I Wish I Could Be Wrong Right Now

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Auto's POV

The night went well. Nothing bad happened like I thought it would. I was probably just being paranoid. It's probably just because I'm pregnant and am in a place that hold haunting memories for me so.

We just got done with meet and greets and we're about to go back to the trailers but I had to go pee super bad.

"I'll be right back. I have pee like right now." I said before running off to the bathroom. I looked back and saw that Brantley made PJ follow me. I turned the corner to go down the hallway right before the bathroom when I got pulled into a dark room.

"Help!" I screamed before a hand reached over and covered my mouth. I knew immediately who it was just from the smell of the alcohol. Uncle Dave. I wish I could be wrong right now. But my past, came for me again.

"Shh." He said quietly. "You took away my money when you let your coward of a brother take you away from me." I whimpered when he slapped my right cheek. I heard footsteps and I knew they were PJ's. "No wonder he's dead. Couldn't commit to a fight and win. He was a coward." He whispered. That moment I saw red and everything my brothers taught me about fighting came out and took over. I bit his hand that was covering my mouth and then turned around and slapped him as hard as I could. I went straight for the handle on the door to get out. I got the door open enough for me to get out.

"PJ!" I screamed like I was being murdered. Dave caught with me and grabbed my arm yanking me so that I hit the wall next to me. He took his right fist and connected it to my cheek. I took my head and swung it forward so it hit his nose. All my rage I have been keeping inside of me came out the second he laid his fist on me. Right hook to the cheek. Left jab for the nose. Right uppercut to the stomach. Right hook to his ribs. Left hook to his ribs. Jab to the stomach. Right hook to the cheek making him spin around. And a rabbit punch to the back of his head just above his neck. He fell to the ground unconscious. I realized I had been crying when I tasted my tears and felt them on my shirt.

"Don't you ever talk about my family like that!" I screamed. "Never lay a finger on me again!" I screamed again. I kicked him in the side. I could hear him groan. I knew he came to. PJ came up next to me holding me asking if I was okay. I pushed him an held up my finger symbolizing one second. I got on my knees next to Dave. I could hear more footsteps running. And I knew they were Brantley's and Amber's. They stopped and I heard Amber gasp at everything. I flipped over Dave and grabbed his chin making him look at me. "Now. I'm not going to kill you right now. Cause that would be letting you off too easily. Instead, I'm going to slowly torture you until you can't take it anymore. You know how I'm going to do it?" I got down closer to him. "I'm going to let you live." I said with the most venom in my voice I have ever heard come out of anyone's voice before. "I'm going to let everything you've ever done sit in your memories and haunt you. Taking away pieces of yourself day by day. Making you sick. Making you tired. Making you suicidal. Until the day you can't take it anymore know that you already did that to me." I got up and walked away from him and away from everyone. Once I was, I slid down the wall, laid my head on my knees, hugged my knees and started to cry. Harder than I've ever cried before because I knew that everything I said to Dave about feeling sick, and tired, and suicidal, and how it was going to eat at him everyday, I knew that that is what he has done to me since I was little. And I never let myself realize it until now.

I felt someone sit down next to me and pick me up and put me in their lap and hold me. As soon as I felt the beard, I knew it was Brantley because Oliver was at home getting everything set up for the babies.

"Was everything you just said to him, real?" He asked quietly. I just nodded and sniffled continuing to cry. "I need you to tell me everything that's happened to you baby." I nodded. I got up off his lap and sat next to him wiping my tears and my nose finally making myself stop crying.

"When I three years old, my mom died of cancer. It was really difficult growing up without a mom. The my dad died when I was 6 from a car accident. Then it really got hard. My brother were trying to protect me, keep me in school, feed me, make sure I stayed safe in every way they could. A lot of the ways they got the money, was in the worst way possible. But only some of them could legally work. And they wanted to keep me out of the streets. But one by one they disappeared too. Johnny was the oldest, then Carter, then Blake and Benjamin who were twins. After that was Matthew, then Daniel and Derek who were twins also. Matthew was the first to go. He was 12 and I was 9. He died from a car accident in the middle of a street race after racing with the wrong guy. Then Daniel, Derek, and Carter. Daniel and Derek were 11 and a half, Carter was 16, and I was 10. They messed with the wrong people. The gang on the other side of town. Then Blake a few weeks later who was 15 by an overdose. Then Benjamin 2 years later by a car accident. Finally Johnny, who was 20, and by my uncle. By the time I was 13, I had started to realize that the more people you let in, the more people that can be ripped away from you. And I can't take it anymore." I looked over at Brantley to see him crying. "Cause what if I leave my babies here in this wicked world by themselves." I said starting to cry. He grabbed me and hugged me again. But the worst feeling right now was what if my family now leaves me alone.

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