Lets Do This

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Auto's POV

I was so ready for today. I had met everyone who would be going on tour with us a few days ago and in 20 minutes, me and Brantley would be taking off to go meet up with the rest of the buses to leave for the tour. I was so excited, I may have overpacked. Maybe just a little. When Amber walked in to check on me, she laughed at my bags. She said that I would only be gone for 3 months right now. I told her that that's the reason why I packed everything but the kitchen sink.

Once me and Brantley got there, I ran up to Ben and did our hand shake that we made up when I met him a few days ago. Then I jumped up and flattened his Mohawk before I took off running he yelled about how unfair that was and cussed a little bit. I just laughed.

I had to grab one of my suitcases before anyone else did. It had all of my prank stuff in it that no one knew about except for the girls. They were glad to see that I wanted to give the boys a run for their money on this years prank war. Water balloons, flour, sugar, salt, baking powder, slime ingredients, lotion, and so much more. I walked over to my bus that I got for the tour and loaded it on.

"Hey," Ben yelled, "what's with the mischievous grin on your face missy?"

"Nothing. Nothing at all. I'm an innocent 16 year old." I said putting my bag on the ground and putting my hands under my chin and tilting my head to look like I really was innocent. He chuckled.

"Hey boys," he yelled, "we are gonna have our hands full with this one." He laughed.

"That's true," PJ yelled. "Met her a few days before you did and I could tell she's more mischievous than you are." We smiled and laughed about that since PJ already knew my plans.

I started to feel a little uneasy. Like someone was watching me. But I just shrugged it off thinking it was just nothing. As I walked on my bus, I was amazed at everything. I couldn't believe it was all mine for this tour. I was so excited.

"It's awesome huh, munchkin?" Ben asked.

"It's freakin awesome," I said. He laughed and smiled.

"We are gonna take off here pretty quick. You can choose to stay on your bus, or hang on someone else's bus. Up to you."

"I'm gonna stay on my bus right now. I'll text you or Brantley or Luke or Jason if I need anything."

"Sounds good." Ben said as he turned around and walked back to his bus. My driver turned on the bus and said to get ready. I told him I'll probably be quick since I'll just be listening to music. He nodded and started driving.

I put my ear buds in and pushed shuffle. The first song was Johnny and June by Heidi Newfield. I delayed down on the bed in the back of the bus with my eyes closed. I hope this tour is gonna be okay. I have a bit of a funny feeling.

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