Dress Searching

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Auto's POV

We got back home from the CMT Awards the next day. I realized that I really needed to start planning my wedding. The baby was due April 23rd, 5 months from now, which was perfect because I wanted a summer wedding anyway. But this meant that I needed to start looking for a dress, so that it had time to be altered. So that's what everyone, except for Oliver because he went back home, we're doing. I had Brantley, Amber, Luke, Caroline, Jason, Brittany, and Mama Becky here.

I was in the back room waiting for the girl to bring me some dresses. A few minutes later, the door opened.

"Alright sweetie," Anna, the girl, said, "I have 3 here for you now, and we will see what you think about them." I nodded. I tried on the first dress. It was a white mermaid dress, with lace down the dress, and lace sleeves.

I went out and showed everyone

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I went out and showed everyone. They were all talking to one another. I went and stood in front of the mirror.

"So this dress is $3,800." Anna said to everyone. "How do you guys like it?"

"I like it." Everyone said or nodding their head to agree with everyone else.

"How about the bride?" Anna said turning towards me.

"I don't think that this one is the one. You know? It just doesn't seem like the right dress." I said.

"Alright then, let's go try on another one." Me and Anna went back into the dressing room to try on the second dress. The next dress was really pretty. It had a little lace at the top with a big tulle skirt.

I went out again to show

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I went out again to show. But it still wasn't the right one. Before we went back I turned towards Anna.

"So, I want something that's got ruffles and is big. And looks good with red plaid." I said.

"I think I actually have the dress. I'll meet you back in the dressing room."

"One more thing," Mama Becky said before me and Anna turned to walk away, "If my grand baby doesn't cry when she walks out in that dress, it's not the dress."

"Agreed." Amber, Caroline, and Brittany said lifting up their glasses of wine to their lips. I just laughed and walked away.

After a few minutes of waiting, Anna got back with a dress. It was a sweetheart, A-line dress and looked beautiful with the ruffles. I couldn't wait to try it on. I didn't even look in the mirror when I got it on, I just walked out.

When I got out, I heard all the girls gasp

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When I got out, I heard all the girls gasp. I looked in the mirror and just stared at it for a few seconds as tears welled up in my eyes.

"This is the dress." I said sniffling.

"It's $5,600." Anna said. I immediately looked down. After a few seconds, I looked up at Anna.

"I'm not gonna get it. It's too much. I don't want to spend that much on this wedding. I wanted to do a backyard wedding with a barn reception."

"Honey." Mama Becky said walking up to me. She grabbed my chin sweetly and turned it to look in the mirror. "You love this dress. I can tell. I will help with the cost because this is your most special day. You will have your wedding, and I will help with the cost of the dress because you look stunning in it." I nodded and looked at Anna.

"Alright. I'll buy it."

I finally got one thing checked off my list. Many more to go. It was November now, the baby was due at the end of April and the wedding was set for the beginning of August. I had this down. Hopefully.

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