Chapter 15. The Morning After

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When I woke up, my eyes fluttered over to where William was laying in bed beside me, his snoring kept a soft rhythm. He looked so tranquil as he laid there, his lips were parted gently. I felt a blush fill my face as I thought about how he had undressed me for bed last night. I wished that it had been in a more intimate way, not just him putting me to bed.

As I was caught up in my thoughts, the room filled with a silence that snapped me back to reality. William had stopped snoring. I looked over at where he lay, his green eyes slowly opening and searching for mine.

"Mornin'..." He croaked out with a yawn, stretching out his arms and smoothly pulling me into him.

"Did you drug me last night?"

In his morning daze, he looked at me with a confused expression before he burst out laughing, his whole body shaking the bed.

"What's so damn funny? I'm being serious." I said snappily.

His eyes became slits for a moment as he glared at me, his arm tensing around my waist.

"I have no idea what you are talking about, Nathan."

"Last thing I remember was watching the movie with you and then all of a sudden, I wake up and I'm in your bed."

He chuckled softly, almost under his breath before speaking.

"Look, you just looked so peaceful that I didn't want to wake you. And I would have felt bad leaving you on the couch."

I could feel my mouth hanging open for a second, a little taken aback by his response. I almost had forgotten that I was only in my briefs, meaning he had to have undressed me too. I wondered how I could have possibly slept through everything. As I thought about him undressing me, I could feel the heat rise to my cheeks.

Even though I wished it was in different circumstances, something about it really turned me on. I could just picture his strong body carrying me to the bedroom and undressing my body with his warm, large hands. Even though I had told him I wanted things slow, the proximity of him in the bed with me was really making me question that decision.

"What're you thinking about?"

As if my face wasn't already pink, it brightened to a scarlet as I panicked, trying to think on my toes for a response that wasn't the truth. Before I could answer, the bed shifted and William was suddenly above me, pushing his body into mine, trailing kisses up my neck, his facial hair rough against my smooth skin.

"Well?" He breathed into my ear, causing my heart to pound in my chest and my brain to stop working momentarily.

"U-uh um....," I started nervously. "I don't remember?"

He growled into my neck, sending vibrations down my spine and goosebumps to rise along my skin. He dragged his lips up to my ear, taking the lobe into his mouth and sucking on it gently before whispering into my ear with a commanding tone.

"I don't like being lied to Nathan. I'm only going to ask you one more time. What were you thinking about?"

I gulped, deciding if I should really tell him my inner turmoil. I pulled away, looking over to William's hard face. He stared into me with an expression that told me he meant business.

"Tell me." He commanded, staring into my gaze and cupping my chin in one hand, making me meet his eyes. For whatever reason, I couldn't bring myself to lie to him. The way his green eyes stared into mine felt like he was looking right into my soul, demanding the truth.

"Iwasthinkingaboutyouundressingmeokay," I said, the words flying out of my mouth and jumbling all together. I closed my eyes, unable to look at his reaction. Before even a second passed, I felt his lips come crashing into mine passionately. He brushed his lips against mine with an almost urgency.

As we kissed the alarm on the side table blared to life, causing both of us to jump. Will growled against my lips before he begrudgingly peeled himself away from my body to the other side of the mattress and silenced the alarm. His lust-filled eyes looked back to me with a small frown playing on his face.

"I have a pack meeting I have to go to..."

"O-oh okay," I breathed out sadly.

"I'm really sorry. If I could skip it, I would, but it's very important that I be there since my parents are out of town."

"That's alright. I should be getting home anyway. I've got homework to do before tomorrow."

He pouted his lips, looking like a sad puppy as he looked at me. I almost felt guilty for having to go home. When we were together, everything just seemed better. Perfect.

Will kicked his feet from under the covers and rose from the bed and shuffling through different cabinets and drawers selecting his choice in clothes for the day.

"Can I see you later?" He said, walking towards my side of the bed and crouching down beside me.

Apparently, Will was feeling the same desire to be together as I was. I instantly flashed a bright smile when the question spilled from his lips.

"I'd like that."

"Perfect." He said flashing his show-stopping pearly whites and then glancing at the door. "I need to shower. Want to come with?"

He gave me a wink, followed by a cocky grin. I could feel my mouth drop open to which Will snickered. I could barely muster up the shake of my head no in response to which he pursed his lips disappointedly. Will tossed a towel over his shoulder and strode out of the room without a glance back at me.

While he showered, I decided to do a little snooping around his room. I shimmied off the bed, tiptoeing my way around the room as I opened various cabinets and drawers. I'm not sure what exactly I had been looking for but gave a small sigh when I couldn't find anything of interest. I was partly trying to figure out where he put my clothes from the night before.

Something drew my attention over to the long mahogany desk that lay below a wide window on the opposite side of the room as the bed. I padded softly over to it and took a seat at the comfy desk chair. I gazed over the contents of the neat table. There were a couple of notebooks, a laptop, and an assortment of office supplies. What really caught my eye was the picture frame that sat on the top shelf of the desk.

The photograph that the frame held looked fairly aged. It had two men in the picture, with one of them holding a baby. They were standing on a porch with ornate marble columns, in front of a large set of red double doors connecting to the dark brick building. The two men were beaming brightly into the camera as if it was the best day of their lives.

I wonder who these two men are to Will. Is he the baby in the picture?

As I was examining the picture, I could hear the faint sound of footsteps approaching the door from the hallway. I didn't want William to get upset that I was looking through his things, so I quickly put the picture back down in its original place, and spun around in the swivel chair, trying to look casual when the door creaked open.

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