Chapter 26. Coming Clean

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A loud bang interrupted my thoughts and my eyes traveled to where the sound originated, my door. The obnoxious knock recurred and I shuffled over to the door, blanket wrapped around my body like a warm cocoon. As I headed there, the banging continued at a more frequent pace. When I got to the door, I threw it open with an angry glare.

"Who the fu-"


When the door swung open, I came face to face with my sister, Eleanor and stopped mid tracks from the sight of her appearance. Her makeup was running down her face in black streaks from the heavy torrent of tears falling from her gray eyes. Her hair was a rat's nest, a wild disarray of dark brown hair piled atop her head in a messy bun. Her tear stricken face looked at me in sorrow and a heavy need for comfort.

I stepped aside and ushered her quickly into my bedroom, making sure to lock it behind me in case of Logan getting any crazy ideas. I pulled my sister into a tight embrace where she started to sob against my body. As I rubbed her back in a reassuring manner, I felt her angst seeping out of her body in waves as she shook against me.

"What's the matter El?" I asked her softly, pulling back from her to meet her eyes. Her gray eyes were tearful as she looked at me in apprehension.

"I-I-I....." She stuttered out, her bottom lip quivering slightly as more tears spilled from her eyes before she finished with a whisper. "I feel like I'm losing you."

I frowned, I felt like a terrible brother. I had been totally ignoring her and being an all-around jerk. Eleanor was more than just my sister, we were best friends. I'm sure it hurt being pushed away as I had, and I could see firsthand how much it was affecting her. I had kept telling myself it was necessary for it to be this way, but was it really?

I took a deep breath as I prepared myself to tell her the truth. I obviously couldn't tell her the whole truth quite yet, but she deserved to know what's been going on partially.

"Eleanor, the other day-"

"I'm so sorry, Nathan. I shouldn't have overstepped my boundaries." Eleanor interrupted, her eyes downcast as she spoke.

"No, you are my sister and my best friend, I was in the wrong. I shouldn't have acted the way I did with you. I was just upset because you were right. I'm gay. I had tried so hard to repress it and hide it with every fiber of my being, but I see how me having this giant secret is affecting you. I'm sorry."

I felt a mixture of fear and a surge of happiness at finally sharing my secret with someone. Eleanor smiled and pulled me into her body with a tight hug.

"I love you, no matter what. I don't care who you love. If someone makes you happy, then that's all that matters to me."

It was my turn to let out the waterworks, I felt so much love emanating from her words and her embrace. I felt so relieved to have some of this weight on my shoulders and had someone to lean on.

"I'm proud of you. Thank you for sharing your secret with me." Eleanor said softly, pulling back from me with a devious smile now on her face and let out a high pitched squeal. "Now we can talk about boys! I'm so excited!! I can't believe you are dating William Harper! What a hottie!"

I couldn't help but laugh at her excitement. The words spilled out of her mouth so fast, undoubtedly because she had been wanting to talk to me about this for a while. I took a seat on my bed, knowing that this would be a long conversation.

"So...tell me everything!?" She screeched, throwing herself onto my bed beside me.

"Okay, so you know how I told you I had a lab partner? Well, it was William, and then he asked me to eat lunch with him. Then he basically forced me to get a ride home from him and then I saw him again the next day, and he asked me out on a date! And that's basically it." I chittered out happily.

"So romantic.....what is he like?"

"Well, he's different than I expected him to be like. He's so sweet with me, but he also has this like dominating personality that I honestly think is super sexy."

"Awwww," she squealed again in excitement. Any trace of her being upset had totally left her body, in its place was her usual upbeat self. "Can I come with you guys to school tomorrow? I would LOVE to meet him."

"I don't see why not, I would have to make sure it's okay with William though. No being weird either."

She let out a dramatic gasp, covering her mouth up and looking at me with wide eyes in mock horror.

"I would never. Wow."

With a laugh, I pushed her over on the bed playfully.

"Yes, you would. I know you."

"Ugh, fine....I'll be on my best behavior."

Just then, I heard my cellphone buzzing on my bedside table, sending me flying towards it. I hastily swiped open the message on the screen.

William: I miss you. Want to go out for a run?

"Ooohhhhh, what's that? A secret code for a midnight booty call?"

I hadn't realized Eleanor had been reading my message over my shoulder and blushed at her words. She had a knowing expression on her face as she smirked at me.

"It is, isn't it?!?"

"No, we haven't even done that yet," I said swatting at her shoulder lightly

"Yet, being the key phrase." She said with an evil giggle escaping her mouth. I glared over at her in response, not even going to try and disagree with her.

"You should go, I'll cover for you if mom wakes up, which I doubt she will."

"Okay, thanks, Eleanor. I think I will. And can this just stay between us for now, please? I'm not ready to come out to everyone yet."

"Of course!" She said rising from the bed. "Have fun on your ruuuunn."

I picked up the pillow from my bed and threw it at her as she closed the door leaving my room with a loud cackle.

Me: I'd love to.

William: See you in a bit. I'm headed over now.

I looked down at my clothes with a frown, I guess it didn't matter what I was wearing. I would be taking them off either way.

It made me feel nice that I wasn't the only one that felt the need to be together. When we are apart, everything in my body yearns for me to be with him. I just couldn't get enough. He completed me. As I sat thinking about William, I heard a quiet ping against my window.

I stood from my bed, slowly creeping over to the window and peering out to see the blonde god, known as William. He was wearing only a pair of shorts, allowing me full access to his muscled body. I opened the window up a bit and called to him, saying I'd be right down.

I opened my bedroom door and I realized I no longer felt that strange tension I had felt from Logan. He must have finally left and gone home. I breathed out a sigh in relief and headed down the stairs and out my front door.

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