Shopping to Packing to Leaving

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Auto's POV

I was so ready for this! We pulled up to The Outlet Shoppes in Dawsonville. Which was about 2 hours from home. Let the craziness, begin!

We first went to the American Eagle Outfitters. It was a hay day for me. I kept trying on new clothes. We were in there for almost an hour. So that means that we only have 5 hours left before we had to leave to get back home. I ended up with three new bralettes from there.

Next we went to Motherhood Maternity. We were looking around and trying almost everything on. Having a small fashion show. I found almost everything I needed. I got 4 new shirts, 2 hoodies, 3 pairs of jeans since it was now almost fall, 2 pairs of shorts, and 3 new pairs of leggings.

After that, we went to the food court and then headed home

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After that, we went to the food court and then headed home. We had to leave by 5, but the guys said we needed to be home by 4 to get the rest of our thing packed. I had already packed 6 shirts, 4 camisoles, 2 sweaters, 3 sweatshirts, 3 pairs of jeans, 3 pairs of shorts, 6 pairs of shoes, and all of my toiletries last night. So all I had to do was pack my stuff that I bought today. I was so ready for the rest of this tour. Unfortunately, I had to leave 2 weeks early so I could get to my next appointment, but it was all okay because at least I talked them into letting me go.

It was now 4:45 and we were loading everything into the trucks. We had picked up Luke on our way back so he could load all of his and Caroline's stuff before we got back to our place. Jason met us at home with his and Brittany's things. I was helping Brantley load everything into his truck right now. Everyone else was inside packing food for the trip to put in the trailers.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay behind?" Brantley asked.

"For the 16 hundredths time, yes. I am sure." I said chuckling. "I'll be fine." Luke then brought out the first chest of cold foods with Jason right behind him with a giant box of the non-cold foods. This one was for me, Brantley, and Amber. I saw the Oreos and peanut butter at the top of the box and my eyes widened. "These," I said grabbing them, "Are mine now." I said laughing and putting them in the back seat where I was gonna sit. I threw my headphones, and phone along with them. Then went inside to help carry more stuff out.

It was finally 5 o'clock. Well, almost 5:15 and we were headed out to meet up with the trailers in Atlanta before we did the east coast of the tour. Our first destination was a little while from my old home. We were going to Nashville, Tennessee. And I was nervous. What if something bad happened?

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