Chapter 16. Mystery Boy

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Much to my chagrin, it was not William who entered the bedroom. It was a kid around my age that I did not recognize. He had shoulder-length chestnut brown hair and was probably close to the same height as Will. He was attractive in his own way, but he held nothing compared to my mate.

"Yo Will, are you up yet?" He called out in a low baritone voice.

His chocolate-colored eyes scanned across the bedroom before they landed on me with a surprised look coming to his face, followed by a blush when his eyes traveled down my almost naked body. He quickly darted his wide eyes, and shuffled awkwardly out the door.

"I'm so sorry. I hadn't realized Will had a guest." He mumbled out quickly before shutting the door once more.

When the door shut, I could hear the faint sounds of the mysterious boy cursing himself out as he walked off. I chuckled softly to myself, the poor kid seemed more embarrassed about it than I was. Nevertheless, I decided to try to find something I could throw on in the meantime in case of any other unexpected visitors.

I rummaged through the drawers of his bureau, finding a pair of sweatpants I could possibly fit into. I slipped my legs into the pair of pants and pulling it up to my waist. I was practically swimming in William's pants as they immediately dropped to the floor when I released my grip. He was almost a foot taller and had about sixty pounds on me at least. I sighed, pulling the drawstrings as tight as they could and tying them together. Now that my midsection was taken care of, I had to roll the bottoms up a few rolls to help make the pants fit. For now, this would have to do until I could pester him with what he did with my clothes.

Not long after William returned wearing only his towel, with a slight scowl playing on his face as he entered the room. Once his eyes captured my scrawny frame wearing his giant pants, his frown faltered, turning into a devilish smile. He let out a soft laugh as he shut the door behind him.

"You look cute." He said with a

hint of laughter still on his face. "I like seeing you in my clothes."

"No, I do not. I look ridiculous. Some dude walked in on me. I had to put something on since you hid my clothes." I said rolling my eyes and narrowing them at him.

"So I heard." He let out a breath before continuing. "I'm sorry about Ryder, he didn't know."

"Who is he anyway?" I said, failing to hide the jealousy in my voice. I also noted he failed to mention anything about my clothes. Maybe he did it just so I would be forced to wear his clothes instead. Not that I would have minded if his clothes actually fit me. They smelled just like him, and being completely covered by his scent sounded like pure bliss.

"He's just a friend and a fellow pack member."

I instantly felt stupid for being jealous, we aren't even officially together or anything. It's not like he's mine yet, I don't get to feel jealous, but I do. I stayed silent, feeling embarrassed. My eyes fell from his face down to the beads of water from his shower dripping down his bare chest hitting the towel that draped from his waist. Noticing my staring, he put his fingers at the edge of the towel, letting it fall to the ground softly with a smirk.

Holy shit.

Before I let myself become too transfixed with his sexy body, I tore my gaze away with a deep redness flushing my face. As I looked away, I could hear a faint chuckle coming from William, followed by the sounds of him dressing.

"I'm all dressed. You can look at me again." He said with a laugh that I reciprocated nervously before giving him a quick glance to check if he was telling the truth, which he was. If I hadn't just seen him completely naked, I would say that he never looked better. But I did, and now couldn't get the picture out of my head as I look at him.

"So, um...what do you have to do at a pack meeting?" I said shaking my head slightly to stop picturing him naked and get out of this awkward tension.

"Well, it varies. Sometimes it's for specific training, sometimes for important news and a lot of times....just because."

"I see. So I was wondering if maybe you could possibly teach me werewolf basics sometime...only if you wanted?" I said nervously, my voice breaking slightly.

Without any hesitation, he happily agreed to help me. He seemed really eager to help, actually.

"I'll be right back." He said skirting around me towards the closet. When he came back, he had the clothes I was wearing last night all folded up.

Of course, I didn't check the closet. How did I not notice it before now?

I smiled when he handed them to me.

"Thanks," I said quietly before turning on my heel and marching towards the door. "I'm going to go change," I said before shutting it behind me and heading out of the room towards the bathroom. As I moved down the hallway, I giggled to myself as I remembered how I had struggled to find the bathroom last night.

I quickly disrobed and changed into my own clothes once more, letting out a relieved breath. It's good to be back in my own normal fitting clothes again. I smoothed down my hair in the mirror before heading back to William waiting in his room.

"All ready?" He asked when I entered the room. I frowned slightly at the thought of having to go.

"Can I borrow a sweatshirt? I forgot to wear one when I came over last night and I bet it's chilly outside."

He instantly smiled brightly and headed towards the closet once more bringing out one and handing it over. Little did he know he was never going to get it back from me though. I hastily threw it on, breathing in as I pulled it over my face. It smelled just like him. I grinned back at him.

"I'm ready."

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