Chapter 29. Bully

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When I turned towards who it was that pulled me, shivers ran down my spine. I wasn't really sure who I was expecting, but it wasn't Logan. His menacing eyes were boring into mine while his hand kept a tight grip on my shoulder, making me wince in pain. His mouth turned up into a smirk as dug his fingers in harder before throwing my body against the wall.

I fell like a crumpled mess onto the hard tile floor with a heavy thud, smacking my head against the wall, causing me to see stars for a moment. I didn't look up from the ground, but I felt his dark presence lingering over me.

"Pathetic." He spat out at me, laughing as he walked off and disappearing past the small crowd that had gathered to watch. I felt humiliated, and I felt tears filling my eyes. I scanned over the crowd and saw Jordan standing there with an open mouth as he rushed over to me.

"Are you okay?" He asked worriedly, looking over my head with a tut. "We are going to have to bring you to the-"

"What happened to him!?" I heard the familiar angry husky voice of my boyfriend as he stomped towards us. As I peered up to him, I saw the rage in his eyes as well as the soft expression that he held when I caught his eye. His raked over my body, throwing Jordan's hands off of me as pulled me to him with a small growl escaping his lips.

"I'll be taking care of him, you can go now." William hissed out angrily at Jordan, scaring the poor boy who uttered out a stuttered goodbye before he scurried away with the rest of the crowd.

"Are you okay baby?" William asked softly, cradling my face between his hands tenderly as he inspected my wound. His green eyes still had a slight hint of anger as he looked me over. "It's not too bad. Come with me."

He led us into the nearby bathroom, pulling me into a stall with him. He put the seat down and patted for me to sit down. I obliged, trusting him but not understanding what was going on in the slightest. His fingers ran through my hair softly, parting the area the bleeding was coming from before he brought his lips down to the wound. His tongue grazed along the gash, lapping it clean before he pulled away, ruffling my hair with his hand softly. He spread my legs as he stood between them and crouching to my level.

"All better, beautiful. Now can you tell me what happened to you please?" His voice was sweet, but his eyes said it all. I could tell he was trying to suppress his anger. I let out a sigh, unable to look him in the eyes as I recounted what had happened.

"I should have mentioned this to you earlier..." I started, trailing off by his suddenly hard expression that was also somehow blank.

"Go on." He commanded, trailing a finger lightly across my cheek.

", this was Logan Huntsman's doing." I felt his body stiffen in reaction and as I peeked over at him, it looked as if he were going to explode. His giant muscles were flexing as his hands clenched, and his eyes filled with rage.

"I'll kill him." He growled out, his teeth extending out into razor-sharp fangs. I could see the coppery tone of his eyes spilling out as his wolf side was taking control.

Oh boy. He was this mad and I hadn't even told him the full story.

"Keep going angel." His voice has gone back to the soft tender tone it had moments ago, but his green eyes still had that coppery glow about them, his wolf ready to fight. With a deep breath, I continued to tell him what happened. When I finished telling him about the hallway incident, I realized I had never told him about the encounter I had with Logan at home.  I had meant to talk to William about it, but it had slipped my mind every time I was around him.

"There's more..." I whimpered out, looking down at the ground, unable to meet his eyes. He sucked in a harsh breath, letting it out slowly before he urged me to continue. I shared my research with him and throughout he would let out guttural growls in reaction to my story.

"I'm going to murder that son of a bitch."

"Will, please don't do anything rash. He's not worth it." I pleaded softly. Just then the bell rang, signaling it was time for our next class. I let out a sigh and reached for his hand, intertwining our fingers. "We've got to get to English."

"Nathan, that jerk hurt you. I'll let it go for now because you asked, but that asshole better watch out. You are not allowed out of my sight so I can protect you."

"Alright," I mumbled out as I stood. William's eyes held mine in hard dark expression before he let me pull him out of the stall and out of the bathroom. I rushed us over to our classroom and entering. When we walked into the room, the entire class went silent and all eyes were on us.

"Mr. Harper and Mr. Stewart...tardy, tsk tsk..." Mrs. Jones's strident, nasally voice called from her desk, snapping my attention from the students.

"I'm very sorry, Mrs. Jones, Nathan here fell and hit his head so I brought him to the nurse," William said his voice taking on a soft, velvety quality. His hand rubbed on my lower back for a moment, making me jump slightly from his sudden touch. I swore I heard a small chuckle escape his lips as our teacher instructed us to take our seats.

As we did so, the class broke out in quiet whispers as they looked at us. They could have at least tried to be more discreet about the fact that they were all talking about us. If the whole school didn't know we were together by now, they would after this class. It seemed as if we were the talk of the whole school which left me feeling super uncomfortable. I felt my face filling with heat as a deep blush filled my cheeks.

"Don't worry. We are in this together." William whispered from his seat beside me with a small smile on his face. Before I could respond, Mrs. Jones called attention to her and began her lesson plan for the day. I smiled softly back at him before I brought my focus up to the teacher.

Once the class had ended, William was back to being glued at my side, not allowing me out of his sight as we traversed to our next class. I tried to not pay attention to the murmurs and looks as we passed through the hallway, but it was difficult. William's arm was wrapped around my shoulders. I huddled closer into him as we walked, pulling my body as close to him as I could.

He made me feel safe. Protected. I don't think I could be doing this if it were anyone else. Being with him made all of the stares and gossiping worth it.

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