Chapter 19. Tracking

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It's now Monday morning, which means it is time for school again. It was bittersweet, I felt like this weekend was one of the best I've had in a while and didn't want it to end. On the other hand, I knew I got to see William. Just as I was thinking about him, my phone buzzed to life in my pocket. I quickly swiped the screen and answered the call.


"I'm outside your house. Want a ride to school?" William's husky voice said making me instantly smile. He just had something about him that put me at ease. I internally debated with the idea, I had wanted to drive my new car to school today, but it's William. After a moment, I agreed and happily skipped down the stairs, backpack in hand, to see him.

When I opened the front door to my house, I saw him sitting in his mint-colored bug with a grin on his face. He wore a stylish pair of sunglasses and as I approached, he lowered them watching me with a lustful gaze. When I opened the passenger door, he let out a wolf whistle and his grin widened.

"Damn. You are so cute." He said, his green eyes sparkling at me as he raised his sunglasses back over his eyes. He ran his hand through his messily pushed back blonde hair in an attempt to get it out of his face, however it flopped back a second later making me let out a small giggle.

"Thanks. You're pretty cute yourself." I said quietly, throwing my bag into the backseat. William reached for my hand with his, intertwining our fingers after he reversed out of the driveway.

"Would you like to grab a cup of coffee before we head to school?"

"I'd love to," I said, nodding my head quickly. He took us through the drive-through and we quickly received our orders. We both got a coffee with some hash browns. William pulled into a parking spot as we munched on our food.

"Skip school with me?" He said suddenly. I looked over to where he was seated with an eyebrow raised, shaking my head as he innocently popped a hash brown into his mouth.

"Come on. Be a bad boy with me. Live a little." He said with a wink. The wink he added made me wonder what exactly he had planned for us to do instead of school and made me rethink my answer.

"What'd you have in mind?"

"You'll see." He stated simply, begging me with his emerald eyes.

"O-okay." I finally relented, what could it hurt? It's only one day. He beamed brightly in response, backing out of the spot and zooming out of the parking lot before I could blink. We headed down many side roads, twisting around the wooded terrain. We finally came to a dead end with nothing around but forest for miles. He slid out of the car before opening mine and grabbing my hand.

I cautiously lifted myself out of the car as he pulled me into the woods. My heart began to beat fast all of a sudden as we headed in further. As if he could sense my apprehension, he stopped, turning to me and looking into my eyes.

"Do you trust me?"

I stared blankly into his eyes, not answering. It's not that I didn't trust him, I was just feeling nervous.

"I can feel your emotions radiating off of you. I promised I would never let anything bad happen to you. Trust me, Nathan."

I nodded my head in response before he continued leading me further into the woods. He stopped us at a fallen tree, taking a seat on it and gesturing for me to do the same. I sat beside him, feeling even more nervous now that we stopped. I took a deep breath holding it in for a moment before I let it out.

"Well, you wanted to learn werewolf stuff, right?"

I looked at him eagerly, barely able to contain my excitement. I've been wanting this since day one. I feel so far behind.


He smirked at my response, before lifting his shirt over his head and taking it off. He looked into my eyes as he slipped off his pants, causing my cheeks to heat up as he stood before me in his underwear.

"Come on. This isn't a show. You too." He said laughing, gyrating his hips at me.

I let out a nervous chuckle as I quickly stripped to my underwear like him and meeting his eyes. He raised an eyebrow at me and my eyes hungrily followed his hand as it traveled down his chest to the waistband of his underwear. My blush deepened as he wiggled himself out of them and took a step towards me, our faces now only inches apart.

My eyes closed reflexively as his lips neared mine, but his warm mouth never met. My eyes opened for a moment but closed as his lips came crashing down to mine. He moved against my lips softly, brushing them together with a soft caress before they left. He took a step back as my eyes opened, waiting for me to strip completely.

I happily obliged, slowly shimmying my underwear down my slim body with my eyes watching his. I trailed my hand down my body, in slow, deliberate motions. As the underwear slipped off, I watched his emerald eyes fill with lust before he met my eyes once more.

"You are so perfect. Such a distraction while I'm trying to teach you." William scolded playfully. "Shift."

I did as he commanded after a moment. The pain was very minimal and it also seemed to be happening with much more ease now that I had practiced a bit.

"Great. So today we are going to be practicing tracking and hunting."

He smiled at me before he shifted in front of my eyes becoming his mammoth silver furred wolf. He came close to me, bringing his snout close to mine and giving me a lick. He pounced away and turned towards me, his hindquarters in the air and his tail wagging. He let out a quiet bark and jumped forward a bit.

He wants to play. Copy what's he doing. You'll get used to it.

I did as the wolf told me and William let out a loud howl in excitement as I pounced on him. He rolled us over, placing his teeth against my throat softly before he licked up my throat. His copper-colored eyes shined brightly at me and even as a wolf I could tell he was grinning at me. He hopped off me and waited for me to stand up. When I did, he gestured over his shoulder and zoomed over the nearby hill.

I took off after him, digging my nails into the soft earth with each powerful stride. As I reached the top, I couldn't see him and let out a low whimper. The wind shifted then, invading my nostrils with the all too familiar scent of apple pie. I lifted my nose to the wind and took off against it. My white fur whipped behind me as I sprinted, I could smell him close. I kept running before I couldn't seem to catch his scent any longer.

I circled back a bit and I could once again smell him. I put my nose to the ground and followed the scent. Within a short time, the scent was overwhelming and I lifted my head, gazing at my surroundings. I could not see William anywhere. My heart started pounding in my chest, and I let out a small whimper. From above me, I heard a twig snap, causing me to snap my head to the sky.

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