Chapter 28. Jordan

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By the time I had gotten back home from going running with William, it was very late. I had quietly snuck into my house and went right to bed. When I had awoken the next morning, I had taken a shower and gotten ready for school. William had said he would be by to pick me up and that he wouldn't mind bringing Eleanor along with us at all.

Once I was through getting ready, I slipped out of my room and padded across the hall to Eleanor's room, knocking lightly before I entered. Her room was feminine in every aspect, everything in it was a shade of pink from her curtains, to her bed, to her walls. When I entered, Eleanor was sitting at her vanity plastering her face with makeup. She looked at me through the mirror with a smile before applying her eyeliner into her signature wing.

"Morning! What's up?"

"Good morning! I talked to William and he said he would love for you to join us."

"Yay!! Thank you! I hate having to ride the bus." She said letting out an excited squeal, jumping up from her chair and wrapping me in a hug.

"I know, I did too. I need to tell William that he's not going to be the only one driving all the time. I just got my car and have hardly gotten to drive it."

She nodded in understanding as she applied eyeliner to her other eye. She finished her look off with a pale pink lipstick, flipping her dark hair over her shoulder as she stood up.

"How was your ruuuuun last night?" She said with an evil glint in her eye as she smirked at me.

"Oh...uh, it was good," I replied quietly, hoping she wouldn't press me too much for more information.

"He's got quite the bod."

"You saw?" I asked nervously, my eyes flying up to hers. She laughed in response before she answered.

"Yep, I sure did. You are a lucky man. Who knew he was packing all of that. He was throwing rocks at my window first until I led him in the right direction."

"Thanks, El. Now we should get going, William will be here any minute." I said turning on my heel and heading towards the door with Eleanor following behind. We marched down the stairs and out the front door to find William's car parked in the driveway waiting for us.

William smiled brightly when Eleanor and I piled into his small vehicle. Eleanor was the first to speak once we got moving.

"Thank you for bringing me along. I really appreciate it."

"No problem. I'd do anything your brother asks." He said, looking over to me with a grin. He reached over to intertwine our hands, giving mine a soft squeeze. I smiled in return and opened my mouth to speak before I was interrupted from the back seat. I turned towards my sister who was looking back and forth at us with a cheeky grin on her face.

"Awwww, you guys are so adorable! I can't even deal with it."

From beside me, I heard a small snicker from William. I shot Eleanor a look that told her she was on the verge of being weird and needed to cut it out. She frowned, crossing her arms over chest and leaned back into her seat. I glanced back at William, who was all eyes on the road and hadn't seem to see our exchange.

"Can we get coffee, please?" I asked William, pouting my bottom lip out.

"Yeah, pleaseeeee," Eleanor called from the back seat like a child. William laughed half-heartedly before he agreed and turned into the parking lot of the drive-thru. We each ordered a coffee and then William brought us to school.

When we arrived, Eleanor quickly slid out of the car saying goodbye to both of us. We each grumbled out a goodbye while we looked at each other, finally alone. My heart started to race slightly from the thoughts that were running through my mind as I looked over him.

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