Chapter 30. Bodyguard

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The rest of the school day went by without any hitches, William made sure of that. Anytime we weren't in class, he was glued to my side. We were now at my locker, I was putting the last of my books for my homework into my backpack. I slammed the locker shut, looking over to William who was leaning against the row of lockers beside me. He looked to be very tranquil and I found the look on him to be very adorable.

His eyes were closed as he patiently waited for me to finish, I took my opportunity to surprise him with a kiss up to his lips. For a split moment, as my lips brushed against his lips, his body stiffened before he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into him and deepening the kiss. By the time we pulled back from one another, I was left feeling breathless.

I staggered out of his hold, swaying my hips slightly as I walked in front of him towards the doors to the school. When I peeked back aground at William, his eyes were wide and trained down on my butt. I shrugged and gave him an innocent look before turning back. Within a moment, I felt his hands on my waist, pulling me back towards him with a growl. My back was against his abdomen, and his groin pressed against my butt. His head was resting over my shoulder, his breath fanning against my ear as he whispered into it seductively.

"The things I want to do to you."

I felt my face flush bright red in response, to which William seemed to ignore as he pressed a kiss to my jawline and releasing me from his iron grip. He threw his arm around my shoulder, guiding me out of the school and out into the parking lot. As we were walking towards William's bug, I saw Logan parked inside of his car sneering at us.

Once William has seen Logan, his grip around me tightened, a low growl escaping his lips as Logan opened his door.

"Gotta have your fag boyfriend as a bodyguard now, Stewart?"

Before I could even respond, William's arm left my body and within an instant was charging towards Logan. William towered over him and I swore I saw a flash of fear cross Logan's eyes as my beast of a boyfriend was coming at him. The look was fleeting and quickly reverted back to his sinister expression as he raised his fists, readying himself.

Instead of hitting him, William took a step towards Logan, causing the boy to take a step back involuntarily and pinning him between William and his car. Logan glared, pushing William away slightly, before he pushed again, this time harder. This time William didn't budge.

"Put your hands on me. One. More. Time..." William threatened.

"Or what faggot? What are you gon-"

Logan didn't get to finish his sentence before William had laid him out cold with a single punch to the temple.

"I hate that word." He mumbled quietly as Logan fell to the ground. William let out a small chuckle before he turned back to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder once more.

"See baby? I'll always protect you. Nobody is going to mess with you when you are with me." He said sweetly as if he hadn't just punched someone out cold with a single hit. It was actually kind of a turn on. Something about watching my man defend me like that sent my body into a frenzy. With any touch he had ever graced my body with, it had always been so soft and gentle and to see his strength at work really set me on fire.

I leaned into his body as we finished our walk to his car, feeling like the luckiest guy in the world. He smiled down at me as he opened my door for me and ushering me into the car. He trotted over to the driver's side and hopped in, quickly speeding out of the parking lot.

"Where are we going?" I asked as we hadn't talked about it before we had left.

"My house? My parents aren't going to be home until tonight." William said, looking over to me with lust spilling into his eyes. I felt my breath catch in my throat and my heart began pounding as I looked back to him.

"Oh, alright." I said meekly, giving him a soft smile. His hand reached to mine from across the center console, interlacing his fingers with mine as he drove us to his house. William had a bit of a lead foot, so it didn't take us long to get there. William brought us into the house, pulling me into the kitchen with him.

"Are you hungry?"

I nodded. "I could eat."

"Okay, but we have a problem here."

I raised an eyebrow as I looked up at him. He looked away quickly before he laughed nervously. "What is the problem?"

"I can't cook." William said slowly, frowning at me and looking disappointed in himself. I reached for his hand, giving it a soft squeeze.

"What do you mean? How do you feed yourself when you're alone?"

"Usually, my mom just cooks a bunch of stuff for me and puts it into Tupperware or I'll just order takeaway."

"That's okay, I can cook. As the oldest sibling, I always had to take care of my sisters, so I had to learn." I smiled up at him, before squeezing by him to open the refrigerator. When the light flickered on in the cold space, I rubbed at my eyes in shock. This was the most well-stocked fridge I had ever seen. It had vegetables, fruits and meats of all varieties all neatly packed into the space. Everything was well organized and easily visible, it was a fridge anyone would envy.

"Yeah, um, that's why this is mom is a chef," William said quietly from behind me. I turned back around towards him, pulling his body into mine softly.

"Don't be embarrassed. If anything it makes sense to me. Your mom is a chef, why would you ever need to learn? I get it."

His hands reached down to my face, cradling it softly between them as his lips brushed against mine. He pulled away after a moment, his hand tracing down my jawline and then down the center of the throat. I angled my head back, baring my throat to him as I relished the feeling of his fingers running down my skin.

His eyes locked with mine as he lowered his lips down to my exposed neck. The feeling of his hot breath against my skin sent shivers radiating throughout my body and a small moan to escape my lips. His arm suddenly wrapped around me, and he reversed our positions in a fluid movement. His lips sought mine out as he lifted my body and placed me down on the countertop. My legs wrapped around his waist as he stood between them, grinding his body against mine.

My hands traveled below his shirt, feeling the muscled grooves of his abdomen before I hastily pulled the shirt off of him, breaking our kiss for a moment. As soon as the shirt was off of his body, his lips came racing back to mine with an urgency behind it. His tongue brushed along my lips, as his hands grasped onto my hips, grinding his junk into mine. I opened my mouth up to him, his tongue dominating my own whilst his body gyrated against me.

He broke the kiss, but only to rip my shirt off of my body. Once my shirt was off, his lips dragged along my throat, his teeth brushing against my skin. With a loud growl, he threw me over his shoulder and bounded out of the kitchen and into his bedroom. Once there he tossed me onto the bed, giving me a sensual look and diving onto it with me and attacking my lips with his.

As we kissed, he pulled me on top of him, so that I was straddling his waist. William's hard member was pressed against my butt and rocked against me as he thrusted. I trailed my hand down behind me, rubbing up and down his length. He groaned as I did so, bucking his hips with my motions. I broke the kiss as undid his pants and pulling them off of him, leaving him in his tight black boxer briefs.


AN: Steamy, am I right? Now here's the biggest issue I have with sex scenes...I don't know what you kittens are wanting to read. Are you looking for a smutty chapter? It's not something I have ever done, but would be willing to if that's what you would like. Depending on the answers, it could even be the next chapter. Who knows? XD

Please comment and let me know! 

Thank you to all of you for supporting my story, all of the votes and feedback really helps me out.


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