Chapter 19

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Charlotte’s P. O. V.

“Sleeping bag, water bottle, pillow, towel, pyjamas, toiletries, and my phone. This should be alright, I guess,” I muttered to myself. Humming, I stuffed the last few loose objects into my duffel bag before heading downstairs. Excitement bubbled up in me and I could not help smiling. My first proper sleepover, finally! I had been to sleepovers, in fact, I went to one up every weekend. Well, that’s because my best friend happened to live right next door. Yes, I know, it’s a miraculous coincidence. But this time, it was an actual one, one where my friend’s house is actually walking distance. Although they were really just the same, it still felt somewhat different.

“Are you ready to go now, honey?” Mom asked as she saw me.

“Yeah, we’re walking there, right?”

“Yes, it’s only about a quarter of a mile, so it’s not that far,”

Nodding, I slipped on my flip flops. Usually, I would’ve wanted to wear sport shoes, as they were my preference, but it’s just silly to wear those to a sleepover, so I reluctantly chose another kind of shoe.

The walk to the Hills' was short and filled with conversation, with me and Mom talking about school stuff. She looked especially pleased when I told her that I was coping alright so far.

"Alright honey, enjoy yourself and have fun. Just give me a call before you go home tomorrow ok?" Mom said, handing me my sleeping bag.

"Sure, thanks Mom!" I said as I walked up to the door and rang the doorbell.

A tall, friendly lady greeted us.

"Hello there. You must be Charlotte, right? And Susan! Glad to see you again, how are you doing?" Mrs Hills said.

"I'm good, thank you," Mom replied, "I'll leave Charlotte with you here then?"

"Yes, she'll be fine here. Take care, Susan,"

"Alright, I'll get going then, bye Charlotte. Be good and have fun," Mom said, waving to Mrs Hills' and I.

"I will, bye mom!" I said, gathering my stuff to head in Holly's house. It had the same layout of rooms and structure, but the decoration gave the house a very calm and Zen aura.

"Alright, Charlotte. Holly's room is on the left, Angelina isn't here yet so it's just the two of you. Dinner will be served at 7pm," Mrs Hills said warmly, showing me Holly's room.

"Ok, thank you Mrs Hills," I thanked her and knocked on Holly's door.

"Hey Charlotte! You're here early," Holly exclaimed, smiling.

"Hi! I'm so excited for this! Nice room, by the way,"

"Thanks. Angelina will be here in 10 mins, got stuck with the chores at home," Holly said, chuckling as she handed me a sweet from a pink jar.

I popped it into my mouth and we started talking about the stuff that we were going to do. First dinner, then a variety of activities ranging from jenga to truth or dare and then finally to… hide and seek.

"Wait hide and seek? For real?" I asked. Holly nodded excitedly.

"Yippie! We're going to play hide and seek in a big house!" I squealed happily. In a very long time, my five year old self has been revealed. I had always loved hide and seek, it was really, really fun but I always dreamt of playing hide and seek in a big house like my home in America and Holly's. Finally, it was going to come true today.

Holly laughed amusedly at my excitement and said something about me being very cute when I'm happy. I didn't have time to reply her, however, for the doorbell rang.

"Angelina!" we both exclaimed as we looked at each other in the face. Immediately, we raced to the door while Holly's mom yelled out to us, "Be careful, girls!"

"Hi guys!" Angelina exclaimed, giving us both a hug.

"Hi Angelina," we chorused in unison. Briefly, we updated about what activities we'll be doing as she placed her stuff down.

"I love hide and seek. Haven't done it in a while, though,"

"Seems like you and Charlotte have like minds," Holly said, giggling profusely.

"Wait so you don't love hide and seek?" Angelina asked in mock rage, hands on her hips.

"Uh no? But I just don't particularly love it, Holly replied. Angelina shot her a glare and pouted. Seeing that, Holly and I burst into laughter.

"Damn, Angelina you know how to get your way. Anyways, wanna help my mom with dinner? She's making something special today. Chicken chop with avocado fries,"

At the sound of avocado, my eyes went round. I adore absolutely everything about avocados!

"Yes why not! I've always wanted to try them," I exclaimed, rubbing my hands in delight.

"Let's go, then!" Holly yelled, and we marched down the stairs.

An earlier chapter and 4.67k reads!! Thank you all so much, it means a lot to me! 💓💓💓

Now that 5k is coming soon, I'm going to do a little special thing and I came up with 2 choices for you guys to decide!

A bonus section on how I came up with this book and some facts about me

Come up with a short story or plot that could possibly happen AFTER the sleepover (try not to have friendship problems as Charlotte's friendship with Holly and Angelina just started!) and I'll take the best one to include it in my story!

I will be waiting a week for y'all to state your choices in the comments! :)

P. S. I'm so sorry for the excessive dialogue, I only realised it when I was looking through it 😬

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