Chapter 17

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Greg's P. O. V.

“Hey sweeties, how was your day?” Mom greeted us warmly as we went into the house. It also broke the silence when Charlotte and I walked back home, which was so awkward it was enough to choke someone. I shrugged, muttering, “It was alright,”

“It was great, though I think they shouldn’t give homework on the first day of school. You know, to freshen up and adjust to school life after a long holiday first,” was Charlotte’s reply. Upon hearing that, I sighed in relief. While she is serious about doing homework, she certainly still has some of my mindset.

“Yes! Exactly! My body still hasn’t adjusted to school life,” I agreed vehemently. Mom chuckled.

“Alright, Greg. You’ll do fine. Do you have any plans for today?” Mom asked, handing us each a plate of cookies. Yum.

“Yea, I’m heading to Rowley’s at four, is that alright?” I replied. Mom paused for a moment, before giving her approval.

“But before you go, you have to do your homework,” she said. I groaned, disappointed. I had actually intended to play a few rounds of Twisted Wizard 2, but now it doesn’t seem so possible anymore.

“Why? Can’t I do it after dinner? You and Charlotte think alike,” I whined, pleading with Mom.

“Because you can’t keep up like this anymore, Gregory. You may think it’s alright now, but when you grow up you will suffer. In fact, you should learn from your sister, she’s younger than you but more sensible! She knows her priorities, but you need more help with that,” Mom chided, her tone serious. I sighed and nodded. There was use rebutting, unless I wanted to lose my previleges.

After I finished my snacks, I headed back upstairs to ‘try’ and attempt my homework. It was probably not going to work, since most of it was English and it was cursive practice, which I depended on Rowley. Apparently Mr Heimes thinks we need to polish our penmanship. We did have a math worksheet though, come to think of it. I groaned inwardly, why can’t it be subjects that I actually like? Like Spanish, for example. Resigning to my fate, I pulled out my worksheet and pencil case and started working on my sums.

Charlotte’s P. O. V.

“Thanks for the snack, Mom,” I said as I returned my plate to her. Chocolate chip cookies, especially homemade ones were the best.

“No problem, honey. I’m glad that you liked it. Are you going to do your homework now?” she asked, smiling. I nodded.

“That’s great. You know, I really wish Greg was like you. Maybe it’s because of the environment that you were brought up in or that girls are generally more sensible than boys. If you don’t mind though, can you try and alter Greg’s mindset?” Mom asked.

“You mean, try and make him more...diligent?” I answered, finding the right words.

“Yes. I’ve tried so many ways to help him but it doesn’t last for long. Maybe someone of his age will help. But I won’t force you if you don’t want to,” Mom replied quickly. How ever, I assured her I would do it. I can’t just let my twin rot away like that. Mom gave me a quick hug as as a thank you, and went back to doing her errands.

I headed up to my room first and took out my homework and pencil case. The stationery I bought at the store a few days back had really good quality. Next, I headed to Greg’s room and knocked.

“Yes?” He asked.

“Mind if I do homework with you? I may have some questions to ask you,” I replied, covering my real purpose here. Greg was more than happy to agree as he invited me over to his table and took out an extra stool.

“Right, you can sit here,” he said.

Homework went through pretty smoothly, with Greg and I helping each other and I was proud to say that I have mastered the basics of cursive already! In an hour, I was done with cursive practice and was halfway through the pre algebra worksheet.

Then I realised that Greg haven’t started on cursive yet.

“Uh, Greg. Why haven’t you started on your cursive?” I asked.

He froze. It was as though I had touched on a sensitive topic. But what could be so sensitive about cursive anyway?

“Uh y-you see, I-I” he stuttered, trying to find the right words, “It’s kind of complicated, but can you keep it a secret?” Hesitantly, I nodded sceptically, not catching on what was going on.

“You see, when I write cursive for long, especially on essays, they hurt really bad, like really really bad. Like a muscle ache, I guess. So uh, I get Rowley to help me do it in exchange for two peanut butter crackers. I know it’s kind of wrong, but I can’t help it,” Greg confessed sheepishly, his face a bright pink. Ah, so that was why he was so scared, I thought inwardly.

“So that’s what happened. But don’t you feel guilty? And plus he can’t help you during exams,”

“Exactly!” he exclaimed, “That’s why I don’t do that well in mid years and end of years. I want to change it, but I don’t know how,”

A wave of sympathy washed over me as I stared at this rather dejected boy and I racked my brains to try and think of a solution to help him. After sitting in silence for a while, the perfect idea hit me.

“Greg, I know how to help you!” I said excitedly. Greg leapt up in joy, eyes lighting up.


“Yes, but it’s going to take a while to fully solve it,” I said slowly, “You sure you want to? I’ll help you, of course,”

He nodded his head fervently, “Yea, I guess I’m doing it,” I clapped my hands together.

“Perfect. This is how it’s going to work. You’ll have to copy Rowley’s cursive using tracing paper and once you get the hang of it, you can write your own cursive,” I declared, revealing my master plan. His jaw dropped. His eyes widened. He was shocked. (A/N new technique I’m trying, comment of it’s ok)

“What?! Y-you can’t, I to-told you my hand will hurt!” He exclaimed in protest. I glared at him.

“Do you want to flunk English again?” I asked menacingly, taking a step closer, “I was just trying to help, you don’t have to accept it, the only minor side effect is that you. Will. Fail.”

“Ok ok! I’ll do it!”

Yay new chapter early! I hope you enjoy this :D
And Charlotte’s savage side has finally shown, it was pretty amusing for me to write that part and I hope I’ll do it again!
Also Greg’s Twin Sister has hit 2.42K reads!!! Thank you guys for reading all my books and also commenting, you have no idea how happy it makes me!!
Alright, going to start in a new chapter now, toodles!

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