Celeberty Run-In

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Johnny's POV

I laughed to myself as I watched my little sister run into the gas station. "Man that girl had the bladder the size of a blueberry," I thought to myself.

Right as my tank filled up, Auto came walking out of the building. "Feel better?" I asked. She grinned and nodded and I chuckled. Then she screamed and almost made me drop the cap to put on my tank.

"What the..." I didn't get to finish as she cut me off.

"Holy crap it's my favorite Georgia boys!" She screamed. I looked over and sure enough. Luke Bryan, Jason Aldean, Brantley Gilbert and their wives came out of the trailers after what looked like they just pulled up in. I had hung out with Luke Bryan a little bit after knowing his cousin for a long time. He was super cool and Auto was always super annoyed with me.

"Hey Luke," I yelled across the station at him. He jogged over and have me hug.

"How you been man? It's been a while." He said.

"Yeah, I know. Haven't seen ya in a few years." I looked over at my little sister who looked both shocked and ready to kick my butt for not saying anything. I chuckled. "Hey dude, this is my little sister Kylie, who we call Auto. Auto, wanna say hi?" I asked smirking at her. She gave me a mean look and then came over and shook Luke's hand.

"Hey Luke. Nice to meet you." She said. Finally Brantley and Jason made it over here.

"Hey Johnny, this is Brantley," Luke said as I shook hands with Brantley, "and this is Jason." He said as I shook hands with Jason. "And guys, this is Auto, Johnny's little sister." Auto looked up at them all with a big smile and waved.

"Hey y'all. I'm Kylie, but you can call me Auto." She said. "Hey Johnny, I'm gonna go changed out of these shorts into some pants cause I'm getting kinda cold." She said as she walked over to the truck and went through her suitcase til she found what she found a pair of her dark colored skinny jeans and a pair of converse.

"Okay, be careful." I told her as she nodded at me and went into the gas station.

"Wow, haven't seen her since she was about 4 years old. She's getting big now." Like said to me. "How has she been with everything?"

"It's been a lot for her. Losing everyone. That girl is 15 now, almost 16 and she has been abused, and raped. We finally left home cause I couldn't see her this scared anymore." I told Luke as tears started to well up in my eyes. All three of them looked like they wanted to kill someone at that moment. "But don't worry guys, I handled the dude that raped her. She's okay."

"I'm sorry about that man. I hope things turn out good for y'all. I know you don't have any family to get to anymore. Where you headed to?" Luke asked.

"Georgia actually."

"Nice. Maybe we will see each other around."

"Yeah. That would be awesome."

"Hey dude, the girls are wondering if we are ready to go yet?" Brantley asked.

"Yeah, tell them we are headin back now." Luke said. "Great to see you again dude."

"Yeah and great to meet y'all." I said to the other guys.

"Nice to meet you too." They both said. As they were walking back I heard something I wish that I'd never hear again. The clicking of a gun, and my Uncle Dave's voice.

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