It's Over

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Johnny's POV

"Alright Dave. Let's not do anything too crazy." I said to Dave as I could smell the alcohol off his breath and I wasn't even facing him yet. Thankfully Auto wasn't out right yet, but she would be any second. And I was scared for what would happen.

"You guys ran off. How could you. And you left a freakin' note. What is the big deal with a few bottles of whiskey!!! You coward! YOU DON'T HAVE THE BALLS TO STAY WITH ME! I EARNING MONEY WITH KYLIE STAYING WITH ME AND YOU TOOK HER BECAUSE I DRINK A LITTLE BIT!?" I had it with his mouth talking about my little sister like that. I turned around and punched him in the nose. Then I heard a scream. It was too high for Dave. So that left one person. I turned my head to see my little sister looking at me with fear in her eyes.

"Johnny! Look out!" She yelled. Bang! Everything went black. A second later I looked up to see the guys leaning near me trying to cover the hole just to the left of my heart.

"Take care of her, please," I said to them, "she needs you guys. She's only 13. I can't let her suffer in a foster home. Please."

"We will, we promise." I heard Luke say. The rest of them nodded their heads. Then they blurred out.

Auto's POV

I heard a loud bang and was too scared to open my eyes. And then I heard sirens. And I knew my thoughts were real. Someone got shot. I opened them to see my brother laying on the ground holding his chest. I then saw Luke, Jason, and Brantley running towards him. But it looked slow motion. I heard screams but they were quiet like I was just plugging my ears. I looked down and saw my hands. So I want plugging my ears. I pinched myself thinking this was just a sick dream. I felt the pain, and saw the same thing. I looked to my right and saw the guy's wives running towards the cops to tell them what happened. I tasted my salty tears. And felt the ground on the knees as I fell to the ground. I felt someone pick me up. I looked up to see Brantley. He said something but I couldn't hear him. He set me down on a couch in his trailer and told Amber, his wife, to stay with me. A few seconds later Luke's wife, Caroline, and Jason's wife, Brittany, came into the trailer to stay with me. A few minutes later I started to calm down a little bit.

"Is my brother okay?" I asked out loud.

"Oh honey, he got hurt pretty badly," Amber said, "I don't know how he is right now. But we will be here to take care of you okay. That's what he told the our husbands. That we are gonna take care of you. Become your new family." Those words hit me like a bag of bricks. I don't remember the last time someone said family, let alone your family. This is gonna be a very bumpy road.

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