Chapter 18

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Rodrick's P. O. V.

"I'm home, " I declared to no one in particular. The first day of school had been crappy, teachers piling us with tons of homework just because this year we had SATs. Don't they ever consider the students who don't want to go college?

"Dinner will be in fifteen minutes!" I heard Mom holler from the kitchen. Mumbling a 'k' in reply, I headed down the attic to put down my stuff.

"Oooooo what's this?"

"Oh it's......"

I froze in my tracks, did I just hear that? Who could be in my room at this time of the day? It's definitely not Mom, nor Dad since he isn't even home yet, so it's Manny...... or Greg.

I rushed down the attic and saw not one, but two people bending over my drawer and talking. Oh it's so Greg. Furious, the monster within me unleashed its anger.

"Who are you and what the hell are you doing in my room?!" I yelled. They started and turned around, and with a start I realised the other person was Charlotte. Both had an awkward smile plastered on their faces, and was holding some super old and embarrassing yearbooks. Ew.

"Greg was showing me around the house...?" Charlotte replied meekly, as though she had been caught using her phone in class. I turned to the side and shot Greg a death glare, before muttering tiredly, "When I count to ten and you don't get out of here, you are so dead,"

Those two didn't even hesitate. Scrambling clumsily over my stuff, they scurried out of the basement. Rolling my eyes, I headed to my closet to take some clothes before going to the shower.

Charlotte's P. O. V.

"That was so close! Will he hold a grudge though?" I asked, still calming down from our little 'adventure'. It had been pretty fun, digging through Rodrick's old books. Just about half an hour ago, Greg came back from Rowley's while I was finishing up the rest of my homework and he offered me the suggestion.

"Nah, he won't. I've done this countless times and I never really get caught. Even if I or sometimes we, since Rowley is there too, he'll just yell at us and so long as we get out fast he won't do anything." Greg replied nonchalantly. I nodded, relieved that we won't get into trouble. A little thought struck me all of a sudden.

"Greg it's common for kids in America to have sleepovers on a weekly basis or so, right?" I asked. He nodded, though he looked slightly confused. I, however, ignored him, for the joy that filled me could not be described in pen and paper. My chance of going to an actual sleepover, with someone that lives a distance away from me, is actually going to come true!

"Yes! That means Mom is most likely going to approve of me going to Holly's sleepover!" I yelled, throwing my arms into the air. Greg jumped and gasped at the same time, shocked by my sudden outburst. I recoiled slightly, cheeks feeling warm all of a sudden.

"Sorry about that, it happens when I'm exhilarated," I apologised. That, however, did not make Greg relax from his mouth agape expression. It was a most amusing sight, it looked like he realised that he went to school in pyjamas or something. Chuckling uncontrollably, I waved a hand in front of his face to snap him back to reality.

His eyes snapped shut and opened again immediately.

"Wait, how the heck did you get invited to the sleepovers of one of the most popular girls in this grade when you are a new student and this is your first day of school?" he asked incredulously.

"I honestly don't know. But if you really want an answer I can only say that stuff happens,"

WAIT, you thought that was the end of this chapter, did you? WeLl, not really... here a bonus scene to clear some misunderstandings up and also because you guys are wonderful readers and support me a lot by reading and commenting ^_^

In Rodrick's mind... when he was in his room, contemplating about life...

Hmm, maybe that was a mistake, whatever possessed me to think such a thing?! It's so embarrassing oh my god oh my god what if people finds out 'cause I blurted it out?! Not even Ward will understand, ugh he'll probably just spill it to the whole world. Thank goodness I'm over the period of infatuation now. I'll treat her like a sister, yes, that's what I'll do...


Another new chapter, yes!! I'm so so sorry for not posting anything in a long time, even Silent! It's like halfway into the third chapter?? I'm so sorry about that, I have pretty high expectations for myself but unfortunately I didn't do well this time round. :"(

Oh well, now that my exams are almost over, my schedule will be slightly less packed. And that means... more writing time!

Also, special shoutout to my friend @Z18M9Malrae because I must say I admire you a lot! You write like, 3 books at a go and can publish wayyyy more often I do. Please check out her books! (Especially Descendants lovers wink wink)

Alright that's all for now, toodles! :D

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