Chapter 27

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Charlotte's P.O.V
"...and the winner of the youth planting competition is…RING! RRING!"  The blaring sound of my alarm had me jumping out of bed and dashing to my phone.

"Shoot it's eight o'clock I'm going to be late for school!" I shouted, racing to my closet for a change of clothes.

"History essay done, geography pop quiz on Monday… wait I haven't put my English homework into my bag it's due today-"

Hang on a second, I swear I did that already yesterday. Placing my socks back into the drawer, I switched on my phone and checked the date. 2 October, Saturday.

"Argh! It's a Saturday, no wonder I woke up late," I muttered, slapping myself on the head. I sighed, there was no way for me to go back to sleep now; supplementary math class starts at 11 anyway.

I headed to the bathroom to wash up, before picking an outfit for the day. After much contemplation, I decided on a long-sleeved turquoise top and a three quarter black tights. Recently, the weather has gotten colder, which reminded me that America was a four season country, instead of the tropics.

Grabbing a scrunchie to secure my bun, I headed down to the dining hall for breakfast.

"Morning mom!"

"Good morning sweetie," Mom said as she laid a plate in front of me, "Here's your breakfast, and there's some toast as well if you're hungry," Yum, pancakes with maple syrup!

I dug in happily with an empty stomach, since forgetful me forgot to eat supper last night. Everything does taste better when you're hungry.

After I placed my plate in the dishwasher, I went up to wake Greg up. But to my surprise, he was already awake.

"Wow Greg! Why did you wake up so early today?" I exclaimed. Greg immediately put a finger to his lips and shushed me.

"I forgot to do homework, and I'm rushing it now!" he said, frantically trying to read a problem sum. I walked over to see his progress, and immediately spotted a mistake in his workings.

"Greg you've made a mistake here. See, if you need to shift X over to the other side of the equation where there isn't any X, you need to change the X into a negative one," i remarked as I pointed on his paper. He was in silence, processing my statement, before asking "Why?"

"On the other side of the eauation there's no X, so shifting over the X is similar to subtracting X from both sides of the equation. When X is subtracted from '0X', it'll become negative X, get it?"

Greg's mouth hung agape and eyes widened and he looked like he finally understood it.

"OH I GET IT NOW! Man, I finally get this thing now. Thanks Charlotte," he said, doing the secret handshake we had invented.

"No need to thank me, you should go and eat now, otherwise mom is going to come into your room, wake you up, only to realise you're awake but doing homework, and probably grounding you. Plus you aren't done with your homework yet," I chuckled, walking back to my room.

I heard a frustrated groan as I shut my door.
Timeskip to: Math Supplementary Class
Holly's P.O.V.

"And now class, I cannot emphasise enough on the fact that when you apply the algebraic formulas..." Oh, when is class going to end? This is the third time he's talking about this!

"Don't you think Mr Jones is kinda boring?" I tapped Charlotte on the arm with my elbow. She looked at me and nodded.

"I agree. Don't get me wrong, I like math, but it's soooo boring when it gets repetitive," she replied. I could relate so so much to that. Looking up at the projector to see where the class is at, I realized I still had a few more minutes to spare before I can pay attention again. My thoughts drifted to the lunch hangout that Lindsey planned with some of us and I remembered that she asked me to ask Charlotte about it.

“Oh yea, Lindsey is having lunch with her friends and she wanted me to ask you if you wanted to go,”

“Lindsey as in the popular one?” she asked, and I nodded.

Charlotte frowned, “But I don’t even talk to her, why would she suddenly invite me to hangout?”

To be honest, I thought Lindsey just wanted to gain some fame from Charlotte, but being the nice person I was, I chose to look at the bright side that they both could potentially become friends.

“Honestly? I don’t really know,” I admitted, “It’s up to you if you want to go, but I would really love for you to go, I’m invited and I don’t want to be stuck with just her cronies!”

Charlotte let out a chuckle and told me she would ask her mom, and I was so relieved. Lindsey and her clique could be even more toxic than smog if they wanted to.

Finally, after what seemed like a year, math was over, and we were liberated!

“My mom said yes, when and where are we meeting them?” Charlotte asked me while we both packed our bags.

“Um, we’ll depart together at the bus stop outside school. Let’s go!” I said, as we both went out of class. A mere few seconds passed before we bumped into Sarah, who happened to be on her way to meet Lindsey as well. The three of us walked together and started chatting, and then we saw Lindsey and five other people.

Lindsey, as usual, was clad in branded clothes with a Gucci purse to match her outfit. Her school stuff was nowhere in sight. Guess her chauffeur brought them home, I thought.

“Wow, her clothes are… expensive,” Charlotte whispered to me in awe.

“Yea, her family is really wealthy,” I whispered back.

“Oh, hey guys! I’m so glad you could make it, we’re just waiting for my limo to arrive,” Lindsey said, walking up to us and smiling.

Charlotte’s eyebrows raised in surprise, “Oh wow, that’s cool,”

Lindsey’s eyes darted to Charlotte, gasping in shock.

“My goodness, you’re Charlotte right? The one with 400k followers?”

“Um, yeah,” she replied, slightly taken aback by such a question. Lindsey squealed and immediately wrapped an arm around Charlotte, snapping away with selfies. I mentally face palmed myself, I knew it, Lindsey didn’t want to be “just friends” with Charlotte.

sorry for being inactive for so long
I don't want give false hopes, so updates will come once in a while, but I promise this fanfiction won't be cut short and will finish as I had planned

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2020 ⏰

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