Chapter 38. Escape

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My heart was pounding in my chest after I had exited my prison. I hadn't exactly thought this plan through. I hadn't thought about whether Logan might not have been alone. Upon exiting my cell, my nose was assaulted with the malodorous scent of mold and mildew. The room that I had entered into was an abandoned looking room with cobwebs stretched from one side of the room to the other. A singular, old lightbulb hanging down in the center of the room above a small table and chairs. A refrigerator sat off to one side of the room, making my stomach remember that I hadn't eaten. I rushed forward to it, pulling the door open to reveal, to my dismay, no food. Instead, the shelves were filled with vials of a purple-colored, iridescent fluid. I shook my head, ignoring my stomach's angry gurgles, and grabbed a vial and stuffed it into my pocket before turning to the rest of the room.

The whole area was covered in layers of dust, and with each step, it billowed all around the room, creating a cloudy haze. Another doorway was to my left, an old, battered-looking door hung feebly from the doorframe. It looked like it might splinter into pieces the moment I touched it. Seeing as it was the only other door, I had no choice but to attempt to open the badly damaged door. Gently, I placed my hand on the doorknob and pulled, only to have it rip out of the door and leave me with the rusty piece of metal. The door hadn't budged an inch, but knowing that I had to get out, I battered the door with a swift kick, sending splinters of wood everywhere as it dropped deafeningly to the ground.

As I stepped out of the room, it was eerily silent, immediately set me at unease. Besides the quietness, it was very dark. I looked around the room, noticing that all the windows had been boarded up. There weren't any cracks of light billowing out from under them, which led me to believe that it must have been nighttime. I walked over to the closest window and pulled at the boards covering them, desperately trying to pry them off. It was to no avail. I stepped further into the darkness of the room, hoping to find another door to escape from this hell hole. I walked with my arms outstretched, blindly walking forward with my heart racing. My whole body was weak, with each step forward, I felt myself getting more and more groggy. I felt like the room was spinning, my head throbbing in the area that I had smashed it. I wanted to stop, but I knew that my survival depended on me to keep moving.

William is on his way. That thought kept me going. I had to be with him again.

As I crept further into the space, I heard the sounds of a muffled conversation coming from above me. I should have known that Logan was not working alone. If only I hadn't left my pipe back in the cell, I could have at least some sort of protection. It worried me that I had no contact with my wolf. I felt no connection to that part of me at all. What did Logan do to me? I had made it to the other side of the room and I trailed my hand along the wall as I moved around. I could hear the voices getting gradually louder, however still indistinctive. Stepping forward, my feet finally found a set of stairs. I eagerly ran up them, hopeful for my chance of escape, only to trip on the second step and fall to the ground with a loud crash. I quickly picked myself up, staying absolutely silent as I hurried up the stairs.

"Did you hear that?" I heard faintly from the top of the stairwell. My heart was pounding in my chest as I heard the sounds of approaching footsteps. I had some advantage here at the top of the stairs. I could easily push the potential attacker down the stairs and make a run for it. I prepared myself as the steps came to a halt in front of the door. After a moment, the door slowly creaked open. I maneuvered myself, aiming to push the person down the stairs, but instead, I was yanked out the doorway and immediately pinned into someone's chest. With a yelp, I pushed away from the body, desperately throwing punches to their chest, until their grip loosened enough for me to break out. Once I was finally free, I took in who the person who had been holding me was.

"Is it really, you?" I said in disbelief, wondering if I was hallucinating. My whole body shook as I rebounded back into his awaiting arms, not even bothering to hide the tears that were streaking down my face. With his arms wrapped around me, I felt instantly at ease. William pulled back from me to gingerly place a kiss to my lips. His lips worked against mine slowly at first before deepening, becoming a passionate display of his affection. From behind William, I heard a throat clearing, causing us to break away from one another. Jordan stood behind, his hands on his hips with a petulant expression on his face. When he saw me looking over at him, he smirked.

"I hate to break up this love-fest, but we need to get moving and out of here," he stated quietly, looking around us at the stairwell.

"Wait, did you manage to get free?" William asked me softly, seemingly unable to let go of his hold on me. His arms were wrapped tightly around me like if he let go he might lose me again.

Before I could respond, we heard a giant crash coming from the floor below us. I stifled a gasp, looking to William in my fear, knowing exactly what caused the commotion. Without wasting a second, William tossed me onto his back and took off, running away from the stairs and through a long hallway. We were coming up to a door when I heard the crash behind us of the door to the stairwell flying open. William threw the door open and we stepped out of the house and into the open air of the starry night sky. Looking around us as we exited the decrepit, old house, I saw we were in the middle of a wooded area. There was no sign of civilization, no lights or even the sounds of cars passing by. William raced into the woods, and after a moment we stopped. It was then that I noticed that Jordan was no longer with us. I turned my head in the direction we came from and my heart stopped in its tracks.

Barrelling towards us at an unnatural speed was Logan. With his eyes locked on mine, he smirked sinisterly. The mere look sent chills through my body. William, sensing my disturbance, turned towards the evil boy.

"Shit," He growled out, setting me down on the ground and positioning himself in front of me. He turned towards me for a moment, his eyes tender and his voice breaking. "I can't lose you again. When he took you, I felt like a piece of myself was gone. I can't let that happen ever again. I won't let it. The thought that I had lost you, killed me. You mean everything to me."

He placed a kiss to my lips gingerly before turning back towards Logan's approaching form. Instantaneously, his human form was replaced by his giant wolf, a loud howl erupting from his body. A cacophony of answering howls echoed through the woods around us. William sprang forward, launching himself at Logan and tackling him to the ground with a crash. I watched the two struggling to get the upper hand on each other as they threw one another around. From his back pocket, Logan pulled out a gun.

Suddenly, Jordan materialized in front of me and grabbed me by the hand.

"I need to get you out of here," He said quickly and in the blink of an eye, we were suddenly standing in front of my house.

The last thing that I heard before we had vanished was the deafening sound of a gunshot and a whimper.




AN: Oy vey. What have I done?

I am finally back! Did my kittens miss me? 

I am now a married man! I can hardly believe it!

Now that things are finally settled down, I have a ton of time to devote to Wattpad as I am no longer working. I am trying to take it slow to get back into writing as I don't want to wear myself down as I had been, can expect more consistent uploads from me!

Anyways... let me know what you think! Don't forget to comment and vote if you enjoyed!!



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