Chapter 37. Astral Projection

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"Nathan, can you hear me?"




"Nathan." The voice said louder, catching my attention, even in my unconscious state. I felt as if my mind was suddenly detached from my body. It was serene and made me feel at ease. My eyes fluttered open and I was in utter darkness. Except I wasn't alone. I saw the owner of the voice calling my name and it was, much to my surprise, Jordan.

"How are you he-" I began before I was cut short by my friend with an annoyed look.

"I don't have much time. To answer your question, I'm astral projecting myself into your subconscious and the longer I'm here, the harder your brain is trying to kick the invasion out. Now that I found you, William and I are coming, hang in there."

With a comforting smile, he vanished, leaving only a cloud of smoke in his wake. I was left alone in the darkness for a moment, the silence and dark somehow felt much more inviting than where I was trapped. All too soon, I felt like I had been sucked back into my body. I woke up a second later, wondering what had just happened. It was an outside of body experience. I wanted it to be real, but everything inside of me told me it couldn't have been.

It had to have just been my crazy imagination. Astral projection isn't real.

Then I doubted myself.

If werewolves were real...who's to say other magical beings didn't exist?

I tried to not linger too long on the hopeful thoughts. There is a large possibility that I've just totally lost
it and it's all just wishful thinking. Being kidnapped, not being fed or given anything to drink can really take a toll on a person.

At the thought of food, my stomach growled angrily. The little I had eaten before this all, I had thrown up. I stared hopelessly up at the low ceiling, bound to the fallen chair. I couldn't even tell how long I had been locked up. I had been unconscious on more than one occasion. It felt like it had been days. Gone was the despair I had felt a few moments ago. There was rage building inside, festering until I couldn't contain it any longer. I was desperate for my release.

From the fall, the rope had shimmied its way down enough that I could now slowly fray the rope with the edge of the chair. I swayed my shoulders back and forth rapidly, the strands of rope were actually tearing. I refrained from cheering when the rope finally gave way and my hands became free. I quickly undid the rope tying my feet as well and scampered out of the chair.

It felt amazing to actually stretch myself out, being cramped in the same position wreaked havoc on my body. I knew that I had to come up with a game plan now that I had gotten myself untied. I looked around the room once more, searching for some sort of weapon I could use against Logan.

The first few boxes I had searched, came up with nothing but styrofoam packing peanuts. Unless I could somehow shove them down his throat, they would do nothing for me. Desperate and relentless I kept moving on, searching for anything to aid me. I was beginning to get worried that Logan would come back at any moment until my hands grazed along a metal cylinder in one of the boxes.

I pulled it out slowly, being careful to remain as silent as possible to not arouse suspicion. Once it was clear of the box, I grinned, feeling triumphant. I tested the weight of the metallic pole by swinging it around a few times, imagining Logan's face as I twirled it around. My face instantly fell when I felt the pipe slip from my fingers and hit the hard cement floor with loud clangs practically echoing around the room.

I scrambled down onto the floor, hastily snatching the pipe off the ground and scurried over to the door, ready to strike. Even if it was accidental, it made me have to think on my toes and come up with a strategy. I knew the clattering noise had to have alerted Logan, and any moment he would come barging in. I just have to time it correctly and with a single hit, I could send him to the floor.

The sounds of the locks being quickly unbolted made my heart rate pick up as I awaited the door to open. My palms were sweaty and I felt exhausted but I knew I had to power through everything to make it out of this place.

I need to.

I HAVE to.

To get back to my mate.

I held my breath as the door slowly swung open. I hid behind the door, quietly waiting for him to take a step into the room. I heard the sound of his footsteps, and I took my opportunity to strike. I channeled all of my pent up anger and aggression into my swing as I aimed for the back of his head. Immediately at the hard blow to the back of his head, Logan dropped to the ground in the doorway.

"Not so pathetic now," I muttered to the unconscious form. Grabbing him by the wrists, I dragged his deadweight body into the center of the room. A gold chain that hung loosely around his neck caught my attention as it slipped from under his shirt. Hanging from the bottom was a bronze pendant, intricately monogrammed with the letter "S". It was about the size of an average locket and had a keyhole on the bottom. Something in my gut told me to take it.

Without a second thought to waste my time, I yanked the chain, swiping it from his neck before dashing out of the room. I slammed the door shut and locked all ten of the deadbolts, hopefully buying myself some more time if he were to wake up anytime soon.

AN: Phew...that was nerve-wracking. Not my best chapter but, so much happened already that I felt I had to end it here.

What did you think??

Anyways kittens, don't forget to vote/comment if you enjoyed.

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