Chapter 12

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Charlotte's P. O. V.

When I got to the queues, there was already a long line of people in front of me. About fifteen people, I guess. Thankfully the staff restricted people from entering after twenty people. I guess I'm a lucky one.

"Alright everybody, welcome to the competition! My name is Matthew. This competition you have joined is mainly on stamina. There will be five rounds. The first one you'll start easy. All you have to do is to jump to the other end of the trampoline, bounce on the vertical one and come back to where you started. You will repeat this for five times.

The first ten of you, please take your position and get ready. The rest of you, please sit at a corner and wait for your turn." Matthew explained the rules and guided us over to a corner to spectate. Although I knew that this was just a friendly competition, my inner fierce competition could help but unleash. Yes, I had to win this. I been through so much stamina training this should be a piece of cake.

"On your marks. Ready. Set. Go!" Matthew yelled into the microphone and everyone started bouncing without a moment of hesitation.

People began to chant their friends' names to show their support but in the end, a blonde haired boy emerged winner. They slumped, disappointed that their friends were not the winner.

"Alright we have a winner here!" Matthew announced, "What's your name, boy?"

"I'm Matthias." the boy said between pants.

"Matthias congratulations! Will the two other runner ups please gather with Matthias? Thank you. Now, will the second batch come over for your turn?" Matthew boomed. I stood up and chose the seventh pad from the right. As Matthew walked over to my side to make sure everything was alright, he saw me and realisation struck him.

"Hey, you're Charlotte Chang, right?" Matthew whispered. I seriously debated whether or not to tell him that I was her doppelganger. But then again, Holly will probably expose me.

"Um yea," I replied.

"Well, do you mind if I announce it to everyone?" he asked hopefully. Reluctantly, I told him, "If you want to." As much as I don't like to attract attention, I don't want anyone to have the impression that I'm cold.

"Look who we have here, everyone! It's none other than Charlotte Chang!" Mattew shouted with gusto. Changing out of my introvert self, I became more hyped.

"Hey everyone!" I shouted, waving my hand. There were screams, squeals and shouts from the spectators and competitions and many girls crushed me with hugs.

"Oh my god! Can I have your autograph?" a girl gushed excitedly. I nodded and borrowed the microphone from Matthew for a second.

"Hi everyone. For those who want to take pictures or get autographs from me, is it alright if we do it at three o'clock?" I asked and there was a collective "Yes!"

"Thank you guys!" I exclaimed before handing the mike back to Matthew, who continued the competition.
Holly's P. O. V.

"Come on, Charlotte! You can do this!" I yelled, before joining Greg, Rowley and Angelina, who were chanting her name.

"The competitors are on their final lap, and it seems that Charlotte will not let us down. She's third, no wait second! And she's finished as the first runner up! Good job!" Matthew yelled as he shook the top three people's hands and Charlotte high-fived the other two.

"Charlotte!" everyone yelled, cheering for her. She gave a smile and a thumbs up. Next, she headed over to the white jumping pads with the five other shortlisted people as Matthew explained the rules.

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