Chapter 32. Shower Time

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AN: I am finally back!! I apologize for such a long break between uploads and I appreciate your patience while I worked on The Call Boy.

You kittens are the best, while I've been away, Turning hit 13k reads! Thank you to all of you for your support and comments. I love reading through them and getting some good laughs. I appreciate all of you!

Anyways, I've been itching to get back to my babies here and keep pushing towards the end of the book. I hope you kittens enjoy it! Don't forget to vote if you do!

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When I awoke, it was to William pressing his lips to mine tenderly. His mouth moved against mine softly, pulling back after a moment. My eyes fluttered open, meeting his beautiful green eyes looking at me with nothing but love. At that moment, everything was perfect. Looking into his eyes, it was like everything else in the world dissolved and the only thing left was him and me.

You are so beautiful.

William's voice came into my head interrupting my thoughts and startling me. William chuckled quietly from above me with a goofy grin on his face. Hearing his mind link inside of my head reminded me of the unspeakable things we did last night, multiple times.

You know you loved it.

My cheeks were set ablaze as I heard him. This mind-link is really going to take getting used to. He pulled me into him, squeezing my body gently in a warm hug.

"I'd like to introduce you to my pack soon." He said suddenly, pulling back from me to meet my eyes. He brushed his hand along my cheek as he spoke. "It doesn't have to be today or tomorrow or anything, but soon, alright?"

I nodded, casting my eyes downward as I thought about it. I knew that at some point this topic would be brought up and I couldn't help my anxiety levels peaking as it was brought forth. I had tried to avoid the topic altogether, but I knew it was inevitable.

With all of the information I had gathered, I was truly an outsider and considered to be dangerous. There would be some sort of test by the pack that I would have to pass. William was never specific when we had talked about it, and that left me back to where I started, anxiety-ridden.

"Don't worry, Nathan. I know you aren't a danger and the pack will see it as well. You're the sweetest little thing." He said, pressing a soft kiss to my forehead and climbing out of his luxurious bed. The sheets cascaded off his body, exposing his spectacular nude frame to me, images of the night before flashing into my mind.

"Keep that up and we will be stuck in here all day." He said sternly, his voice suddenly taking on a very husky quality as he turned back to me with lust clouding his green eyes. "That was only just the beginning."

I bit my bottom lip at his words, if that was just the start, oh my god. I couldn't imagine anything better. He smirked at my thoughts before he pulled me out of bed with him.

"Come on, we gotta shower and get to school."

I huffed out a sigh in protest as he lifted me out of the bed and shivered slightly as the cold morning air enveloped my body. William wrapped an arm around my shoulders as he led us out of his bedroom and into the bathroom. Once the door was shut, he quickly dropped his underwear to the ground. My eyes eagerly took in the view as he got the shower ready for us.

"Get undressed, sweetheart." He said turning back to me with a sweet smile on his face. With his eyes set on me, I quickly fumbled out of my underwear. As his eyes raked over my body, his hand outstretched for mine to lead me into the now steaming shower.

Showering with another person isn't exactly what it's cracked out to be. Everyone seems to romanticize the idea, and I thought it would be until I quickly realized exactly how much space William took up. It forced us to be very close, and not that I exactly just wasn't really practical. Maybe if it were a much larger shower than this one, it would work out.

I stood below the showerhead as William squirted shampoo onto his hand and lathered it into my hair. His hands massaged my scalp as he did so. The feeling of another person washing your hair is so much better than if you did it yourself. As he washed me up, his face held a concentrated expression. I looked up to him and when he saw I was watching him, he grinned at me.

Once he was done washing me, I stepped out from under the deluge of water and began the same process for him. He had to bend down so that I could reach his hair, making us both laugh. While he was distracted, I pressed my lips to his and his reaction was instinctual. His hands grabbed my waist and pulled me into him roughly with a low growl escaping his lips. I pulled away from him, trying to give my best stern face.

"We have to finish washing you up. You still have soap in your hair!" I said pointing up to his head with a laugh. He chuckled before rinsing his hair out, and then pulled me back to him abruptly. I found myself holding my breath for a moment as he placed a kiss to my collar bone before meeting my eyes. The look in his eyes when he looked at me was like any other. He makes me feel so special. I smiled at the thought that I know he had been listening to.

"All done." He stated slowly as he turned the water off from behind me. He ushered me out of the shower and pulled out two of the fluffiest towels I had ever seen. He wrapped one around his waist loosely and the other he used to towel me off. Once he was through he slapped my ass and wrapped the towel around my waist, laughing.

I playfully hit him back as he turned to exit the bathroom and head back to his room. He completely was not expecting it and I took my opportunity to smack. He turned back around with his hands on his hips.


My only response was laughter. Even though he pretended to be upset, his eyes said it all and he loved it. He smiled and turned back around, continuing to his room. Once we got inside, I remembered that I didn't even have any clothes here except for what I wore yesterday.

"I hope you don't mind, but I had Ryder go pick up some clothes from your house. He should be here in a few minutes."

I nodded my head before plopping myself back onto the bed and stretching out. I watched as William picked out his clothes for the day. It was a simple outfit, a green hoodie, and jeans, but everything looked great on him. Not long after he had dressed, I heard the sound of car doors slamming.

"Ryder is here. I'll be right back, darling." William said giving my lips a quick peck before he scurried out of the room. A few minutes later, he came back in with an odd expression on his face that he quickly fixed into a smile.

"Here you go, baby." He said handing me a t-shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. I made a face as I looked down at them, wondering who picked them out before I got dressed.

"I have some...interesting news for you. Ryder brought someone along with him." He paused, looking over to my face.


"I don't know how to put this, but you need to know now before anything happens." He said slowly. "Eleanor is with him. Ryder thinks that she is his mate."

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