Chapter 14. Wizard of Oz

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Once I had finally agreed on staying and picking out the movie, William allowed me loose from his muscled arms. He had led me over to a long cabinet which contained probably close to a thousand movies. When he opened the door, I let out a small gasp, I hadn't seen so many movies in one place besides at a store. I ran my fingers along the spines of the DVDs as I eagerly searched through the collection. It was a very thorough assortment that had all of the classics, as well as a ton of contemporary ones. As I looked through the films, I could feel William's eyes watching me.

I glanced over at him with a small smile before bringing my attention back towards the cabinet. From the corner of my eyes, a particular movie caught my eye and I hastily pulled it out with a grin on my face. I turned to William, still smiling stupidly, and handed the case over to him.

When he looked at what I had thrust into his hands, he let a loud laugh before walking back towards the television and popping in the disk into the player. While he had been setting up everything, I had silently trudged my way back over to the couch and sat waiting for him.

Once the opening credits began, Will ran back over to the couch, throwing himself onto it and wrapping his arm around me, pulling me into his side. It felt so right being curled up into his side like that. As much as I tried to focus on the film, my eyes kept finding their way back over to him.

His blonde hair was neatly combed back save for a strand that fell into his face. A slight five-o'clock shadow framed his face, showing off his chiseled jawline. His sparkling emerald eyes were trained on the television as I peeked over at him. His full lips parted slightly as he breathed before his eyes shifted and caught me staring at him.

I quickly darted my eyes back to the movie nervously, feeling a faint blush come to my cheeks. I felt his gaze linger on me for a moment. After a moment, I cautiously peeked back over to him, only to find his eyes still watching me and not the movie.

Somewhere, over the rainbow, way up high

My eyes flickered back to the movie at the opening of my favorite song. I couldn't help but smile as I watched the screen. Once the scene was over, Will spoke.

"You're so damn cute."

"What did I do?"

"When you were watching that part you lit up like a kid in a candy store. And then you were humming along to the song like you really wanted to sing along, but were too embarrassed to do it in front of me."

I looked at him with wide eyes as I didn't even realize I had been humming along.

"O-oh I didn't realize I was. I'm sorry."

"Nathan, I liked it. It was a compliment."

I met his eyes nervously, they looked so honest and stern as he spoke, I couldn't help but believe his words.

"Thank you." I finally managed to say after a moment. He then pulled me so that I was now on his lap again, cupping my face in his hands as he leaned in to plant a kiss on my lips. When our lips met, it was as if the little munchkins weren't singing in the background. Everything else didn't matter to me except for his lips being on mine.

I eagerly parted my lips, deepening our kiss as wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him in closer to me. I could feel the rise and fall of his chest against mine as he breathed heavily. His warm hands roamed down my spine before his hands cautiously rested in the small of my back.

His lips left mine and traveled along my jaw, and down to my collarbone. My breath was uneven as I felt his lips causing electricity to run through my body with each kiss. His intoxicating scent of apples and cinnamon overwhelmed me as I eagerly pulled his head back up to meet my lips with his once more.

I ran my tongue along his smooth lips, begging him to allow me entrance. This kiss felt different, way more than just two hormonal teenagers. It was two mates finally accepting the other completely. I could not picture being with anyone else nor did I even want to. My only desire was for Will.

I could feel his hands playing along the hem of my shirt as we kissed, his hand causing my skin to break out in goosebumps. It sent my heart soaring from the feeling of his hands on my skin, each touch shooting my heart into overdrive. My fingers traveled up to his hair, locking into his curly tresses as I bit at his bottom lip softly.

As I nibbled, he let out a low moan of pleasure that I couldn't help but smile against his lips at. His intensity changed, one into more of an urgency as he opened up allowing my tongue its entrance, finally. His hips bucked underneath me, grinding his body into mine as our tongues danced.

Finally, I pulled back, resting my forehead against his, breathing heavy.

"You have no idea what you do to me, Nathan," William growled out lowly in between deep breaths. "I can't control myself with you."

"So don't."

"You don't understand what you are saying." He said roughly, through tight lips and closed his emerald eyes. His expression looked strained, almost hard before he opened them once more. His expression had softened as he laid a kiss on the tip of my nose and turned his attention towards the movie.

I sighed, guess that meant no more making out for us. With a soft whine, I got off his lap and sat by his side, snuggling myself into his warm chest. William wrapped his arm around me, keeping me close to his body. The way he holds me makes me feel like I matter. That someone does love me. Even if it is too soon to say that, I knew it and so did he.

As I watched the film, my eyes began to feel heavier and heavier, until eventually, I did not open them again, happily dozing off.


When I awoke, I found myself tangled up in a mess of fabric on the most comfortable bed I had ever laid upon. I looked around at my surroundings, surveying the room in the dark as best I could. I looked over to the left of me and saw Will's shirtless body sprawled out next to me on the bed. He was snoring softly, deep in sleep as I crawled out of the bed lightly.

As I was getting out of the bed, I noticed I had only my underwear on. I gave out a small yelp, covering my body with my hands, thinking about Will undressing me. I looked over to the bright red lights of the digits on the alarm clock on the bedside table and saw it was very late.

I hadn't meant to stay over here so late. I thought about leaving before remembering that Will had picked me up. There was no way I was going to walk home this late at night. I found my way out of the bedroom in search of the bathroom.

The unfamiliar house was very dark, which made my sleepy navigation quite difficult. I stumbled into another bedroom, an office, and a closet before finding the correct door for the bathroom and locking it behind me. I flipped on the switch, looking at my reflection in the mirror, trying to regain some composure.

I turned on the faucet, letting it run a moment before splashing some water on my face. I dried my face off, letting out a deep breath that I hadn't realized I had been holding. I let myself have a couple of minutes to prepare myself to get back into the bed with William.

When I climbed back into bed, William's arms sleepily reached out for me, pulling me into him and spooning my body. His warm embrace felt so comforting and with his snoring continued, I slowly lulled off to sleep.

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