Chapter 24. Heating Up

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William and I had played with all of the dogs at his family's doggy daycare for several hours before he had suggested we go grab some dinner. We had ordered takeout from a Chinese restaurant and were now cuddled up in his bedroom. His parents had been nowhere around when we had gotten to his house, but William's warm arms guided me to his bedroom anyway.

I don't know what it is about this boy that makes me lose my guard. All the walls I put up around myself were just burst through like a wrecking ball and it made me feel vulnerable. Vulnerable in a way that I liked way too much. It made me feel important and wanted that he was so interested in plain old me.

Not only was he interested, but he cared about me in a way nobody else in my life had before. Sometimes he could be a little gruff, but underneath he was a big softy. There was something about his tough-guy attitude that really turned me on. I loved that he was this macho giant man that could man-handle me if he wanted.

Instead of that, his touches were soft and delicate as they rub down my shoulders. I sat between William's legs, my back leaning against his chest and his legs wrapped around mine holding them tight. I let out a moan of pleasure as he massaged a tight area along my left shoulder. I couldn't help but melt into his touch as he palmed against that area, laying a kiss to the side of his throat as he did so.

I leaned into his warm lips as they brushed along my throat, sending pleasure-filled vibrations down my spine. He lifted my chin as he ran his lips along my jawline until landing a soft kiss to my temple. I let out a hum in satisfaction as I twisted around in his lap and straddling his waist. His body tensed for a moment at my unexpected movement before he relaxed, wrapping his arms around me tightly.

His green eyes were clouded over by a lustful haze as I brought my lips up to his. My lips parted slightly as our lips met, and my hands tangled up by the fistful in his shirt. I felt him let out a growl against my lips as his hands grasped at my hips, holding my body closer to his with our groins rubbing together through the fabric of our clothing.

I could feel his hard erection rubbing against my body and I could tell that he was huge. I shouldn't have been too surprised seeing how he was a giant in every other aspect. That thought freaked me out, I had never had sex before. This with him was the most I've ever done with anyone. Against William's groans of protest, I pulled back from his kisses.

"I've got to tell you something," I said nervously, afraid that he wouldn't want me anymore.

"What is it, baby?" He whispered out softly, laying a kiss to my forehead before he gazed into my eyes. My heart started beating faster as he looked into my eyes, I was anxious that he wouldn't find me as attractive once he found out. I lowered my head into the crook of his neck and breathed in his warm apple pie scent before speaking.

"I'm.....I'm a virgin." I murmured against his neck in embarrassment. I could feel his body shaking in laughter that immediately brought tears to my eyes. I opened up to him and he is laughing at my expense. I hastily lifted myself back away from William with an angry glare before he pulled me close to him roughly.

"I'm not laughing at you."

"Well, I'm not laughing. So you're sure as hell not laughing with me." I snapped back at William, trying to push off of him but he held me close to his body. His hands were wrapped around me and interlocked behind my back, creating a human prison to which I couldn't escape.

"Relax Nathan." He commanded into my ear with a demanding and dominant tone. I instantly felt myself submitting to him. His large body could easily overpower mine, and it felt right. Something inside of me told me that he was in charge and I follow his orders. With a huff, I relaxed my body into his, melting into his embrace. "Good boy." He whispered provocatively into my ear before he leaned back and lifted my chin, making me meet his eyes.

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