Doctor Visit

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Auto's POV

My appointment was at 12:30 this afternoon. I was excited and nervous at the same time. Oliver, and the girls all decided to come with me so that helped the butterflies a little bit. I was ready to see what was going on. I was 5 weeks in as of today. I knew you wouldn't be able to see much of the small embryo, but I wanted to see what my baby looked like now. I also wanted to make sure everything was okay.

"Kylie Gilbert." A girl in light pink scrubs called. I stood up with a smile and followed her into a room. She smiled when we sat down. "I'm just going to ask you a few questions, and then I'll get someone to take your ultrasound, Okay?" I nodded.


"Alright. How has everything thing been? Does anything hurt at the moment? Cervix? Anything?"

"No." She wrote down on her paper that was attached to her clipboard.

"Any morning sickness at all?"

"Yeah, a little the last few weeks." She wrote down what I said again. She asked me a few more questions before going to get someone to do my ultrasound. Finally a few minutes later, a older woman came in to do my ultrasound. She was probably in her 60's.

"Hi sweetie, how are you doing right now?" She asked with a smile.

"A little nervous right now." She chuckled.

"Yeah. I hear that response very often." She said with a chuckle again. "Well. Now I'm going to need you to pull up your shirt a little bit and unbutton your shorts." I did what she asked me to. She grabbed a rag and put half of it under my jeans and laid the other half on top of them. She brought over a tube and said that it would be cold. And she wasn't kidding. It was cold. She then took the ultrasound machine and put the transducer probe under my belly. As soon as she found the spot where my baby was, I gasped.

"Umm. Question." I said putting a finger in the air and then hearing Caroline gasp.

"What's going on?" Oliver asked confused.

"Umm. Is there suppose to be two circles?" I asked. Caroline grabbed my hand and the rest of the girls gasped.

"There is suppose to be two. When your having twins." The doctor replied. I brought my hands to my mouth and started tearing up. All of sudden, I heard a loud thump. I looked over to see Oliver on the ground passed out. I laughed at him before he came to a few minutes later.

"I'm sorry, two of them?" He asked still on the ground. The doctor nodded.

"If you could honey, schedule an appointment in 7 weeks. That will be the end of your first trimester." She said sounding excited. She pressed a button on her keyboard and printed out a picture from the ultrasound.

I was super excited

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I was super excited. I couldn't help from crying and laughing at the same time. Well, hormones are kicking in.

When we got to the car, I called Brantley, knowing that he would be with the guys, waiting for the call. He picked up on the third ring.

"Hey sweetie?" He said. Then I heard him yell. "Guys, it's Kylie, come on." He came back to the phone. "Alright we are all here and your on speaker."

"Hey Kylie!" I heard Luke and Jason say at the same time making me chuckle.

"Hey guys. So I got the ultrasound, and it's not quite what I was expecting. It's not a baby." I said smiling. The guys started asking questions like, "what do you mean?" "What was it then." "Are you like really sick?"

"Guys! Guys!" I had to yell into the phone. "It's none of those things. I said it's not a baby." I said drawing out the word "a". There was silence. "It's two babies." The all started screaming and cheering. The girls in the car started laughing.

"Wait, when do I get to know if it's girls or boys?" Oliver asked in the backseat.

"Oh yeah," I said. "And Oliver passed out in the room." I said making everyone laugh. I looked behind me to see Oliver smiling shaking his head. I knew I was gonna have to pay after that. "Well, I go back in 7 weeks, because it will be the end of my first trimester. So I will have to come back 2 weeks early from the tour. But, I find out the sexes of the baby at 17 weeks!" I said super excited. Everyone got super excited.

We just now pulled up, and I saw the guys running out towards the truck. They were trying to help me out of the truck since I was normally the one to fall out of it. I slapped each one of them on the shoulder before crossing my arms. "I am perfectly fine with getting out of the truck. Now move over." They moved back a step, but I could tell they were all ready to catch me if I did fall. Which I didn't. Thankfully. "Alright, well I'm gonna go get packing, so that we can hit the road tomorrow night. The girls and I are going to the mall tomorrow morning to get some new clothes." And with that, I walked up the porch steps and into the house. Because I was more skinnier, my belly would start showing around 7 weeks. Which means, I definitely needed more clothes, so I didn't rip the ones I had.

The next morning, I got up at 7 to start getting ready for the day before the girls came to pick up me and Amber to go to the mall. I did a more natural look just because they were gonna be here in a half an hour. I put on a white t-shirt, with a green jacket, a black pair of ripped skinny jeans, and a pair of my black wedges high top sneakers. Then I threw my hair up in a messy bun.

I came down the stairs into the kitchen to see Amber cooking breakfast

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I came down the stairs into the kitchen to see Amber cooking breakfast. Then my phone buzzed.

Aunty Caroline: b there in 20 mins.

Me: sounds good. We're just eating now.

She put scrambled eyes and 2 pieces of bacon on a plate and gave it to me. "Thanks." I said and she smiled at me. "You ready for today?"

"Yes I am, I am ready for this!" She yelled making me laugh. Brantley still wasn't up so I hushed her making us laugh again.

When the girls rolled up, we grabbed our purses and headed towards the truck. Today was gonna be a lot of fun.

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