Call Me

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Auto's POV

As I waited for the meet and greet to be over, I stood to the side with PJ. I watched how everyone was super excited to meet the guys. It was funny to watch the girls get a little jealous as some of the lady fans got a little crazy with the guys. I was getting kind of tired and was about to head back to my trailer.

"Auto. Yo Auto." I heard someone yell. The voice sounded super familiar. "Auto, over here." I looked over to where the voice was and saw one of my old best friends Oliver. Wow he's gotten cute I thought. He was around 6'3 now and had a muscular build. Still have hazel eyes and short black hair. And he got tan too. He was a couple months older than me. Since I was 4 months from being 17, he was about 6 months from turning 18.

"Oh my word, Oliver!" I screamed and ran over to him to give him a hug. He picked me up and spun me around until I got dizzy. I kept laughing until he set me down. He was almost a foot taller than me. "I can't believe you are here. I forgot you moved down here, like what, 4 years ago?"

"Yeah," He said as he smiled, "man it's been a while." His smile dropped as he looked at me sympathetically. "Hey, I'm really sorry to hear about your brothers. I didn't hear about that til about 6 months ago when momma told me."

"It's fine. I got myself a new family right now." I said as I smiled a big smile.

"Yeah, I see that. Hopefully we can hang out sometime."

"Yeah, totally." I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"We are about to go Kylie." PJ said.

"Alright. I'll be there in a second." PJ nodded and I turned back to Oliver. "Hey, let me get your number." I said like I just invented the lightbulb.

"Oh yeah," he said as he took my phone and typed in his number, "there you go." He presses the call button and called his phone so he could have mine.  "Thanks Auto. I'll text ya later."

"Sounds good." I had a big smile on my face when he turned to walk away. I could see Caroline smiling a big grin on her face from the other side of the room. I dropped my smile and spit my tongue out playfully towards her and laughed. She laughed and mouthed "we will talk about this later." I rolled my eyes and turned around to go back to my trailer to go to sleep.

I still had a funny feeling about being watched. It was really starting to get to me. I'll tell dad and PJ about it tomorrow morning I guess. 

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