a low chuckle from Ryder. Once my fright had subsided, I slowly opened my door.

"You're my least favorite sister."

"Hahahaha! As if!" Eleanor replied quickly, causing me to join in her laughter. The other two were joined in a heated discussion over which of them would win in a race.

"Dude. You fucking cheat! I would win." William replied angrily to his friend.

"I do not! You are just mad because you suck." Ryder responded with a death glare.

The two locked eyes for a moment, looking ready to throw down any moment before they both laughed heartily. Eleanor sent me a questioning look, to which I shrugged and chuckled. William walked over to me, throwing his arm around my waist and led me towards the school with my sister and Ryder in tow.

The latter lagged behind, when William and I had turned back towards them, Ryder placed a kiss on her cheek and walked off towards his motorcycle. Eleanor ran to catch up to us, a smile plastered on her face.

"He asked me out! On a date! Oh my god, I'm so excited! He is so hot and sweet and perfect!" She gushed when she had finally caught up. I had to admit that the two of them were quite a cute couple.

"I'm so happy for you," I replied to her quickly. "You'll have to give me all the details later!"

"Oh, for sure! See ya!"

Before I could reply she had scurried off towards her friends, probably sharing her exciting morning with all of them. I smiled at her happiness, she really deserved to be happy with someone. William led us through the corridors until we finally arrived at my locker. He abruptly pushed me against the locker, placing a kiss to my mark, sending shivers through my body.

"Don't forget what I said earlier. You. Are. Mine." William whispered into my ear, setting my cheeks ablaze as I took in his words. With one last kiss to my cheek, he pulled back from me, smirking at his handiwork.

"I'll see you after class, beautiful." He said softly, running his hand down my jawline. Without another word, he turned and disappeared into the crowd of teenagers rushing through the hallway.

AN: Don't you love that I said I was finally back and then didn't upload for weeks? I'm the worst!

Hope you kittens can forgive me and enjoyed the chapter. Don't forget to vote if you did!

Also, I just entered Turning into the 2019 Wattys! I'm excited to see how this goes, I haven't ever done them before and don't know what to expect. I'm nervous!

Anyways, hope you had a lovely day and I'm sorry I went MIA for so long, it won't happen again.


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