White Light

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Auto's POV

I woke up to a bright white light shinning in my eyes. Pain was everywhere. My head ached. My back ached. My stomach. And my sides. I looked under the covers in was laying in to see that I had a hospital gown on. I ran my hands from my shoulders to my hips to make sure I was actually alive. When I hit my stomach, the pain hurt so bad.

"You're awake baby." I heard a raspy voice say. I looked over to my right and saw Brantley, Luke, Jason, Brittany, Caroline, Amber, and Oliver.

"How are you?" Amber asked walking over to me. She came and sat on my bed next to my legs.

"Everything hurts." I replied. "Especially my stomach."

"You had to have surgery because you were bleeding inside." Brantley said coming over on the same side as Amber and held my right hand.

"Oh." I said. "When can I leave? What about the show? The tour? What happened to James? What about uncle Dave?" I rapidly asked the questions running through my mind.

"Sweetie, don't you worry bout the tour. We got it covered. James is in prison for many charges. You can leave tomorrow afternoon and we will get back on the road. And if your uncle Dave ever shows up, me and the guys will personally handle him." Brantley said making me sigh and giggle a little bit knowing that I have a family again.

"Love you guys," I said making everyone come over and give me a hug. Then Oliver came over and gave me a kiss on my cheek.

"Love you, Princess." Oliver said. I could hear Brantley growl a little before Amber hit him in the arm.

Over the next few days was pretty boring. I got out of the white hell room and back on the tour. The doctor said I couldn't put too much strain on myself before I got my stitches out in 2 weeks. So that meant I couldn't perform. Which really sucked. And my nightmares were even worse. Brantley finally allowed Oliver to come on the tour to stay with me before the first part of the tour was over. But, it had rules. Oliver had to stay in Brantley's trailer. Which wasn't helping my nightmares at all. It was now 3 o'clock in the morning and everyone stopped outside a hotel to sleep in except the performers who had their trailers. I just had a really bad nightmare. The same one I had awhile ago where Brantley had to wake me up. I got up and grabbed my phone. I stepped out of my trailer and turned my flashlight on my phone on to lock my door and walk over to Brantley and Amber's trailer. When I got there, I put in the code to get in. I opened the door and saw Oliver sleeping on the couch. I went over and curled up next to him. He stirred awake and wrapped his arm around me.

"What happened Princess?" He asked sleepily.

"I had my bad nightmare and couldn't fall asleep again so I came in here to sleep with you." I replied half way back to sleep. My back was to his front and his arm was draped around me as we fell back to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up to feet shuffling.

"Well," Brantley said, "good morning you two."

"Okay," I said trying to defend myself, "I had my really bad nightmare last night and came in here to be able to fall asleep again. And Oliver is the only one who could help me do that on my own."   Brantley looked at me with a bit of a sympathetic look.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I didn't want to wake you up."

"Alright, well. These nightmares are becoming more often, aren't they?" I nodded. "Well, I guess Oliver can sleep in your trailer from now on if it helps you." I nodded with a lopsided smile. "But for you mister," he pointed at Oliver, "that means no funny business. Got it?"

"Got it." Oliver replied.

Through out the day, me and Oliver played games and listened to music.  We were suppose to reach Phoenix, Arizona tonight for our next show tomorrow night. So until tonight, we just relaxed. We told each other stories of what has happened over the few years we missed together. He was telling a story where he ended up in the neighbor's pond with his truck after trying to show off and lost control. I had laughed more times in the last 15 minutes than I had in the last few months. I missed hanging out with him. A few hours later, we came to our rest stop. Finally. Just needed some sleep before tomorrow's show.

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