Headed Home

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Auto's POV

I found out that Oliver took a plane and an Uber last night to the show, so that meant that we were gonna drive home in my truck. My brother's good old '87 Chevy Silverado. I loved this thing because it had a 4-inch lift. It was so fun to drive.

We were in Massachusetts right now about to leave to head back home. We were saying goodbye to everyone. It was gonna be almost 17 hours before we got home and we were gonna try to make it home by tomorrow morning. It was 8:30 and we climbing into the truck and it was my turn to drive first. Amber had made us breakfast already so we didn't have to stop once we started. We were gonna stop in Philadelphia to eat lunch.

I plugged in my phone once we got on the road and pressed shuffle. Country must be Country Wide by Brantley Gilbert came on. This was gonna be a long drive. Let's get it over with.

About 12 hours in, I was starting to fall asleep. It was about 9 right now. Oliver looked over and saw how tired I looked.

"Hey Princess, how about I take over and you take a nap before we get home. We still have about 7 1/2 hours before we get home." Oliver said sweetly. I nodded.

"We need gas and I was gonna stop in Greensboro, so you can take over and I'll head in the gas station for something to snack on." I replied. "It's about 5 minutes away."

"Okay." He put his hand on my leg. "I want you to actually sleep. You haven't been sleeping much lately. Brantley told me."

"I know. It's been a little hectic lately." I looked over at him and smiled. "But, tomorrow morning when we get home, I get to sleep in my bed with you by side and sleep in. But Ben and Brantley are gonna video chat with me in the afternoon to help me with a new song that I'm gonna perform at the CMT awards along with Brantley. And I'm super excited!" I said making Oliver laughing at the end.

Finally we made it to the gas station. I ran inside to the gas station to use the bathroom. I was still in shorts and a sweatshirt and my Lucky Brand hat. I felt at home now where people wore real jeans and not what city people wore. When I got back, Oliver was in the front seat after just finishing filling up the tank. I hopped back in the truck and he already had his phone plugged in. Check Yes or No by George Strait was playing. I chuckled at it remembering how he used to always play this song.

I leaned back in my chair and fell asleep to George Strait. "I love you Princess" was the last thing I heard.

I felt someone picking me up and I opened my eyes a little to see Oliver picking me up and walking me upstairs to my bedroom.

"I'll get our things out of the truck in the morning." He said taking my phone out of my back pocket and putting it on the side table. He unbuttoned my shorts and slid them off along with my sweatshirt and threw them in the dirty clothes hamper across the room. He went over to my dresser and grabbed one of my night shirts and slipped it on me before taking off his shirt and jeans and slipping underneath the covers in his boxers, laying next to me with his arm around me. We fell asleep like that.

I woke up to my phone ringing next to me and Oliver was gone. I picked it up and saw it was Ben trying to video chat with me. I answered it.

"Hey girl!" Ben yelled. "Damn. You had a rough night." I spit my tongue out at him.

"Shut up ass." I heard Brantley laugh in the background.

"Better listen to her, boy. That girl will grab your ear and tow you butt outside in your boxers in the cold to make you stand out there. I've seen her do it to Oliver when he asked if she needed shorts in a bigger size." Brantley said making him and Ben laugh and me smirk. Just then Oliver came in the room with our stuff from the back of the truck.

"Morning princess." He said. I turned my phone towards him so he could see Ben and Brantley.

"Say hi to the boys." He chuckled.

"Hey guys."

"Hey boy." Brantley said.

"Sup, kid." Ben said.

"Hey," Oliver said towards me. "I'm gonna go grab some coffee for you and me. I'll be back in about half an hour, Okay?"

"Okay." I smiled. "See you in a little while." He came over and kissed me on the cheek and walked out. I turned my attention back to my phone screen. "Alright, the song."

We talked about the song for about 35 minutes before they had to go. Just as I hung up, Oliver came in with a coffee. I kissed him and thanked him.

"So," Oliver said, "I was thinking about hanging out with just you today. So how about I run to the store, grab some snacks and a new movie and we snuggle on the couch today and just relax in a non-moving home." He said laughing.

"Sounds perfect." I said laughing. When he left, I hopped in the shower to get clean. I got out and slipped on a pair of sweat pants and one of Oliver's hoodies and walked down stairs to Oliver making pancakes in the kitchen. I threw my hair in a messy bun and went over and hugged him.

"I got 5 movies for us to watch. 2 Disney since you love Disney. So I got Inside Out, Creed, Jurassic World, Furious 7, and Cinderella. How does that sound?" I hugged him again.

"Amazing. Can we watch Inside Out first?" He nodded. I ran over to the Blu-ray player and put the disc I turning the TV on. And spent the day watching movies, eating food, snuggling, and laughing.

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