We Wanna Meet Him

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Auto's POV

Muddin was freakin awesome. I talked the guys into letting me go when I told them that I've known Oliver for a long time and he's awesome. That and a lot of pleading. But it all worked out. Until I got back. We rolled up to see Brantley, Luke, and Jason standing in front of the truck with an annoyed look on their face and their arms crossed over their chests. Oliver turned of the truck and looked over at me and smiled.

"These guys are like how your brothers were." He said making both of us laugh.

"Yeah, except I think Brantley might actually shoot you." I said laughing. He looked a little scared at that making me laugh harder. I hoped out of the truck and Amber called me over. While I was running over to Amber, I ran past the guys and said, "go easy on him, y'all. He's super sweet." Brantley just growled.

"Yeah, right." Brantley said under his breath.

"I heard that!" I yelled back. This should be fun. "What's up Amber?" I asked Amber as I reached her.

"You gotta get cleaned up for tonight. The concert starts in 3 hours. Go take a shower and get ready."

"Okay, I'll be ready in a few hours. I'll meet you side stage." I said about to start running towards my trailer. Then Amber grabbed my arm super quickly before I could take off. She had a smirk on her face.

"I wanna hear bout this boy when you get out of the shower." She said. I just chuckled and said fine. Running over to my trailer, I got that weird feeling that I was being watched again. That feeling proved true when I got to my trailer and stepped inside. The last person I had ever expected to see was sitting on my couch.

Oliver's POV

After I saw Kylie run towards Amber, I couldn't help but chuckle to myself a little. She still had that same run from when she was little. When I came back from my space out, Brantley, Luke, and Jason were standing in front of me with their arms crossed. I couldn't help but feel a little scared but kept on my same face like I wasn't intimidated at all. Brantley was the first to move and he threw his arm across my shoulders and stood by my side.

"Alright," Brantley said a little intimidatingly, "Kylie is like my daughter and a niece to these two. What do you have to say in the next 30 seconds?"

"Look sir," I said, "Kylie is someone that I have known for many years. Basically since we were in diapers. Her momma and my momma were best friends growing up. I was there for Kylie when she got hurt and no body knew. I was there when she was 14 and got raped by her boyfriend at the time. I was the one who helped her brother Johnny hurt him. We put him in the hospital for 3 months with a coma for 3 weeks. She is the best thing that has ever been there for me." They all looked at me in a different way.

"What happened with Kylie when she was 14 to have that happen?" Luke asked.

"She met this dude, James, at school who seemed super cool. She was 14 and he was 16. Our school was the kind where it was 7th graders to 12th graders. So she was in 8th grade and he was a sophomore. He ended up taking her to a party and got drunk. She came back a few hours later while me and her brothers were hanging out watching a movie. She came through the door, bawling her eyes out. We found out a few minutes later that he wasn't the best guy. He slapped her, and kicked her. He raped her when she said no to him to them doing it. She wound up pregnant but was too young and her body couldn't hold the baby. She was devastated." I ended with tears in my eyes. Luke and Jason both looked like they were about to cry. I looked over to my left to see Brantley look both upset and angry. Then we heard a scream coming from her trailer. We ran as fast as we could towards it. I kept hearing her screaming and sounded like she was crying. We finally got the door open after what felt like an eternity. I immediately saw red after looking at the animal that was in front of me.

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