Chapter 12. Birthday Dinner

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Will had reluctantly taken me home after our lunch date. I really enjoyed being with him. Everything else almost seemed to disappear when he was around. I hoped that we would be able to spend more time doing werewolfy things. Just learning this one new trick, and with William helping me to shift makes me eager to learn more about this other part of me I hadn't known existed for most of my life.

If William's pack starts training their kids at a young age, then I must be so far behind where others my age would be in his pack. Plus with me apparently being a rogue, I had a lot of work ahead of me to even be on par with Will's pack, never mind if they would even allow a rogue into the pack to begin with.

I was caught up in my own thoughts, as I sat on the couch watching Netflix with my sister Eleanor who was sprawled out texting on her phone. She finished off a text, clicking off the screen before she turned to me intently.

"So what happened to you lately? You've been MIA. Do you have something to tell me?"

Oh no. What does she know? The werewolf thing? William? Both? Or something else? Play it off cool.

"What do you mean?" I replied innocently.

"Well geez, I don't know, Nathan. Yesterday you blew me off at lunch, then on the bus ride home and then all this morning. What's going on?"

"I'm sorry Eleanor. I've just been..."I trailed off trying to think of a decent excuse that wasn't a direct lie. "...making some new friends."

She gave me a frown, her eyes scanning over my face, looking as if she didn't quite believe me. "I don't know. Something is different about you."

Just then her phone dinged and caught her attention, bringing her back into girl world with her friends. My mom should be home soon from work, and then we would be going out for dinner for my birthday. I wasn't sure where Genevieve was, but I honestly wouldn't have been upset if she missed the dinner.

I used the excuse of checking the mail to get away from my sister and the possible return of her investigation. I wasn't ready to tell her about either one of my secrets so I couldn't let her continue. As I headed out the door, from the corner of my eye I caught a pink piece of paper stuck to the door.

It was addressed to N from W with a phone number sandwiched between the two. I grinned ear to ear as I read the note before quickly pulling out my phone and entering the number and sending out a simple text.

Hey it's Nathan.

As it sent, my heart began to beat a bit faster, nervous for Will's response. Without dawdling too much, I shoved the phone into my back pocket and continued to the mailbox, grabbing the mail and sorting through it. I figured maybe I would have gotten something considering it's my eighteenth birthday and all.

I didn't, but I was weirdly okay with it. I have a whole other part of me I have to know about now. It was more important to me than a stupid birthday, even if it was a life changing one. My father in his letter made it seem as if my mother doesn't know anything about werewolves and by extension that meant my sisters.

I wondered why my dad left them in the dark. Are they going to be turning once they turned eighteen as well? I contemplated if I should tell my family this life-altering news I had. It's either they don't believe me and think I'm crazy or they will believe me. I felt like keeping it to myself might be the better option for now.

I had now walked all the way back to the house from the mailbox. I slowly took a breath before entering into my house. Eleanor caught me before I could run up the stairs to my bedroom.

"Come on, it's your birthday. Let me spend some time with my big brother on his birthday. I got you a gift because I'm the best sister!" She said excitedly, practically pulling my arm out of its socket as she dragged me off to the living room.

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