Chapter 25. Paranoia

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By the time I had left William's house, it was after dark. I had waited until it was later on purpose, just so I would not have to encounter my mother at home. She usually woke up early in the mornings and with any luck, she would already be in bed. The ride home was an eerie one, I couldn't escape the feeling like I was being watched.

More and more lately, I've been feeling eyes on me, but when I look around, there is never anyone there. I had chalked it up to me being on edge from recently becoming a werewolf. As the paranoia set in, my foot pushed harder on the gas pedal, picking up the speed. As I drove down the dimly lit street, I scanned my vision along the sides of the road leading to my house. I felt a prickling sensation and the hairs on the back of the neck began to rise. My heart rate was increasing by the second as I frantically searched for the cause.

The closer that I got to my house, the worse the prickling feeling got. I felt my stomach turning into knots as I pulled into my driveway. Something was not right. I could feel it. I stopped the car and put it into park, but felt paralyzed in fear. Everything inside of my body was screaming at me to turn around and go back to William.

I shook my head at the thought. I'm not weak. I can't keep running to him whenever I feel anything remotely bad. I pushed my gut feelings away and slid out of my Jeep. I was hyper-aware of my surroundings as I traversed over to the front porch. Nothing was out of place. No one was watching me, but I couldn't help my paranoia.

I twisted the doorknob and slowly opened the front door. I silently entered and closed the door behind me. Genevieve and her boyfriend, Logan were sitting on the couch watching Netflix in the living room. As I stepped into the house, they both glanced my way before Genevieve focused her attention back to the screen with a humph. Logan continued to stare at me, glowering with anger on his usually kind face.

The longer he stared, the worse the pit in my stomach got. All that I could see in his eyes was rage. Logan was over our house quite frequently and I have never felt like this with him before. He had always been the nice one out of Genevieve and him, which really isn't that hard to do when anyone is compared to her.

"Hi...." I squeaked out at him with a small wave.

With a final menacing look, Logan turned back to the television without even acknowledging that I spoke to him. Once his eyes left me, the pain subsided to a tolerable level and I let out a breath I hadn't realized I had been holding. What did I do to the boy? I barely have ever said more than a few words to him, there was no reason for him to be acting like I kicked his puppy. I couldn't help my uneasiness as I trudged up the stairs and into my bedroom, locking the door behind me.

I let out a relieved huff once I plopped onto my bed, curling myself into the covers and pulling the blanket over my face. I only had to be here for another couple weeks, and then I could be out on my own if I wanted. Once I graduate, I'm finding my own place, away from everyone in this house.

The safe-haven underneath my blankets wasn't even enough to keep my fears away. My thoughts kept falling back to Logan. The way he looked at me was like a murderer looking at his next victim. There had to be a reason. The only thing different was that I was now a werewolf. Could he somehow tell and if so, why is he so angry about it?

I had more questions than answers as I lay there. What I definitely knew was that something was very wrong, all of the alarms were going off inside of my head. Logan was somehow the culprit to my uneasiness. How could I have known that he was at my house? Someone was watching me and he was here. Two and two just didn't add up. Perhaps, the two were unrelated events and I'm just stressed out.

I didn't want to leave it to chance, so I needed to do some research. I had to do it without William, which is the hard part. He is the only person I can talk to about werewolf things. That left me the option of using the internet. I quickly dashed over to my computer, bringing my comforter along with me. I booted up the old pc and once it loaded up I brought up my browser.

I wasn't even sure where to begin my research, but with hesitant fingers, I typed in Logan Huntsman and hit enter. Nothing of use popped up in the results. As I looked over his name, it hit me. I highlighted his first name and pressed delete, then searched the results once more. Suddenly everything was clicking into place in my mind, and I understood.

Logan Huntsman is a werewolf hunter.

The words were reverberating inside of my brain, sending me into panic mode. It all made sense, my body knew it was the truth. But if he was, why didn't he murder me already? And why is he dating my sister? It was a real possibility that he did not even know what he was. His adverse reaction to me made me think otherwise, however, maybe he had a similar experience as me and didn't know what happened.

In any case, I knew that I needed to avoid Logan at all costs. The less I have to interact with him, the better. If he didn't figure it out now, he will sooner or later and I'm not going to wait around to see what would happen. It worried me that Genevieve was dating him. Although she was still "human", next year she would be eighteen and go through her first change.

What would happen then? Would he murder her? For all I knew, Logan knew exactly what he was doing and biding his time for the slaughter. He could pick us off one by one, playing an unsuspecting bystander and probably get away with it. Even though my sister really got under my skin, she was still my younger sister and I felt the need to protect her.

When my dad died, I had to take on the position of the man of the house. I was the only male left in the family and I felt like I had a part to play. Men are supposed to be tough and the protectors. As much as our dad's death changed Genevieve, it changed me in a lot of ways as well. I became more withdrawn and kept to myself. It didn't help that my sister didn't want anything to do with me when he died either. It crushed me, but I still feel love towards her.

The family bond is an unshakeable thing sometimes. Genevieve could say the worst things in the world to me, but if someone were to threaten her, I know I would go ballistic. My father's passing really taught me to cherish the time we have with our loved ones because we won't get more time once they are gone.

A loud bang interrupted my thoughts and my eyes traveled to where the sound originated, my door. The obnoxious knock recurred and I shuffled over to the door, blanket wrapped around my body like a warm cocoon. As I headed there, the banging continued at a more frequent pace. When I got to the door, I threw it open with an angry glare.

"Who the fu-"

AN: I love a cliffhanger! Who do you think it is??

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Xoxo CrazyCatMan7

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