Chapter 34. Back to School

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As soon as William had left me at my locker, the all too familiar feeling of being watched hit me. I quickly glanced around the hallway, searching for the cause, but came up empty. Everyone was hustling through the hall, per usual no one was paying any attention to me. With a shrug, I turned back to my locker, taking my time to collect my belongings and head out to my first class of the day.

I walked into the art room just as the bell was ringing to signal the beginning of class. I took my usual spot in the corner of the room and quickly began putting the last few touches onto my dream painting. I added shadows and contoured the scenery with long thin strokes of my brush, stippling the deep violet color across the canvas.

With a smile pushing across my face, I looked down at my creation, seeing a very realistic-looking William in wolf form. As I looked down at the artwork, my name was called from across the table. Apparently, I had been so engrossed in my work, I had never noticed that Jordan had taken a seat across from me. I began to wonder how long he had been sitting there. For me, art had always been able to take me elsewhere, a place to express myself freely. Sometimes I could get swept away in my own world.

"Nathan? You okay?" Jordan repeated himself, waving a hand in front of my face with a concerned expression.

"Sorry, I was just caught up in my thoughts. What's up?" I responded with a small smile. He gave me a somewhat suspicious look before he finally answered.

"I was just wondering if I could maybe sit with you and William during lunch?" He replied meekly, not meeting my eyes as his tan cheeks flushed slightly.

"Of course!! We would love to have you join us. It's kinda lonely with only us two all the time." I said, chuckling softly. He lit up like a child in a candy store from my response. Unlike myself, Jordan didn't choose to be a loner, he was naturally someone who disappeared into the background and it seemed to affect him greatly. I decided to make it a point to befriend him. I smiled back at him before I picked up my canvas and turned it to him. "What do you think?"

"Wow...that is awesome!" He said, his eyes flitted across the painting as he spoke. "That wolf looks so real. I like it a lot. I suck at painting, so I'm thoroughly impressed."

"Thanks!" I replied cheerfully, turning the painting back towards me and setting it down on the table. I stood, picking up my palette and brushes and headed over to the sink to wash everything off.

Miss you. Hope your class is going well.

I smiled, hearing my mate's voice in my head as I rinsed my brushes and placed them bristle side up in a cup so they could dry.

It's going great! I just finished my painting.

Awesome baby! Can't wait to see it!

I had finished cleaning off my palette and turned back to my table, still smiling softly. I sat back down and peeked over at what Jordan was working on. While painting was my thing, Jordan was extremely talented with his charcoal drawing.

The feeling it invoked in me was dark, to say the least. In the forefront, an angel stood protecting over someone, its back to the view as a sword was thrust into it. I shuddered slightly as I imagined the gruesome scene. I saw Jordan eyeing me as if waiting for my opinion.

"That'" I said, fumbling over my words, trying to convey that the art was good.

"Thanks. I know it's kind of morbid, it kinda just drew itself...if that makes any sense?" He replied in a timid manner, slowly looking up to my eyes before looking away quickly again.

"I like it," I responded with a soft smile. I peeked over at the large clock on the wall, seeing class would be over shortly and stood, packing away my belongings before the bell rang. I had timed it perfectly as it had rung just as I had finished.

"See you at lunch, Jordan?" I called over to the boy who was running around the art room, frantically putting all of his supplies away.

"Yep. See you then!" He called back with a giant grin on his face. I smiled back at him with a wave before I turned around and left the room. As soon as I walked out, my skin began to crawl. I felt eyes watching me and I knew they were not friendly.

All of a sudden I felt arms wrap around me from behind, causing me to let out a shrill shriek. I quickly pulled away and pushed at the large form that had been touching me, sending them flying to the ground with a thud.

"Owww, Jesus Christ, Nathan. What the hell?" William said rubbing at his elbow where he had caught himself on the floor.

"Shoot, I'm so sorry babe. I've just been on edge all morning. I feel like someone is watching me and I thought they were coming to get me." I told him, helping him back onto his feet. He frowned, pulling me into his side roughly.

"Well, I'm here now, darling. Nobody will bother you. Now, let me see this painting of yours." He said with a smile. Even though his words were kind and meant to put me at ease, his voice was showing it all. I could tell he was worried too.

I watched as William's eyes darted around as we entered back into my art classroom. I quickly retrieved my painting and showed it to him. My cheeks flushed as he took in the painting and back up to me with a twinkle in his emerald eyes.

"That looks amazing! You are so talented, baby. I wish I had some artistic ability." He said, flashing me a smile.

"Thank you. We have to get to English though, so let's go!" I replied after I had put my painting back and pulled him out of the room quickly. I knew that no matter how fast we ran to the classroom we'd be late, but I still hurried William along.

"Tardy again, Mr. Stewart, Mr. Harper. One more and it's detention. Please don't make me have to give you one on the last academic school week, okay?" Our teacher had said as we burst into the classroom, disrupting the lesson plan. We had both nodded, apologizing profusely before we had taken our seats.

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