Chapter 36. Prisoner

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When I awoke, I was in complete darkness. I looked around in the pitch blackness surrounding me, and my first instinct was to escape. I attempted to scramble out of where I was sat, only to realize both my legs and my arms were bound to the chair I was sitting in by a rough rope. I felt it digging into my skin every time I moved, chafing the areas raw.

Once my eyes had adjusted to the dark, I saw a small amount of light escaping from under the crack of a doorway to my right. I looked around the room, looking for anything that could help me. With the quick scan around, I saw I had been placed in a small room without any windows. The only door was the one I had already seen and the room was fairly empty, only a few boxes littered the floor along with the chair I was bound to.

Sitting there, I felt as helpless as a mouse trapped in the cage of a snake. I knew that my kidnapper would inevitably come back for me. I hadn't a clue how long I had been out for, but I knew he would be back. I had to figure out my escape.

It worried me that I could not hear William's voice in my head. When I had gone down, all I could hear was his panic, but now...nothing. I had gone my whole life without another's voice in my head, but now I felt empty. I had never realized how comforting it was to have him be in my subconscious. He was the one who always knew what to do, and now without him, I felt helpless.

I felt the tears pooling in my eyes as I sat in the pitch blackness of my holding room. I stifled back my sobs by biting down on my lips, worried that the sound may alert my captor that I was now awake.

Then, an idea hit me. If I shifted into my wolf, it would break the restraints and I would be free. I smiled half-heartedly, pleased with myself for coming up with a solution to my problem. I did what I normally did to turn, only this time nothing happened. I didn't shift into my wolf. I frowned and I tried again. Still nothing.

What is happening? Wolf, are you there?

There was no response from my wolf side. If I hadn't been panicking before, I definitely was now. I had only just gotten my wolf, and now that part of me is gone. If I had no help from my supernatural side, what was I going to do? I hoped and prayed William would be able to save me, but I couldn't just sit there and wait for my kidnapper to come back.

Who knows what he was planning on doing with me. I knew that if he had wanted to kill me, he would have done it already. He had the chance when I was out. He clearly had other plans with me. The other plans are what scared me. I had never done anything to deserve this. I had always been nice to everyone. I was far too shy to be anything but.

I felt bile rising in my throat as the dread of all the things that could happen to me swirled in my mind. My breathing began to escalate and soon I was having a full-blown panic attack.  Tears spilled from my eyes, I knew my mantra wouldn't work for me this time. I knew that this time, everything was not going to be fine. I was not going to be okay. I heaved, spilling the contents of my stomach onto the floor beside me.

It was then the door to my prison flew open with a loud bang. I jumped as the bright light filled the space, feeling some hope that it was William coming to save me. Unfortunately, it wasn't. Logan Huntsman stalked angrily over to where I was. He glowered at me as his eyes flicked down to my vomit pile.

"Fucking pathetic."

"What do you want from me?" I said just above a whisper, my voice hoarse from expelling the bile. I didn't dare to meet his gaze that I felt burning into my flesh.

"What do you want from me?" He mocked, sneering at me as he spoke.
"I want you to suffer. I want your precious mate to suffer along with you, knowing he will never find you." He paused, "LOOK AT ME WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU!" He screamed, grabbing onto my face roughly, his rough fingers squeezing my jaw to make me look at him. His hate-filled face was inches from mine. I shuddered as his angry black eyes tore into me. "It's funny, my father warned me this would be much more difficult. At least your father put up a fight. You, nothing. You're weak. You made it far too easy."

My father? What does he mean? My dad died in a car accident.

I stared at him wide-eyed before he spat in my face, pushing the chair down, sending me careening into the pile of vomit. I didn't let my pain and humiliation show, I knew that it would only fuel his anger with me. He laughed for a moment before he crouched down, grabbing ahold of my hair by the fistful, making me meet his sinister gaze.

"When I'm done with you, you're going to wish you were dead." He said venomously before tossing his hold on my hair, cracking my head on the cold, hard floor. I let out a small whimper as I immediately felt the blood gushing from the wound, the warm liquid trickling down my forehead. After a moment, I heard his footsteps walking away, he paused at the door and turned towards me.

"Don't you go anywhere." He laughed at himself, pulling open the door and slamming it shut behind him. The darkness once again filled the room as I heard the sounds of locks being turned. Only after I was sure Logan was gone was when I let out my pained cries.

I prayed to God, I prayed to the Moon Goddess, I prayed to any god that I had ever heard of to help me through this. I really hoped that William would be here to save me before Logan could come back. I'm not sure I could make it through another encounter with him. My vision became hazy as the blood seeped into my eyes, stinging with each drop. My eyes felt heavier and heavier, and then they didn't open again. I slipped into the darkness, my consciousness failing me.

AN: Ugh, I feel so terrible for writing this chapter. I surprised myself with how easy all of this poured out of me. Who knew I had this evil side to me? Don't say I didn't warn you that things were gonna start hitting the fan.

Also, I just want to thank all of you kittens for getting us up over 30k reads and 1k votes! I love all of you so much for supporting my story! It really means so much to me.

Don't forget to vote/comment if you enjoyed!

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