Screams and Cries

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Auto's POV

I pushed open the door to the trailer only to see Uncle Dave's house. I went over to the door, turned the knob, and pushed the door open. It creaked as it opened and sounded like nails down a wall. The inside of the house was mostly dark, except I could see every piece of furniture. I walked in a little further. The floor boards creaked underneath my converse covered feet. I heard a couple muffled laughs. Even the laughs sounded drunk and malicious.

"Well, well, well," Uncle Dave's voice said, "if it isn't my bag of money. You little piece of crap. You walked out and took away my source of money with you. Why did you come back?" He finally came around the corner. His shirt and jeans had rips in them. His hair was greasy and crazy. His teeth were yellow and his eyes were bloodshot. He had an almost empty bottle of whiskey in his hand. He took one more swig of it and threw the bottle at me. I ducked and it barely missed my head. He brought his sleeve up to his mouth and wiped it.

"Lucky duck baby girl," my worst nightmare came out from behind the corner and stood next to Dave. "You always try to move too much. It gets a little annoying at times." He said.

"Now, James," I said towards him, "you were trying to rape me. I have every freaking right! You are the piece of crap!" I yelled at him and spit at him. I landed on his boot. He pointed to his right and a hallway appeared. I saw myself. Duct tape on my mouth. Rope around my ankles and hands. No shirt. No pants. Just my underwear and bra. I was crying helpless. Fresh bruises on my body. I looked back at James.

"Am I really the piece of crap. You're the one tied and bruised. How about I teach you again about being disrespectful." He said as he rolled up his sleeves and started walking towards me. Dave started laughing evilly.

"No! No! Stop!" I screamed, "No!" I heard my name being yelled and I felt myself being shaken. I snapped my eyes open to being in Brantley's arms as he rocked me back and forth.

"It's okay princess," He said. "I'm here princess. Nobody can hurt you now. I'm here." He said quietly as I hung on to him and cried.

Once I calmed down after a few minutes, he called in Luke and put me into Luke's arms. He held me with one arm under my knees and arm under my back as I held on for dear life still shaking a little bit.

"I need to go blow off some steam. I'll be back in 15 minutes." Brantley said. He looked like he was gonna murder something. Luke took me to his bus where Caroline was and sat me down next to her on the couch. She rubbed my back to help me calm down. Maybe I should tell them that I have a bad feeling about this tour and feeling watched. Maybe this dream was a warning.

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