Chapter 10. Waterfall

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When I quickly nodded in response, he squatted down telling me to hop on his back. I wrapped my arms lightly around his neck and wrapped my legs around his waist and he piggybacked me down towards the waterfall. He easily traversed down the uneven hillside as if he didn't have a passenger hanging onto him.

I figured it was probably faster and safer this way. With a bonus of me being able to feel his strong body holding me up. Once we were close to the water, I reluctantly loosened my grip from him, stumbling as my feet touched the ground.

Within seconds I felt William's warm muscular arms wrap around me, catching me and pulling me into an embrace. He whispered into my ear.

"Careful there baby."

My skin erupted in goosebumps and my cheeks burnt scarlet. I liked him calling me that. It made me think about us actually being in a real relationship. I looked up into his green eyes, imagining what a future would be with him as mates. Before I let my lust for William take advantage of me, I broke the tender moment.

"Let's go swimming!!" I howled excitedly, pulling away from the embrace. He simply nodded in response. With his eyes looking into mine, he slowly lifted his shirt off revealing his chiseled torso. My eyes hungrily took it all. He winked at me before smiling brightly and then gave me an expectant look.

I stared at him blankly for a moment before he let out a small chuckle and mouthed "your turn." I took a deep breath and wasn't as theatrical as William was, taking it off with one swift motion. Too nervous to look at William again and see his bright green eyes on me, I stared down at the ground.

"I won't look if you don't want me to, but it's probably best to just skinny dip. That way our clothes won't get all wet I mean." I could hear the smirk that was poorly hidden in his voice.

I bit my lip nervously. "Um. Yeah. Okay. Just don't look. I'll go first."

I waited for him to turn his back completely before quickly undressing and diving into the water. The water was surprisingly deep as I sunk to the bottom before pushing off of the floor to the surface, leaving behind trails of bubbles.

Before I could tell William to come in, a giant splash splattered my face causing me to let out a laugh. He popped up next to where I was treading softly in the water.

"I love your laugh. It's so adorable and contagious." He said chuckling along with me.

"You are so sweet Will. You are so much different than who I thought you were."

"What do you mean by that? Did you think I was a bad boy or something?"

I blushed slightly at his question.

"Well. Kind of honestly. You would always skip school and classes and stuff."

He laughed, clearly finding that to be hilarious. I looked at him questioningly, feeling like I said something stupid.

"All those times I wasn't in was for pack business. Some days it would be for training, sometimes to visit other packs nearby."

"Oh. Well, that makes sense."

He swam closer to me then, our faces only about a foot apart as the sounds of the waterfall rushed behind us.

"Do you still think I'm a bad boy now?" His voice said just above a whisper, but with an air of dominance in it. Something about it screamed confident and sexy. Our faces inched closer and I felt his arms grab around my waist, bringing our bodies closer. My heart felt as if it were about to burst out of my chest as we slowly brought our faces close to one another, our lips just inches apart. His eyes deeply gazed into mine before he flickered them down to my mouth and back up to meet my eyes again.

My eyes closed reflexively as

his plump lips crashed into mine, immediately sending goosebumps up and down my body. His lips had the reminiscent taste of an apple pie as if he had just eaten some before locking lips with me. My arms wrapped around his neck, bringing us closer together and deepening the kiss. His tongue begged for entrance against my lips and I parted mine allowing him access. His tongue swirled against my own, causing me to moan slightly.

It was as if some part of me was finally whole as we kissed, like all this time I hadn't been fully myself. It was as if he were oxygen and my body craved all of it, taking it in and finally being able to breathe.

His lips left my mine, trailing kiss down my neck to my collar bone before stopping and looking up at me with lustful emerald eyes. He immediately looked guilty before he quickly swam away from me.

I paused for a moment, taking a deep breath before diving under the water and swimming my way over to him. He was in the more shallow end, sitting on the lagoon floor with water dripping down his muscled frame, watching me as I got closer to him.

"I'm sorry. I just can't help myself when it comes to you. You wanted to take this slowly and here I am attacking you out of nowhere." He said with sad-looking eyes over to the waterfall when I sat beside him.

I let out a sad sigh hearing his words.

"It's okay, William. I enjoyed that. Like a lot. I should have been more clear with you what I want. I just don't want to rush into this just because we are supposed to be mates."

He nodded in understanding, but still looking somewhat sad. My first reaction was to comfort him by wrapping him in my tiny arms into a hug. Surprising him, I turned my lips to his and felt his body tense up for a moment before he relaxed into my lips, kissing me deeply.

I pulled back after several moments, breathing hard. After regaining my breath I decided to investigate more about this whole "mates" ordeal.

"Will, can I ask you some questions?"

" Of course you can, anything you want to know."

"Well um...well I was kind of just wondering about this mating bond thing? My wolf told me that once we completed it, we would be able to talk using telepathy?"

Will chuckled, with a soft pink hue slightly rising on his cheeks before he answered.

Oh my gosh, did I just make William Harper blush!?

"Yes, that is true." He said slowly before shaking his head, clearing his thoughts. "Is there something specific you wanted to know?"

"You seem happy to just go along with what this Moon Goddess lady decided for us. We've known each other for years and you never wanted to talk to me before. What exactly do you feel as my mate? What changed?"

"Well, that isn't entirely true. When you first moved here, I always had felt like I should have gone and talked to you. Something always ended up stopping me and then we grew up. We fell into different social groups. I know that sounds like a shitty excuse."

He paused, gathering his thoughts before continuing.

"Like I said earlier, on Friday when we were partnered up something felt different. I'm not sure how to put into words, but it's like I was living in a dark, blackness filled world, but when I saw you, it was like the dark veil was being pulled back slowly. No matter what, all of my thoughts were consumed solely by you. Then this morning I wake up and something drove me to the cafe and to my surprise, there you were. It's like when I'm around you, I am seeing everything in a new light and that light is you. It seems like fate if you ask me."

"I kind of understand what you mean. My life has been completely upturned and then here you are like my own personal savior." I replied in a soft whisper, looking into his eyes.

He lifted his hand to my cheek, tracing a finger down my jawline sending shivers down my spine from his touch. It moved from my face and traveled down my torso until his hand found my waist and his other followed suit on my other side. I leaned into his arms and enveloped myself in them happily.

"Are you cold, baby? We can get out and go grab some lunch if you want?" He asked with concern in his voice.

I wasn't cold, but I was hungry though, so I nodded my head into his chest. He moved his hands from my hips and brought them down below my butt before he lifted me up and threw me over his shoulder, wading towards the shore.

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