Chapter 27. Midnight Run

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I opened my front door and headed out into the cool evening breeze towards the gorgeous man that I called mine. As I walked towards William, I noticed that his car was not even in my driveway. His bright green eyes bore into me as I approached. When I finally reached him, his arms opened to which I quickly fell into his warm chest, laying my face against his bare skin.

I felt his arms curl around me, pulling me off of my feet. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his shoulders. William held me up, pulling me into him and laying a soft kiss against my lips.

"I missed you." He said with a soft breath wisping against my lips, sending shivers through my body. "It feels so good to have you in my arms again."

"I missed you too." I breathed out softly as he set me back down on the ground.

"Come on." He said turning towards the forest and leading me gently alongside him. The moonlight was the only form of light, shining down in scattered rays through the canopy overhead. We walked until we hit the brook trailing the edge of the property, the sounds of the night forest overtaking us as we went.

"I know I said I'd let you focus on school, but when you're not with me, I feel.....not myself." He said pausing in his steps to turn to me as the breeze picked up, causing me to shiver. He pulled me into him, his warm body enveloping mine in a toasty embrace.

"How are you so warm?" I blurted out as the thought entered my mind.

"I'm bigger than you, little one." He said, letting out a soft chuckle.

I looked up to his face, stretching my neck as I did so to give him a playful glare and stick my tongue out at him.

"Keep that up and I will give you a reason to be sticking your tongue out."

At his tone and his words, my body engulfed in a deep crimson color. I was definitely no longer feeling cold. He had such a powerful effect on me with simple words. He leaned down, pressing his lips to my throat with a low guttural growl.

"You are so beautiful." He murmured against my neck, laying kisses along my throat as he spoke.

"Thanks," I whispered out into his bare chest before extricating myself from his grasp. "Let's get going."

"Alright," William said with a smirk, grabbing my hand and began jogging at a brisk pace, pulling me along in his wake. I struggled to keep up with his giant steps, his were about four of my steps.

"I thought we were going to run as wolves," I whined at him, digging my heels into the ground to stop his movements. I jerked forward as he continued on. I gasped as I realized I was going to be face-planting right into the dirt. His head whipped around and he stopped dead in his tracks, catching me mid-fall. I breathed out a sigh of relief when I opened my eyes to see that I hadn't actually fallen.

"Thanks." I murmured as he straightened me upright.

"You shouldn't do that. You could have hurt yourself." He said, staring into my eyes with a caring expression. "I have somewhere in mind for us to go before we get to running."

"Were we not just running?" I said giving him a quizzical expression and a faint laugh.

"Not what I meant."

"Just sayin'."

"You're a pain in the ass sometimes." He said giving me a smirk. "We will do this my way then."

"Y-your way?"

"Yep." He said, his lips popping the 'p'. He turned his back to me and patted his back as he squatted in front of me. I climbed onto his back quickly, before he took off sprinting. He was running faster than I could if I wasn't carrying someone. His strength was something I could marvel at all day.

The trees whooshed past us as we zipped through the woods, alongside the brook. Before long, we opened into the clearing by the small pond behind my house I had gone photographing the other day. In the nighttime, it suddenly felt very familiar. Déjàvu hit me like a ton of bricks as I realized why it seemed so eerily familiar.

This was the scene of my once reoccurring dream. This very field was where my subconscious had planted me, every single time. I had never been out here at night, but part of me wondered how I couldn't have picked up on this before. William set me back down, my eyes finding his as he looked around us at the clearing before he met my eyes with a soft expression.

"Does this field mean anything to you?"

"Kinda...?" I said trailing off, unsure of where to even begin to explain. He raised an eyebrow, looking at me with a curious expression. "Okay, so don't judge me or anything, but for the last year or so, I've had this reoccurring dream. I didn't realize it at the time, but it seems like I am a bit of a soothsayer."

His eyebrow furrowed for a moment at my words, before he urged me to continue.

"Alright um, well...I would wake up and be in the woods, but something would be chasing me and pushing me forward until I came into a clearing. Once there, my body would fall into slow motion as I crossed the field. From the opposite side, you were there as your wolf making your way towards me. Only just recently, did we finally reach one another in the dream, but usually, I would wake up just before we would."

"Hmm...interesting...." William said lightly, his eyebrows still furrowed down as he thought. I anxiously waited for him to speak for several moments that felt like a year. His mouth twitched into a small frown. "It's possible that you could be. Have you ever had any other similar experiences?"

I shook my head, there was no way I was psychic. I would have known.

"No one else was in the dream? Just me?"

"Yeah, plus whatever was chasing me."


"It is, isn't it? I always thought it was a weird dream. I'm sure it's nothing."

"I wouldn't discount it quite yet. I'll just have to make sure I keep a better watch on you."

"O-okay. Was this where you had wanted to take us?" I asked him after a moment. He simply nodded in response, his attention still scanning over the area. "Is something wrong?"

He didn't answer for a minute before his eyes flashed back to me with a smile.

"No, everything is all good. I can smell your scent all over this place though."

"I was here the other day, taking pictures," I said with a small chuckle.

He nodded in understanding as his hands fell to his waist, pulling the drawstring of his shorts and letting them flutter to the ground softly. He stepped out of them quickly before looking back over to me expectantly.
My face flushed a bright red as I slowly undressed as well and folded my clothes into a neat pile.

"Shall we?"

"Yes. Let's get running."

A moment later, I heard the cracking of his bones and when I looked back over to him, his now copper eyes were watching me studiously from behind his silver fur. Without any more hesitation, I joined him as my white wolf self. He let out a happy yip and took off running. I darted after him, running with him around the forest for several hours.

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AN: If you want to stay up to date with what's going on with Turning, follow my profile. I post if there are any delays with chapters or such.

My life is pretty hectic.

I work a full-time job, as well as taking care of my grandparent's farm which in itself is like a part-time job. My grandfather has terminal cancer, and it's a hard thing to watch someone you love wither away. Cherish the ones that you love because they aren't going to be around forever. You never know when your last moment will be with them. I am trying to spend as much time as I have left with him as I can.

I really don't like to talk about this too much, but I just wanted to let you guys in on what's going on in my life outside of Wattpad.


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