The Big Day

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Auto's POV

I woke up to Any Man of Mine by Shania Twain. It was one of my favorite songs. It was 7:30 in the morning. Everyone was already up getting the decorations done at the barn, and it looks like one of the girls came by to take the babies with them so I could sleep a little longer. "Holy crap. Today I was getting married." I thought. I quickly ran into the bathroom to take a shower. There was a note on the mirror when I walked in. I could tell that it was written by Amber.

Hey sweetie,
Today is the big day! In case you were wondering, I have the babies with the girl and I at the barn. Us girls will be over there at 8:10 to help you get ready for this afternoon. Go ahead and have a good shower, we will bring over some food that Momma Becky is making. Love you sweetheart.


I was so excited. It didn't take me long for a shower. I had a spa day a few days ago, so my nails were done and everything was waxed so I didn't have to shave my legs or anything. I quickly just washed my hair and body and got out putting on my bra and underwear with a pair of pajama shorts and a black tank top. By the time I was done, I could hear the girls coming up the stairs laughing at something one of them had said.

"Alright, let's make you look amazing," Caroline said busting through the door making me laugh.

"Wait." I said. "Where's Beau and Dallas."

"There're with Brantley and the guys." Amber said.

"Hold on, you left my 4 month old babies with the guys?" They nodded. "At this rate, they're gonna be reckless and tattooed like Brantley and Oliver." They laughed and I chuckled.

"They'll be fine. I told them to call if anything happened. Besides, Mama Becky is with them, helping them with the babies and making sure they get the decorations done right before they get in their tuxes." I nodded. "Alright. Let's make you beautiful."

Over the course of four hours, we got all of our makeup and hair done.



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It was now almost 12:30 and the ceremony started at 1:30

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It was now almost 12:30 and the ceremony started at 1:30. We went downstairs to put our cowgirl boots on just as Mama Becky walked through the door. She gasped when she saw all of us.

"Oh my Lord." She said. "Y'all look stunning." She looked at us with a mischievous grin. "Y'all lookin to get pregnant tonight or something?" She said chuckling when we all looked at her like she had just grown three heads and one of them was a unicorn. "I'm just teasing. Although Kylie. You might end up tonight after looking like that." I blushed and giggled. "Alright, let's get down to the barn. The boys are at the barn right now changing and getting ready." We all nodded as we loaded up into my truck.

When the song started for the isle walking, I couldn't help but get butterflies in my stomach. I really hoped I didn't trip over the grass.

Mama Becky went first holding Dallas in her hands. Then Brittany and Jason went next. After that, Caroline and Luke went. Then Amber and Brantley. Finally, I went with Kolby walking me down the isle. I started to tear up the closer we got to the end. I couldn't wait to finally be married.

Oliver's POV

I couldn't help but tear up when I saw Kylie walking down the isle. She looked like a goddess floating down the isle. I could see that she was tearing up too. To be honest though, I kind of spaced out through the whole thing until I heard my name for the vows.

"Oh yeah." I said making everyone laugh since they saw I wasn't paying attention. "Kylie, I've known you for a long time. Basically since we were in diapers together. Every time I got into trouble, you were there whether you were causing the trouble, or you just happened to be there." Everyone chuckled. "I know times have been tough on you, and I know that I haven't been there for all of them, but I'm going to change that. Because I now promise to spend the rest of my life with you, and be by your side through everything that happens." Kylie wiped a tear that was about to fall.

"Oliver, the amount of times I've almost been to jail because of the amount of trouble we've been in, is insane. I've watched you grow, and become the amazing man and father that you are today. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you and see how many more times we can end up in trouble together." She wiped away another tear smiling. The next part I heard was that I can now kiss my girl. And that's what I did. I dipped her and kissed her.

Let the party begin!

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