Is This the Dead End?

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Oliver's POV

I saw Kylie on the floor holding her wrists in the fetal position crying. I looked up to see the devil himself.

"What the hell are you doing here James." As soon as I said his name, I saw the guy's heads snap to look at me and back to James with murder written on the faces.

"Well, looks like we have an audience." James said with a malicious sound in his voice. "How about that baby." He said as he looked down at Kylie.

"Princess are you okay?" I asked. She just shook her head no and held her wrists. I heard the sirens a little ways away and saw the look in James's eyes. He tried to run but me and the guys grabbed him by his shirt and brought him to the upcoming cop cars. Brantley ran back to grab her. An ambulance rolled up shortly after. I looked back to see Brantley carrying her towards the ambulance. Two medics got out and put her on the rolling bed. I actually got a chance to look at her since the cops had James handled. Luke and Jason went to keep the girls behind so they couldn't see her. She had a black eye, a bloody nose and a bloody mouth. They lifted up her shirt to show a few bruises forming. But that wasn't even the worst of it. All the scars from before. I knew that Brantley had never seen those scars or heard about them from what his face looked like. Pure shock and sadness. The medics rolled her away to take her to the hospital.

"After she heard about losing the baby," I said towards Brantley, "she started cutting. They were deep too. I asked her why when I found out. She said that James killed her in the worst way possible. By letting her live. She tried to kill her self. That's where all those scars were from." I looked over at him to see he was crying. He turned around to go talk to everyone. I assumed to tell them what he had seen and heard from me. After a few minutes, he started to hold Amber since she was crying so hard.

I walked over there. "I'm gonna head to the hospital so that she can wake up to someone being there." I said to everyone.

"Good idea," Jason said. "But we will follow you to the hospital. PJ, let everyone know that the concert is cancelled." PJ nodded and went to go handle it.

We hopped into our own trucks and headed towards the hospital. Once we got there, we ran inside just to see them rolling Kylie in. Guess we were driving faster than I thought.

Brantley's POV

As I watched them roll Kylie through I could help but tear up. This was my fault. I should have made PJ follow her to her trailer. I walked up to the receptionist desk and told them that that's my daughter rolling in to that hospital room.

"Okay, well I'm going to need you to sit and fill out these papers. We just heard that she is internally bleeding and need her to go into surgery so it's going to be a little while sir. Please sit down." The receptionist told me. Did that girl just tell me to sit down. At the end of the concert today, I was gonna tell the concert about how we were gonna ask Kylie if we could adopt her tonight. The paper work was almost filled out. What if she doesn't make it?

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